Sidekick AND Relationship

When I am at work such as with a client, I don't chat on my SK2. If I spend with my dad, I ignore my pager (when he write, I check messages). When I am in class or Senate meeting, I always put away message on AOL AIM. If I ever go on date, I will turn AOL AIM and YIM off to focus on whoever I am dating. When someone is busy to talk with me, I just use SK to chat, etc..
DelicPumpkPie said:
I wonder same thing about my ex--- if i ever wonder if we will be back to friends again but i KNEW will be adidcted to sidekick *rme* Not wasting my time

I wondered the same thing, also. Could this person and I patch up the friendship? I did a fair amount of thinking about it. However, after contemplating making contact, I decided I was better off leaving things alone. I had already been rejected once, and I didn't want to repeat the scenerio, so I left it be. But, I gotta tell ya...

Moving on is damn hard, and I'm not good at it. :lol:
Oceanbreeze said:
I wondered the same thing, also. Could this person and I patch up the friendship? I did a fair amount of thinking about it. However, after contemplating making contact, I decided I was better off leaving things alone. I had already been rejected once, and I didn't want to repeat the scenerio, so I left it be. But, I gotta tell ya...

Moving on is damn hard, and I'm not good at it. :lol:

Yea, You are not only one, I am not good at it to move on but take a lot of time and keep myself busy with things what I have right now. YEP! I agree I dont want to repeat things again and get hurt again. It sucks! IT IS DAMN HARD, I AGREE!!!!
DelicPumpkPie said:
Yea, You are not only one, I am not good at it to move on but take a lot of time and keep myself busy with things what I have right now. YEP! I agree I dont want to repeat things again and get hurt again. It sucks! IT IS DAMN HARD, I AGREE!!!!

Me :grouphug: Delic and Oceanbreeze.

It is damn hard to move on and Im lousy at it, I got to admit :(
DelicPumpkPie said:
WHOA! *IMPRESSED* What a wonderful father you are!!!!

ROCK ON AND KEEP IT UP! Not many men do that! ^5 :wiggle:
DelicPumpkPie, BIG SMILE.. THANK YOU FOR COMPLIMENTS!! Yeah Keep my head up! ;)

TweetyBird said:
*nodding* there u are! that why my feeling was hurted.. if i date gf out i would left sk in car and forcus on relationship! geez! thanks for agree with me :hug:
TweetyBird, You're RIGHT!! Relationship is important... But Communcation in relationship is very mainly important key I expect you do conutine focusing on relationship in your life as always... ;) Thank you for agreed with my sayings..

DelicPumpkPie and TweetyBird: at Once Many thanks for read my post and replied me.. Enjoy stay around :D
ckfarbes said:
DelicPumpkPie, BIG SMILE.. THANK YOU FOR COMPLIMENTS!! Yeah Keep my head up! ;)

TweetyBird, You're RIGHT!! Relationship is important... But Communcation in relationship is very mainly important key I expect you do conutine focusing on relationship in your life as always... ;) Thank you for agreed with my sayings..

DelicPumpkPie and TweetyBird: at Once Many thanks for read my post and replied me.. Enjoy stay around :D
:hug: ;) yw anytime!!!!!
ckfarbes said:
DelicPumpkPie, BIG SMILE.. THANK YOU FOR COMPLIMENTS!! Yeah Keep my head up! ;)

TweetyBird, You're RIGHT!! Relationship is important... But Communcation in relationship is very mainly important key I expect you do conutine focusing on relationship in your life as always... ;) Thank you for agreed with my sayings..

DelicPumpkPie and TweetyBird: at Once Many thanks for read my post and replied me.. Enjoy stay around :D

:hug: YW!!! :)
DelicPumpkPie said:
Meg and Ocean--- :hug: back too! :) BUT WE, WOMEN CAN DO IT!!! :) :dance:

:hug: Meggie and Delic. Thanks, gals. :)

You know the really sucky part about that? It's been SIX YEARS, and I still think about the person now and again. Ugh!!! When will they stop taking up space in my brain? Because, I'm sure they've moved on by now. Hell, they've probably been married and divorced by now! :eek2: :giggle:

My inabilty to move past broken relationships scares me, sometimes. :Ohno: :lol: