Showing Off My Gals

where the beach with sun set ? Is not it in california ?
Oh wow! That was taken exactly a year ago yesterday on the 4th of July.

Thank you for your kind compliments, Ad'ers :)

Sabrina, it was taken at a beach in Oregon. People forget that we have coast here and think that California is the only state with beach on West Coast ;)

I ll have to post new pictures of my girls. We were in Central Oregon camping out on an Indian reservation. It was awesome!!! :dance2:
Cute girls! They surely looked as if they had blast time. These background, I easily recongized because I was there. I knew it was one of Oregon beach. The water is real cold in there! That is why it is rarely seen any swimmer there.
How far is it from the Lincoln beach? That is where I went there almost 6 years ago.

Meg said:
Oh wow! That was taken exactly a year ago yesterday on the 4th of July.

Thank you for your kind compliments, Ad'ers :)

Sabrina, it was taken at a beach in Oregon. People forget that we have coast here and think that California is the only state with beach on West Coast ;)

I ll have to post new pictures of my girls. We were in Central Oregon camping out on an Indian reservation. It was awesome!!! :dance2:
diehardbiker65 said:
Cute girls! They surely looked as if they had blast time. These background, I easily recongized because I was there. I knew it was one of Oregon beach. The water is real cold in there! That is why it is rarely seen any swimmer there.
How far is it from the Lincoln beach? That is where I went there almost 6 years ago.

Oh yes the water is DAMN cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr but you have to admit that the scenery is beautiful :)

This was taken at Cascade Head - about 15 minutes north of Lincoln City. I think you are referring to Lincoln City :)
Oh your right! It was Lincoln City! I knew it starts with Lincoln, forgot about the city. Oh well.

What makes the sunset so beautiful up there is that beach is actually the farthest north that sun shines directly to during the summer. I would love to go there again! And learn about Lewis and Clark's journey history there.

Meg said:
Oh yes the water is DAMN cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr but you have to admit that the scenery is beautiful :)

This was taken at Cascade Head - about 15 minutes north of Lincoln City. I think you are referring to Lincoln City :)
scenery is beautiful beach!!!!

Wha... shown off your beautiful two girls.. Lovely sunset images tag along w/your girls.

Perfect frame up!
Absolutely beautiful family!!! And the scenery is wonderful :) I miss the beach.(Im a sandiego,CA native)

Thanks for sharing,
Great photos, Meggie. Even tho it's a year old, it still shines! Pacific Northwest has the beautiful isolated coasts (few people with more wilderness)