Steph-lilly 21,i really need help,please help me?


New Member
Mar 30, 2008
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hi,my name is steph-lilly im 21 and i have just found out i have a Profound loss in my left ear,the audi i seen wasnt very helpfull in he didnt answer any ov my questions all he was botherd about was time n tryin to sell me a hearing aid,as soon as i said that i was gunna ask my mum or dad to come back with me,it was like he couldnt give a s*it,he just wanted rid,i have never felt so icolated in my life,my parents are on vacation in london and none ov my friends really understand how im feeling,i dont want it to come out wrong but im not botherd that i will b seen as deaf its just the way im feeling as far as understanding ov whats next for me?
can some1 help me understand this graph n tell me what the next move is n give me a lil advice on things?

thank you for ur time n hope to read ur reply soon


1. I deleted your duplicate post elsewhere. AD rules allow for only one post in one place.

2. I'm having trouble believing the person you visited was a real audiologist. It seems to me that you may have been talking to a hearing aid salesman.

3. What graph? I didn't see one.

4. Due to the writing sample and the situation you outline, I'm also having a bit of trouble believing you're 21 years old. If you are, then from the little information available, I strongly advise you wait until your parents return and get their help and advice.

i am new to this site n all i want is help,people are lookin at my post but no1 is helping,n it was a hearing cent,how can u question my age?do u have msn n i can send you my graph n i have a cam n u can c i am only 21!!
In my opinion, your writing is more like a preteen's to friends, not adult to adult communications. Sorry. That's 25 years of reading papers from students aged 11 on up. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

I don't have MSN. Why can't you wait for your parents to return? Since you went to a place selling hearing aids and not a hospital, your hearing loss can't be all that sudden. What's the emergency?

well i am so sorry my spelling and grammer is not how you like it,it is gunna be really hard to get my parents in the same room,my mum n dad are no longer together,my mum n her bf r in london for a futher week,and it is gunna be harder to help them understand me been deaf if i hardly understand it myself,i can send you a pic and my graph to ur email address but please will you help me?
It's getting very close to April first, Steph-lily, and I have time this morning to be fooled with while I'm putting in my madatory moderator hours. Thank you.

I like your spelling and "grammer" just fine. It's actually improved in only three short posts.

I'm sorry about your parents being no help. Since there's no emergency this Sunday morning, perhaps on Monday you might go see a real audiologist to explain your graph to you and give a second opinion. Look for an official certificate on the wall, as the law states one must be posted in clear view.

oh my god,what will it take to get help??? i have been to the ENT,and i have been tested can i send you my graph for you to look at?it is to big to attatch!
If you're referring to an ear, nose, and throat physician, then you've already got a second opinion. Looks like you need a third, but a medical opinion would seem best to me, one which will answer your urgent questions.

However, I don't think anyone from here will feel your urgency enough to give you a private e-mail address. Deafness isn't a catastrophic life-or-death event to most of us. It's a condition most of us feel should be dealt with calmly and rationally.
my god

all i wanted was to ask a few questions,n why the hell would i need a 3rd opinion?im deaf n thats all there is to it!!!!!!!!!!!!
all i wanted was answers!!
all i wanted was to ask a few questions,n why the hell would i need a 3rd opinion?im deaf n thats all there is to it!!!!!!!!!!!!
all i wanted was answers!!

What are the questions you have? If we can answer, we'll glady do that.
I suppose it's natural for some to confuse moderators as gods, but in my case, it's a far lesser god, believe me.

In your case, from what I can gather, you're not totally deaf. I am, so I know that condition. I can't hear any sound until it's loud enough to feel on my skin.

From what little information you've given, I think you're hard of hearing in one ear. That condition was certainly scary for me when it happened. I was young, too, but as I recall I didn't go off the deep end and demand it be entirely resolved on Sunday morning.

I assume you're in the U.K. Since there's no graph to look at, and even then the raw data are sometimes difficult to determine, how else can someone on another continent help?
aww thank you

i thort i was always speeking loud,lol,but then obv not,i had my hearing test n got told in my left ear i have a Profound loss and because i have AC deafness and BC deafness,what can be done for this level of loss?as i said i didnt want nhs help n i wanted to go priv,would you say in the ear or out the ear is better?is it normal to feel like you want to with draw from conversation?now that i know what i can n cant hear it bugs me,is this normal?
it wont let me post my graph on here as it says the file is to big,i can put it on my myspace account n then maby u can look?
Hi there,

Welcome to AD!

I understand that you are a bit upset by this. It can be frustrating when the professionals don't give you any answers. I am close to you in age, 18, and I recently experienced a drop in my hearing from a moderate-severe loss to a profound loss in both ears. I know how scary it can be to hear the word profound for the first time.

What the mod said is true, most of us don't think our hearing loss is a life or death situation. I know I don't think that way. For me it is just part of who I am, no different from how blue eyes are just part of who I am. If you want to talk to someone I can try to answer some of your questions, PM me.

I hope you are able to get some answers soon! I wish you the best of luck!
Good post, Jenny. Good advice, clearly written. Lots better from a peer than a grumpy old man.
Welcome to
You will join Enjoy your stay. Have a FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello :welcome: to!

Hi there,

Welcome to AD!

I understand that you are a bit upset by this. It can be frustrating when the professionals don't give you any answers. I am close to you in age, 18, and I recently experienced a drop in my hearing from a moderate-severe loss to a profound loss in both ears. I know how scary it can be to hear the word profound for the first time.

What the mod said is true, most of us don't think our hearing loss is a life or death situation. I know I don't think that way. For me it is just part of who I am, no different from how blue eyes are just part of who I am. If you want to talk to someone I can try to answer some of your questions, PM me.

I hope you are able to get some answers soon! I wish you the best of luck!

Jenny - FYI, your PM has been disabled until your post count increases to 100, that's the rules, unfortunately. Just letting you know :)
Hello :welcome: to!

Jenny - FYI, your PM has been disabled until your post count increases to 100, that's the rules, unfortunately. Just letting you know :)

Hahaha good to know!....well I am getting close anyway :P
:ty: for letting me know!