Some suggestions


New Member
Jul 15, 2007
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Hi guys! My audiologist told me I need to get new hearing aids because my current pair are getting old and they are starting to malfunction. I have a pair of Phonak Extra 311. She told me that at our next appointment we will be discussing what ones would be best for me. She told me to look at what's out there and that she was open to suggestions. I am not really sure what to look for. I know I would like them to be water resistant so I can wear them at the gym and I would like to be able to use my cell phone and ipod with them. The ones I have now only have the t-coil and I can't use it because it buzzes badly in my house. Does anyone have any suggestions of what to look for?
Phonak Naidas.

Easy Phone setting for phone use.
Water Resistant.
Audio shoes and direct input lead for iPod. There something called EasyFM so when you music starts it will change to the right program and when you stop it, it will change back to the pervious program.

Or the phonak ComPilot for phone use and music with the Naidas.
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With your loss, you can get Siemens

You can actually swim in them.
I doubt my insurance will pay for the Aquaris and I know they won't pay for any FM or the likes. About how much do the compilots cost? I do like the Naidas and I think insurance will cover them for me. I go back Wed August 8 because we had to wait for prior authorization to even look into ordering a new ha.
I doubt my insurance will pay for the Aquaris and I know they won't pay for any FM or the likes. About how much do the compilots cost? I do like the Naidas and I think insurance will cover them for me. I go back Wed August 8 because we had to wait for prior authorization to even look into ordering a new ha.

Roughly $400 for the tv link station as well. Cheaper if you don't have the the tv link station.

As you have got Phonaks already, I think you will like the Naidas.
I'll ask about maybe doing the payment plan for the compilot with the tv link. I like the ones I have but I shorted out one pair already due to sweating so I haven't been able to use them much in the summer. Before the Phonaks I had a Starkey A 13 in just my "bad ear" and I hated it. It took me a bit to convince my insurance to let me get the pair because only having one made it worse for me to hear with.
Ive always had Phonaks. I'm surprised you had to convince your insurance to get a pair as your hearing is not 'bad'!

You could always benefit from two aids.

Good luck with getting new aids.
They said that I could only get 2 ha if I had significant sight issues or significant social issues and I gathered friends and family to write letters on my behalf and they finally said ok. Now they can't take the pair away because their rules say if you have had them for 5 years you will always get them for both ears.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

For the phone you might also want to look at getting bluetooth technology - it works significantly better for some than FM (and also works for music etc)
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

NaidaUP said:
Phonak ComPilot is Bluetooth....

I know - I'm just thinking if she picks a different brand (than Phonak) entirely to make sure it is bluetooth compatible.
I'm open to other brands just as long as my insurance covers them and they are water and sweat resistant. I have looked into some of the others ones but it confuses me because I really don't have much knowledge of the technology. This is the first audiologist I have had in my life that has told me to go ahead and look at whats out there before coming in to make a decision with her. The Phonaks I have are only the second ha I have had. Before that I wore a body worn fm in school and I never liked that much either.
there's many brands that you'll love, and I agree the Naida or the Aquaris is great for you :)
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Regardless of what you think you'll like - I'd really suggest trying 2 (or more) different brands or models diring the trial period (usually 4-6weeks per HA) to make sure you get what really works best.

Also - if your insurance will cover a certain amount of money worth of HA, you have the option of persoanlly paying the difference if you find a HA that works better for you. It's worth paying extra to get something that really works for you - honest.
I'm going to ask about the Naidas and the Aquaris. Is there any other that I should look into? How water resist is the NAida? I do sweat a lot in the summer and I have already shorted one pair of the Extras out due to sweat. Has anyone been in a soaking rain or really sweated on the Naida? Did it still work?
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

To help with sweat related issues there's also superseals - which I use in the summer. There are also covers by EarGear etc which can be placed over the BTE to protect it more from the sweat and rain etc.

Insurance shouldn't care at all if you get waterproof or not - if your Audie approves them as suitable that really should be the end of discussion insurance wise.
yeah there's covers for hearing aids that will help prevent moisture, and there is the Dry n' Store which dries out the hearing aids if they get wet. There are options available!
I tried the super seals before and I thought they made my ha sound crappy but who knows I will try them again. I have the dry and store and use it often since NY can get so humid.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I know - I'm just thinking if she picks a different brand (than Phonak) entirely to make sure it is bluetooth compatible.

Oh yes that true. :)