Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?

Hey Steph Lilly!
welcome to AD im new here also..
and im hearing so...i guess one thing you might b really ticked off about as i can tell...
is how blunt chase is
WELCOME TO DEAF WORLD! bluntness is there way dont feel like he means to make you mad hes simply being direct..

i do not know what it is like to lose hearing
so i just hope you do find answers and dont get so offended..
it is hard to get adjusted to something new..
but hey its just something new to learn not really anything to b freaking out about
so calm down'll get answers i know
hope everything gets better !:)
im not sure how old you are, to be passing as a 21 year old, i am 23 and have much better grammor and spelling then you and i have been HOH all my life, i am going compleatly deaf, if you think being hard of hearing, and needing a hearing aid is bad, try the docs saying sorry you are loosing what is left of your hearing and we dont know what is causing it and therefore cant do anything about it. trust me a hearing aid is not a big deal, a hearing aid is nothing compared to having to try and decide between, sign language which there is no funding to learn, or an implant which requires surgery, which the gov will pay for once and once only, and with the implant you hear only while the implant is on therefore it is not a cure, i have alot of things to consider in my life and trust me finding out that you are deaf in one ear is not the end of the world and as far as questions about it being privet, i cant think of any questions pertaing to the deaf that are a big hush hush secret.
willowbaby85 said:
im not sure how old you are, to be passing as a 21 year old, i am 23 and have much better grammor and spelling then you and i have been HOH all my life, i am going compleatly deaf, if you think being hard of hearing, and needing a hearing aid is bad, try the docs saying sorry you are loosing what is left of your hearing and we dont know what is causing it and therefore cant do anything about it. trust me a hearing aid is not a big deal, a hearing aid is nothing compared to having to try and decide between, sign language which there is no funding to learn, or an implant which requires surgery, which the gov will pay for once and once only, and with the implant you hear only while the implant is on therefore it is not a cure, i have alot of things to consider in my life and trust me finding out that you are deaf in one ear is not the end of the world and as far as questions about it being privet, i cant think of any questions pertaing to the deaf that are a big hush hush secret.

Nice impression of you for first timer to compare whose better at written English is lame. We all have different backgrounds in education. Education is the root cause of not learning properly through the society (especially from a hearing techer teaching Deafs!). Hearing aids is like a hearing aid band aid, won't heal but heals if you miss sounds.
*throws in two pennies*

Anyway to the point losing hearing on the left ear while you have the right... may tellin ya to take extra care.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum, Steph-Lilly. I am Deaf from birth. I think to me personally that you should see the doctor first before you go see the audiologist. The doctor will examine your ears and will advise you to go the right audiologist. You have to make an appointment to see the doctor first thing. Okay? Good luck. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun. :wave:

Hi and thanks for all the posts and for a few people im sorry my grammer aint perfect i am just so ust to typin in txt talk and msn messenger,i can understand from some of you saying my loss aint that bad but for me it is,it is just that all this is new to me and the people i have tried to speek to dont seem to botherd,i am 21 and from the uk,i had been to the docs with this for over 2 years,they kept sayin your ear has a infection and giving me antibiotics,then i went back and i was sent to the hospital (ENT) then was forwarded to a audi were i had my hearing test,i was then sent to the hospital to get a MRI,i have AC deafness and BC deafness,all my friends have been understanding and tried to help as much as they can,from other people i have had "aww just think tho it could be worse" i dont want to hear that,i know it could be worse and worse things could happen but this is happening to me,its really hard to explain and im sorry i cant explain more x

i have a myspace account if you wana see what i look like as some of you dont think im 21 -
just makin small post to see if my pic pops up,i am tryin to sort my proflie out.
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Herzlich Willkommen in AD :) - You got positive feedback here is a great...
im sorry my grammer aint perfect

Since you insist on misunderstand what I said, I'll try to repeat. It was never your "grammer." It was a combination of writing, panic over something which couldn't be addressed on Sunday morning, and distress over of absent parents which suggested less-than-adult presence of mind.

It's nice to see most of that improving. You're getting good advice. Hang in there. I hope you'll see no one's against you, and deafness isn't the end of the world.
Since you insist on misunderstand what I said, I'll try to repeat. It was never your "grammer." It was a combination of writing, panic over something which couldn't be addressed on Sunday morning, and distress over of absent parents which suggested less-than-adult presence of mind.

It's nice to see most of that improving. You're getting good advice. Hang in there. I hope you'll see no one's against you, and deafness isn't the end of the world.

In her defence Chase, when you are first told that you have hearing loss, especially a profound loss, it can be a shocking experience. I remember when my audie told my my loss had progressed to profound she was very happy that I had a friend coming to stay with me for the weekend for my emotional well being. I was fine, and I knew it was coming so it wasn't that big of a deal after the initial shock. That being said it can be an emotional time to lose anything that you once had, especially if it is part of one of your senses. I understand the distress over absent parents. If your parents are your support system, and you are upset, you are going to be distressed if they aren't there. It takes time to adjust and come to terms with any diagnosis you are given. I am sure if someone came on and said that they were diagnosed with cancer, but it was in an early stage and 90% treatable you wouldn't tell them not to worry because it's probably not going to kill them, and lots of people have cancer. It can be even worse when you don't understand what is happening, all you have are two graphs with circles and x's all over them. It makes sense to be upset and distressed!

I am just trying to help you understand where she may be coming from. I am not trying to offend you or anyone else here :)
Not offended a bit. Glad you were here. Why weren't you here sooner? Not being timey has to be every bit as horrible as not believing. Worse from my viewpoint. Oh, well.
im not sayin deafness is the end of the world chase,all im stressing is this is all new to me and in a way im scared,i dont know what of,maby not knowin what to do next,i got some really good advice and i am due to see a audi later this week about hearing aids,im kind of learning to accept it now and not seeing the bad things anymore,if that makes any sence?
thank you jennyb,for getting out what i have not been able to type,i feel like i am on a rollercoaster of emotions,i dont know how to put it---erm-- sometimes i feel like everything s fine and i have accepted it then all it takes is some1 to say the wrong thing and im in tears,is this normal? xx
thank you jennyb,for getting out what i have not been able to type,i feel like i am on a rollercoaster of emotions,i dont know how to put it---erm-- sometimes i feel like everything s fine and i have accepted it then all it takes is some1 to say the wrong thing and im in tears,is this normal? xx


If you want to chat or get an explination about how to read an audiogram add me to MSN,

I am more than willing to chat with you!