Sorenson VP-100 users to get an important upgrade!

i just got my upgrade today im now on the new verison with SVRS now qq how does one set up ???? it said i need phone nbr?????
javapride said:
i just got my upgrade today im now on the new verison with SVRS now qq how does one set up ???? it said i need phone nbr?????
If you want another than Sorenson. Yes you will use IP address and input and then tell them what phone number you want to call.
In the VP menu, go to Dial, then click on Speed Dial, then Add, then input the name SprintVRS with a space before the S in Sprint and make sure that the option is IP address and input as the IP address.

That way, SprintVRS is the first name on the list under Sorenson's stupid "Sorenson blah blah blah" name and you can use for all your VRS calls.
javapride said:
okkkkkkkkkk i wonder what sprint's VRS;s IP nbr is ????

you don't need an IP address just select "IP address" then put in "" then you're all set.
~AngelWolf~ said:
I have VP and have not do anything with update and yet I see what exactly u had just now!!! Werid... i bet u guys all have same numbers as shown above??? Cuz I just got this VP last spring March of this year! So seem it already had that same numbers!! Asumes I dont have to use that update now anyway! :lol:
Yeah if you didn't do anything then it was done as auto-update.

I got mine updated yesterday... looks like not everyone get it on the same day so that's why they started few days before so it can get it out to everyone this week.
Yup, but there is one thing missing. When click in the "phone number" box, then press "down" button on the remote the dialog box will popped up with all the letters, and other peksy characters. Then click each character to make it "" or other VRS domain name. The problem is that on remote control there is no alpha characters on it, just number... So taht is why there is pop up menu in there on the screen.

RITCount said:
you don't need an IP address just select "IP address" then put in "" then you're all set.
diehardbiker65 said:
Yup, but there is one thing missing. When click in the "phone number" box, then press "down" button on the remote the dialog box will popped up with all the letters, and other peksy characters. Then click each character to make it "" or other VRS domain name. The problem is that on remote control there is no alpha characters on it, just number... So taht is why there is pop up menu in there on the screen.

its the button with the asterik. (*)
Mookie said:
I think you mean "enter" button instead of *...

Check out my thread.

Nope. I think you misunderstood Diehardbiker's question. He was referring to why the remote doesn't show a period on one of the buttons. I was referring to the fact the asterilk button behaves the same since the vp 100 remote has the exact same layout and works a lot like the dlink remote! Trust me, I know cause I own both the vp 100 and the dlink dvc-1000. Don't believe me? try using your dlink remote with your vp 100, you'll be surprised to know both remotes work the exact same way.
Diehardbiker is telling you that you missed a step.. and hence is post explaining how to enter alphanumeric (since you can't enter directly from the remote control since there is no alphanumeric on your remote control) so you could have said

1) hit dial
2) hit speed dial
3) hit add
4) in "Name" enter Sprint VRS
5) select IP Address
6) in IP address box, first press "enter" on remote control and a pop up windows showing alphanumerics window then enter "" then hit OK to close the window.
7) hit ok
now that it is saved


That what he was trying to say since he said "yup, but one thing is missing" blah blah
Boult said:
Diehardbiker is telling you that you missed a step.. and hence is post explaining how to enter alphanumeric (since you can't enter directly from the remote control since there is no alphanumeric on your remote control) so you could have said

1) hit dial
2) hit speed dial
3) hit add
4) in "Name" enter Sprint VRS
5) select IP Address
6) in IP address box, first press "enter" on remote control and a pop up windows showing alphanumerics window then enter "" then hit OK to close the window.
7) hit ok
now that it is saved


That what he was trying to say since he said "yup, but one thing is missing" blah blah

Just because an asterik replaced a period button on the vp remote, it doesn't mean it won't work... it's a lot easier than opening a popup menu just to press "down" three times, then "right" six times just to punch in a period.