Signing Songs


New Member
Oct 19, 2003
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I don't know if this is a repost topic, if it is, my apologies.....

How many of you have done songs in sign language? :) In private or in public (if you know the words and have the lyrics with you)?

I did several before for in public, and on a videotape for relatives (a Christmas home movie we did years ago)....I had someone to tell me when to start signing the song (I knew the words by heart and I have practiced with this person to sign in time with the music). :)

The songs I did were mostly 1950s music:

Bye Bye Love (Everly Bros)
See You Later Alligator (Bill Haley and Comets)
Charlie Brown, He's a Clown
I'm Just a Lonely Boy (Paul Anka)
All I Have to Do is Dream (Everly Bros)
and I can do the song "Running Bear" (by Johnny Preston). :)

During a lot of the oldies I signed, I do a dance on each of them.....I feel more like myself if I danced some while I signed. :) Kind of like when Elvis swayed his hips while he sang. ;)

I also did church songs, like "Thank You For Giving to the Lord", and "Silent Night" (for Christmas). :)

You? :)
Yes, I sign songs at church almost every week.

I have also signed songs for weddings, during school and college classes, employee meetings, civic events, in my car, and at home.

BTW, I like your choice of 50's songs . . . they bring back memories to me. :P
We have a great interpreter at church and she does the hymns beautifully. I have learned on of our closing songs pretty well and plan to do it for the whol church soon.

Hearing people enjoy watching the interpreter do tha songs as much as the deaf members of the congregation.
My daughter and her class signed a song to perform for the grandparents on Valentine's Day. Her teacher has a degree in deaf education and teaches the kids a lot of sign.

I double, triple, and quadruple dare you to interpret We Didn't Start The Fire as sung by Billy Joel. :) Yes, I can be evil sometimes!
I do sing in signs for Church and school. I was in tour chior called SILENT SONG for 6 I am retired. :)