so...Sabrina's really gone eh?

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
So...I guess Sabrina is gone for good, eh? *sigh* one of our best and most memoriable with loads of humor, weirdness, and laughter has left AD for good. due to anger and betrayness about such threads that relates to Berry and all...she sure cheers me and others up whenever we had such bad days...

I guess it's just something we have to learn to ourselves that if we upset one member and then upset more, then we are taking risk of ourselves for not showing any respect and all, and then lose some of our best members on the board.

I guess time just flies move on and meet different people, even though you would still meet some people from the past, as well but not forever anyway.


excuse me...

I'm just really sensitve when I feel that things always have to change all the time.
She may be gone but her account still in here. I am sure she may come back when she ready. I just think she need some time to cool off.
Awwww, that was so sweet. I miss her too. i hope she changes her mind and comes back
Please let's not start blaming people here, because you making them feeling like shit inside and it's not fun thing to do. Everyone here had a share of feeling hurt from insulting and bashing from others as well, There are times when people need a get away to cool themselves off, They are allow to do so. I don't like to see anyone leaving AllDeaf. But starting off as blaming someone isn't gotta make it better.
I also enjoyed Sabrina's posts when she was joking around. She posted many good comments, jokes, funny sense of humor, etc. I can't imagine her being gone forever because AllDeaf is such a good forum to read into and post. In fact, AllDeaf is my favorite forum that I can't seem to stay away from...ok, ok, yeah, I admit it....I'm incurable alldeafolic!!!! I know I'm no post-whore, but I do read AD every day. Hope she will come back later on when things calm down, especially after Bob Berry's trials are over and him being in jail for long time. Once Bob Berry is out of way for good, I believe that she will enjoy her life more and be back to her old self. She has wonderful man that she will marry this year and I'm so thankful she has him. Sabrina, come back only when you feel ready, as long as it might pressure here.
yeah it isn't fun or thrill to see someone else suffer
while going to trial and going to jail.

Just like it is sick for people to cheer for Scott
to get death penalty. That is so inhumane to cheer like that.
That is almost like the movie Gladiator... when people
in those time in the past cheered when convicts get killed in
barbaric way.

Berry is a sick man, so is Scott Peterson, and Yates... and all...
There is nothing happy about them going to jail.
Yeah they did wrong... but I am sad that they did wrong,
and I am sad that they go to jail.

Just let Bobby Berry serve some times in jail, and do some probation
and some community service... and all... and hopefully he pay his debt
to the society. Don't need a thread about him.
By the way I wanted to also say I forgot to add that in my post, that I also misses Sabrina too, her humors always bright up my day. I am sure it did for the rest of you all also. Like I said I don't want to see anyone leaving just because sometimes there are bad days, and sometimes there are good days too. Don't let the bad days get the best out of you. Remember the next day is another new day and a fresh start. :grouphug:

Love you all! :ily:
why can't the Mods close the Bobby Berry's thread?

THe victims said they want to warn us... but
I still don't know who is Bobby Berry.

That is why I ask question... but
nope they rather tell me to leave them alone.

I don't understand what is the point of that thread.

So, he hurt some people, now in jail, and in trial...
what is the big deal? :roll: :zzz:
miss P shhh ok???? thanks....... don't need to get on locking thread mode here please ok? thanks * moving on*

Sabrina is really hurting even tho its in the past the old salt wound phrase rings very true in her hurt her life was severly destroyed by the likes of bob berry, so i can understand her need to leave AD it'snot her fault. i respect her wishes and i hope she will eventually come back when she feels ready... let her heal her wounds. its been refreshly opened again so she's gotta re heal herself again. its not easy... you have my :hugs: and my :grouphug: from all of us here in AD and all over the world ;)
Cheri said:
By the way I wanted to also say I forgot to add that in my post, that I also misses Sabrina too, her humors always bright up my day. I am sure it did for the rest of you all also. Like I said I don't want to see anyone leaving just because sometimes there are bad days, and sometimes there are good days too. Don't let the bad days get the best out of you. Remember the next day is another new day and a fresh start. :grouphug:

Love you all! :ily:
thank u
i agree with u we will chill soon i not know we will back as soon ty
Steel said:
So...I guess Sabrina is gone for good, eh? *sigh* one of our best and most memoriable with loads of humor, weirdness, and laughter has left AD for good. due to anger and betrayness about such threads that relates to Berry and all...she sure cheers me and others up whenever we had such bad days...

I guess it's just something we have to learn to ourselves that if we upset one member and then upset more, then we are taking risk of ourselves for not showing any respect and all, and then lose some of our best members on the board.

I guess time just flies move on and meet different people, even though you would still meet some people from the past, as well but not forever anyway.


excuse me...

I'm just really sensitve when I feel that things always have to change all the time.

How come it is necessary to make another thread to talk about her when SHE made her own thread to announce her leavin' AD for good ? I could be next, but I am not goin' to tell you WHEN. You chose certain members you thought are good people and you will NOT criticize them, right ? But, when you see that some certain members criticized other ADers who they DON'T LIKE --and, then some certain members who befriends with others like in a group that are in favor together will start to jump in against one or 2 certain members they don't like or say things to bash on them.

I feel that it is like someone owned this site and tell it what ever they like ...and, if some ADers don't like it, they will tell some ADers they can always leave this site to find somewhere else. That's like they are brushin' others off since they aren't in their "favor" group to tease/playful around, or jokin' with and so on. There are some of things I've seen in this AD that are unpleasant !

So.. the questions are : Why do you care when someone decided wantin' to leave this AD for good ? Can't you just leave them alone and be themselves where ever they find some place else where they can find their own peace ?
Please, don't start creatin' a thread about that same person AFTER that person created her/his thread to announce somethin'. Just leave it alone.
I do agree with cheri and I believe Steel is not try to start the shits, I am sure he just post to let you know that HE missing Sabrina include few members here, I do admit I miss her humor as well.

Steel is just be nice enough to post this and hope Sabrina would see this and knowing that some members misses her so much. This is not about bashing or favorism. Cyberred, NO ONE is telling you what to do except moderators and the owners in here. I concern that Steel is nice enough to post this and it is just like sending a greeting card to someone and let them know they miss them.
Shiva said:
I do agree with cheri and I believe Steel is not try to start the shits, I am sure he just post to let you know that HE missing Sabrina include few members here, I do admit I miss her humor as well.

Steel is just be nice enough to post this and hope Sabrina would see this and knowing that some members misses her so much. This is not about bashing or favorism. Cyberred, NO ONE is telling you what to do except moderators and the owners in here. I concern that Steel is nice enough to post this and it is just like sending a greeting card to someone and let them know they miss them.

Well, I am sure she read ADers' posts in HER thread how much they miss her -- it's good enough.
Of course I miss her too, since she is one of the good members here in AD and is sure going to miss all the funni photos and jokes she had done in here to make us smile and laugh even she intend to cheer us up once in a while when a thread is going out of hand...

I'm really sorry that this had to happened, no one really intend to hurt her feelings or not showing any respect, I think it more to do with misunderstanding that is happening, and things went out of hand....

No one really intend to hurt her on purpose, and I hope she relized that and come back.... :(
Wonderful thought of you create the thread how much you miss and didn´t forget Sabrina, Steel. :hug: Yes, I know how you feeling.

I beleive that Sabrina will appreciate it very much that we didnt forget her and miss her alot.

Yes, I miss Sabrina and her sense of humor very much. She is the best funny lady of AllDeaf. She knows how to cheer us up.

I hope she will come back when everything with Bobby Berry over... :(
Liebling:-))) said:
I hope she will come back when everything with Bobby Berry over... :(

Yes, after Bobby Berry goes to jail for life I hope :fingersx: and then the victims can move on with their life with happiness and joy knowing that justice is served ;) I know I feel bad for all those who been hurting, and needed the help to put that person away to avoid another person being another victim. :thumb:
Cheri said:
Yes, after Bobby Berry goes to jail for life I hope :fingersx: and then the victims can move on with their life with happiness and joy knowing that justice is served ;) I know I feel bad for all those who been hurting, and needed the help to put that person away to avoid another person being another victim. :thumb:

Cheri said:
Please let's not start blaming people here, because you making them feeling like shit inside and it's not fun thing to do. Everyone here had a share of feeling hurt from insulting and bashing from others as well, There are times when people need a get away to cool themselves off, They are allow to do so. I don't like to see anyone leaving AllDeaf. But starting off as blaming someone isn't gotta make it better.

I agree with you, Cheri. Also, guilting someone isn't going to help. I'm sure if Sabrina wants to come back, she will. And, if not, I hope she finds things that make her happy.

I wish her well. But, I hope she comes back, too. :)
Oceanbreeze said:
I agree with you, Cheri. Also, guilting someone isn't going to help. I'm sure if Sabrina wants to come back, she will. And, if not, I hope she finds things that make her happy.

I wish her well. But, I hope she comes back, too. :)

Hello There...
I dunno if she will be back again becuz I can tell she is very deeply hurt and very stressed about BB as some other people who doesn't understand what's going on and starting talk back to her....insulted her...etc.. that caused her back off and left this thread! I had that feeling about this bec I did re-read whole thing and notice some ppl does talks back and insulted her alot!! That's why!! But I surely do hopes that she will be back to this thread soon but not know when??? Maybe in couple of months or longer!! I will miss her too!! :tears:
Insult her? talk back ?.... :ugh: ...

I'm sorry but I don't see that in any threads unless you can point it out for me..