Slight vent


New Member
Jun 18, 2003
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...edited...removed due to problems caused by other family harassing.
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removed....sorry. I had to remove it because the stupid family were complaining about it and hubby got mad - so therefore I've removed it, but still have the other down below -- to keep.

I also am a bit pissy about this because i have every right to speak out on what I think and feel. Where's my fucking freedom of speech? :wtf:
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I lied -- it's not a SLIGHT vent - it's an actual HUGE one, :lol: :D I just hope that I made enough sense in here. ;)
I'm more than welcomed to see any suggestions and advices in dealing with this situation.
I forgot to add a few other things -- a few days after Dave left to move back to his mother's -- he messaged my husband online and began to insult and call him names -- called him 'dickhead', needed to lose weight, that he married a fat lady (me)...called him a poofter <---he actually spelt it 'povo' -- wrong spelling. :roll: (gay), etc.

That was really hurtful -- afterwards, hubby called up Lea's mother and talked about what was happening and Lea's mother said she has cut ties with Lea and the children. Doesn't want to do anything with them anymore. Same goes for Lea's brother as well. Lea and the children broke into Lea's mother's house last month and stole the computer scanner, broke the fence, stole a few electronic stuff. :mad: How stupid, hey? :roll: (Lea even had the gall to call her mother up and tell her that she took the stuff from the house and said, 'Thank you for ruining my life.'WTF. She's one screwed up lady)
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i been there with waterrats in the events unfolding and have acknowldge of the war thats scalling bwtn them. i can understand the battles before them and do not blame them in all aspect....
Hey WaterRat13 :D

That's called "What comes around will come around". That's like "Be good or suffer the consequences" ....... ;)
CyberRed said:
Hey WaterRat13 :D

That's called "What comes around will come around". That's like "Be good or suffer the consequences" ....... ;)

Yah, agreed. I sure hope that'll happen SOON!!! This has gone too far and for too long! :mad:

Lea and her stupid tactics :rl:
Oh yeah I knew you were lying halfway your MINI vent, Goldiechickie! :rofl:

Glad you got it all off your chest.. and you know your friends are always behind you all the way. ;)
Liza said:
Oh yeah I knew you were lying halfway your MINI vent, Goldiechickie! :rofl:

Glad you got it all off your chest.. and you know your friends are always behind you all the way. ;)

:giggle: I knew you'd come in here and say something like THAT! :D AT least I feel BETTER getting that damn thing off my chest. ;)
Whoa Nelly! Waterrats, I cannot believe that this is happening to you!!!!! I really feel for you!

It sounds VERY familiar though - my mother in law has borderline personality disorder and has caused a lot of trouble for hubby and me - like you wouldn't believe, its something out of a lifetime movie :rofl: She did so much trouble, tried to break us up but she failed. Guess what? Karma came and bit her on the arse and she had a motorbike accident and got injured. Hubby does not have any plans to visit, he doesn't want to see her - he has not seen her since 2000, and we are better off without her.

Are there any free legal services in your area? They should be able to provide you with an attorney to help you in this situation. If you can get any proof of what Lea is doing, get that - written, on videotape (a hidden camera works wonders), an audio tape, whatever works, you will be able to use them against her - is there any way you can file a Section 8 to get her psychologically evaluated and you can get custody of Dave - if she has severed ties with her mother, her mother might be able to sign, especially after what she has done.

Geez, I am sorry you have to suffer! If you ever need to vent, please don't hestiate!

Wow quite a Vent Story WaterRats, I Just wanna say That I am Sorry that you are going through this huge Problem with Lea even through She seems to be Out of Control Emotion Problem..I think you are Correct it is up to Him to make a Choice who he wants to live with not Her, and I can see how she putting him in the middle of Confusion of the living arrangements. But, the same time I think she is a Mother and a Mother have a Strong Feelings for her Son and would like to have him at all times but, it makes me wondering if she really wanting him for just the Income she Gets then that isn't the Love the Mother should feel for her own son...No Money should be important to any Children's Life but the Love in the Heart.

I'm On your Side on this and I think it was a very good Vent and Hope things would look up better for you. *Hugs*
Cheri said:
Wow quite a Vent Story WaterRats, I Just wanna say That I am Sorry that you are going through this huge Problem with Lea even through She seems to be Out of Control Emotion Problem..I think you are Correct it is up to Him to make a Choice who he wants to live with not Her, and I can see how she putting him in the middle of Confusion of the living arrangements. But, the same time I think she is a Mother and a Mother have a Strong Feelings for her Son and would like to have him at all times but, it makes me wondering if she really wanting him for just the Income she Gets then that isn't the Love the Mother should feel for her own son...No Money should be important to any Children's Life but the Love in the Heart.

I'm On your Side on this and I think it was a very good Vent and Hope things would look up better for you. *Hugs*

I know...Lea's extremely manipulative and hell-bent in keeping the children away from us and not wanting us to have a chance to create a good relationship bond and at least have a chance to be a 'family' for once. She's selfish as well. Wants the children to look up at her, only HER, no one else.
Obviously, she's succeeded in getting the children go against us. All I can do at this point is let go about the children, but I'm not letting go about the dumb bitch until she's been caught and charged with fraud -- taking money from government that's not HERS.
:mad: :roll:
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Hiyas WaterRats...

Boy, that sucks!!!! :( I know how it is having to "share" a kid with a pain in the ass ex-wife. She's constantly calling us - it's predictable at this point, when the phone rings, it's most likely her! She doesn't really pressure the kids to stay with her, but half the time, she's calling to get rid of them because she can't handle them. LOL.

Anyway, I'm so so sorry your family has to go through this. I am sure Dave is having a hard time with it, too...I do hope he talks to his mother and tells her off someday - she's got it coming!

G'luck with stuff...keep in touch :)
IMO, suggest if she doing it to you repeatily simple contact the police stn and ask for order restraining her.. espically her kids allowed as welcomed. Let her go useless she is quite manic! All you kept postive ways and let her go and in case neighbours sees her turns into manic.. May be they would call police.. That would be helpful ?
Wow, what a distressing story, WaterRats...its sad when the children are in the middle of a tug of war fight between exes...My husband has 2 kids from former marriage but they were almost grown and so there was no custody fight but exwife was extremely jealous and very vindictive..we had a hell of time with her cuz she gave us hell..some of things she did was unreal!
I hope the little boy will be ok even though he is staying with his mom, (she sounds unstable!) maybe when he is old enough to make his own decisions, he will live with you guys! That lady needs to be reported to some certain authorities for the fraud she is committing! Cant the agency who is paying her the money she is not entitled to, do something??? I feel for you and your husband, it is rough i know..hang in there and dont give up!!
Boy waterrats, at least it show you have lot more common senses than THAT Lady have.

I suggest best way is to let Dave make his choices even if his mother has make lot of twists around him. He will come to realize that things have gone too far soon I hope. I know he is very smart guy, I sure hope Dave find out what his mom did with that doctor paper that stated him as dumb and cant do anything.

Best is not to make things worse but just show that both of you and your hubby have been there for him even did lot things for him. Dave will feel gulity for what he has done to both of you.

Other thing I am wondering is there any law that say parents cant take children away without notice to other parent in aussie? I just wonder about that it may be one of things it need to be look over at.
Malfoyish said:
Hiyas WaterRats...

Boy, that sucks!!!! :( I know how it is having to "share" a kid with a pain in the ass ex-wife. She's constantly calling us - it's predictable at this point, when the phone rings, it's most likely her! She doesn't really pressure the kids to stay with her, but half the time, she's calling to get rid of them because she can't handle them. LOL.

Anyway, I'm so so sorry your family has to go through this. I am sure Dave is having a hard time with it, too...I do hope he talks to his mother and tells her off someday - she's got it coming!

G'luck with stuff...keep in touch :)

I don't know about that because if Dave does threaten to run away or move out -- his mother will do anything to get him to paying for new stuff or get computer parts, etc. She did that when Dave ran away and stayed with me and his dad. She promised Dave that if he moved back in with her -- she'd buy him some computer parts he wanted AND get the 2 Runner Toyota he wanted (car). He got the car and the parts. :roll:
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Shiva said:
Boy waterrats, at least it show you have lot more common senses than THAT Lady have.

I suggest best way is to let Dave make his choices even if his mother has make lot of twists around him. He will come to realize that things have gone too far soon I hope. I know he is very smart guy, I sure hope Dave find out what his mom did with that doctor paper that stated him as dumb and cant do anything.

Best is not to make things worse but just show that both of you and your hubby have been there for him even did lot things for him. Dave will feel gulity for what he has done to both of you.

Other thing I am wondering is there any law that say parents cant take children away without notice to other parent in aussie? I just wonder about that it may be one of things it need to be look over at.

Yeah, thanks...Shiva. It's not really hurt my husband and myself when that happened. It was painful hearing and seeing what he said to both of us....calling us names and insulting us, etc.
You're right -- it's best to let go and let it be. Just hope for the best and that Dave realises what his mother did and that it was wrong.
I don't blame Dave 100% for his behaviour because it was influenced by his mother, so therefore, I blame the mother 100% for this mess.
Shiva said:
Other thing I am wondering is there any law that say parents cant take children away without notice to other parent in aussie? I just wonder about that it may be one of things it need to be look over at.

Well, unfortunately -- the Australian Family Courts favour the mothers over the fathers when divorce and children custody disputes are in court.
So, therefore, that's why Lea's been going all out and ensuring that she keeps the children and telling them lies to keep them away from us -- she knows that if we try to take her to court -- she'll win anyway. Cos she's an expert pathogical liar.
I've been trying to find some sort of a hole and somehow expose will take a while, but I'm sure I'll find a way. :D
:wave: WaterRat13 ...

I want to share with you a little bit about my oldest son. He lives with me in the past when he was a teen ager. He grew up sharin' to live with his father and me after his father and I were divorced. He watched both of his deaf parents (his biological father and me) while he was growin' up until he reached the age of 18, he found out more and more about his biological father. I don't tell my oldest son bad things about his father, but his father's g/f told him bad things about me. After what he learned about his father and me while he was growin' up -- he found out that I am more lovin' mother than his father. I was his great communicator... his father was not. One day he went to visit his father and confronted him about his father's g/f. His father choses his g/f over his own blood and flesh son. My son spoke out with his sharp words and it made his father cried. He blew out at his father and told him that he loves his own biological mother (me) very much, because I am good mother to him for 18 years. I never laid a finger on my son, but to direct him with lots of explanation about life.

Now, I want to tell you something about children that I learned from one psychologist. Psychologist told me that children are smarter than their parents. He said it would be about 1% more smarter than parents. :-o No wonder my son ain't that stupid when he learned alot about his father throughout his life from childhood until manhood !