Should the legal drinking age change?

^Angel^ said:
Cheri and Liebling, get your cute little buns over here now... :pissed:

Come on girls, don't make me pull both of your legs here... :grouphug:..

so quit agruing with each others before I get my whip out.... :whip:


:bow: ^Angel^... okayyyyyyyyyyyyy.... let it have :grouphug:
Liebling:-))) said:
:D mld4ds, do you wrote song yourself? :D

I found good link for wine pleasure... :D there´re wine songs...

No, but I just like silly songs. Just like Werid Al or Cheech and Chong.

Here is a weird wine song....

Drinking Strange Wine
Lyrics:Maureen S. O'Brien
Music:"Bottle of Wine", Tom Paxton
Basis:Harlan Ellison's essay "Strange Wine"

Harlan Ellison said there's a drink we've all read
The fermented dreams of the mind
We fans dunk ourselves till we're drunker than elves
We can't get enough of strange wine.

Drinkin' strange wine, fruit of the mind
Don't you ever let yourself sober
Spend every day drinkin' away
Ev'ry sip starts the world over.

Three empires fight on paper tonight
And all of their stars are all mine
At the wave of my hand, they obey my command
And all because I'm drinkin' strange wine.


I know LSD could never thrill me
As much as one early Heinlein
No whisky or beer makes you soar for light years
But it's an easy thing for strange wine.


Old vintners have gone, but their craft was passed on
And oh, the new bottles taste fine
While each Golden page keeps improvin' with age
'Cause ev'ry year's been good for strange wine.


I confess that it's true I am hooked on this brew
With power to warp space and time
And till the worlds end, I suppose that the fen
Will still be gettin' drunk on strange wine.



Weeping Wine

if every lover that you'd ever known
could turn around would you take one
or would you really rather be alone
and full of wrath and when you might please
well i don't know babe if you ever have been told
but you're a tough one to play for
i tried to be what you were looking for
now i'm not sure if you ever really knew

you know the world won't wait, babe you're crying too late
and you're drinking on borrowed time
and the last thing you need is me and my weeping wine
i guess that the last thing you need is me and my weeping wine

you sit around sticking pins in dolls
what's there to fall down and die for?
you're looking fine baby it's well known
why does your story have to be so short?
well pretty soon babe you're gonna show your age
'cause you're drinking on borrowed time
and then the last thing you need is me and my weeping wine
i guess the last thing you need is me and my weeping wine

you know the world won't wait, babe you're crying too late
you're drinking on borrowed time
and the last thing you need is me and my weeping wine
yeah i guess that the last thing you need is me and my weeping wine
me and my weeping wine
me any my weeping wine

mld4ds said:
No, but I just like silly songs. Just like Werid Al or Cheech and Chong.

Here is a weird wine song....

Drinking Strange Wine
Lyrics:Maureen S. O'Brien
Music:"Bottle of Wine", Tom Paxton
Basis:Harlan Ellison's essay "Strange Wine"


Weeping Wine


The problem with drinking is not because alcohol is bad. It's because they are drinking irresponsibly.

It's like the phrase, "Guns don't kill people. People do."

If you keep a gun out of an angry man's hands, it's not going to stop him from hurting another person. He's still going to find something else... a knife, a baseball bat, etc.

If you keep alcohol out of a person's hands, it's not going to stop him from doing using something else. He's still going to smoke weed, cigarettes, or other drugs.

What we need to do is help the angry man control his temper. What need to do is help these people become responsible when it comes to drinking.

You know you can give me a gun knowing that I won't run around like a madman and shoot people. It's because I control my temper and know that it's wrong to shoot others.

You know that you can enjoy drinking with me because I won't get drunk. I drink responsibly by drinking water between drinks and eat before I begin my night of drinking. I also don't binge drink on straight alcohol... one after another.
Very true, Vampy.

I remember what my hubby told me that’s time we first met in England where he and group from deaf club travel to London from Germany in 1983 with bus. They drank German beers where the driver have in their bus since they knows that British beer is too bad and diluted with water. Anyway, the driver spot the “police stop” at freeway so they stop... They thought the British police check with them for drinking or ID… but they don’t… Guess what…Police are not interesting to check their ID but German beers… :shock: The driver was like :eek: and asked passengers for the permission either he can sell beers to police (they know Germans need German beer, not British beer)… They don’t mind to let police to buy German beers… They can live with British beer for few days before went back to Germany… :lol: I laughed when Germans told us at Deaf Club… Germans were like :eek: when they saw British drink real faster than them…because Germans drink slowly…

Other subject:
We began to notice that British drink faster when we were in England for our vacation.
My hubby went to pub with British men to leave me with my friends… They drank faster – it’s their 3rd pint where my hubby drank only half pint of beer… My hubby told them to slow down and take time to make social… but all what they drinking and talk and keep on drinking… They began to drunk bit but my hubby because my hubby said that British beer is diluted with water which it’s nothing too him. He needs strong beer… My Dad warned him that it’s too strong beer… For my hubby, is normal and drink moderately. My Dad and brother drink fast than my hubby… It doesn’t mean that my Dad, brother or my friends become alcoholic but “binge-drinking” – I would call it. My hubby said that it’s total different as Germany… I have to agree with him since I began notice since I live in Germany how the people behave with social when they drink different than British.

Did you know that German beer is the best quality in the world? A lot of people from other countries including Americans love German beers.
Liebling:-))) said:
Very true, Vampy.

I remember what my hubby told me that’s time we first met in England where he and group from deaf club travel to London from Germany in 1983 with bus. They drank German beers where the driver have in their bus since they knows that British beer is too bad and diluted with water. Anyway, the driver spot the “police stop” at freeway so they stop... They thought the British police check with them for drinking or ID… but they don’t… Guess what…Police are not interesting to check their ID but German beers… :shock: The driver was like :eek: and asked passengers for the permission either he can sell beers to police (they know Germans need German beer, not British beer)… They don’t mind to let police to buy German beers… They can live with British beer for few days before went back to Germany… :lol: I laughed when Germans told us at Deaf Club… Germans were like :eek: when they saw British drink real faster than them…because Germans drink slowly…

Other subject:
We began to notice that British drink faster when we were in England for our vacation.
My hubby went to pub with British men to leave me with my friends… They drank faster – it’s their 3rd pint where my hubby drank only half pint of beer… My hubby told them to slow down and take time to make social… but all what they drinking and talk and keep on drinking… They began to drunk bit but my hubby because my hubby said that British beer is diluted with water which it’s nothing too him. He needs strong beer… My Dad warned him that it’s too strong beer… For my hubby, is normal and drink moderately. My Dad and brother drink fast than my hubby… It doesn’t mean that my Dad, brother or my friends become alcoholic but “binge-drinking” – I would call it. My hubby said that it’s total different as Germany… I have to agree with him since I began notice since I live in Germany how the people behave with social when they drink different than British.

Did you know that German beer is the best quality in the world? A lot of people from other countries including Americans love German beers.

Interesting, I still hate America beer. I can not drink fast just like your hubby. I do drink imported beer especially Henskin and Corona with sliced lime. I only drink for socialization, and I have not gone to any bar when I marred to my wife. Naturally, I admitted that I bring imported beer home rarely. Moreover, I purchased the wine for cooking only.
mld4ds said:
Interesting, I still hate America beer. I can not drink fast just like your hubby. I do drink imported beer especially Henskin and Corona with sliced lime. I only drink for socialization, and I have not gone to any bar when I marred to my wife. Naturally, I admitted that I bring imported beer home rarely. Moreover, I purchased the wine for cooking only.

You misunderstand my post... It's British who drank fast, not my hubby. We drank moderately... not binge-drinking as British people...
mld4ds said:
No, please re-read my post...

I can not drink beer very fast....

Yes, I know... but you said

I can not drink fast just like your hubby.

As what you said that you can't drink fast which it mean that you drink moderately like my hubby, not binge-drinkers... binge-drinker mean is drinking fast. That's what I told you in my previous post that my hubby was like :eek: when British drink fast than my hubby since my hubby only drink half of one pint beer opposite to British and 2nd pint beer...

Europeans drink moderately... example, we drank one or two glass of acholoc in 4 or more hours... not 3 or 4 glass of alcohol in 30 minutes to one hour. Got it? :)
mld4ds said:
I only drink for socialization

Yes, me too and also relax or meal...

Naturally, I admitted that I bring imported beer home rarely

Germans prefer to drink in the home than go to bars.

. Moreover, I purchased the wine for cooking only.

We used to have cheap wine for cooking sometimes, not often. We haven't use wine to cook very much since we start family because we prefer to teach my children to drink moderately than mix alocohol in the meal or bake cakes.