Sega and Sammy...

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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so everyone knows that Sega is out of the hardware business and has already started making games for other next gen consoles as a 3rd party company, and has still made itself a great success for other systems and their companies that made the system. Sonic and his gang has made a great seller on the GameCube, while Grind Set Radio Future on Xbox was good but was free with Sega GT as Xbox bundle...and Virtua Fighter 4 was one of the most revloutized and coolest fighting gene from Sega ever made on the Playstation 2. and Sega made another smash hit of Panzer Dragoon Orta on Xbox and was one of the most unforgettable and most awesome games ever created on Xbox, even though i haven't played it yet but I will soon ;) but, Sega is going quite slow since the death of Dreamcast and was about to be shut down, but then has another idea/agreement with another company since their cooperation with Bandi years ago but broke up for some nasty reasons...Sega has made some agreements with Sammy studios, the company who makes slot machines and casions, and ALSO videogames, such as one of PS2's smash hit, "Guilty Gear X 2" has decided to join in one big coropration but many argue that it wouldn't be so good to change the "Sega" brand since it made so many great games over the years and wanted it to keep it memorial for the death of Sega's president too, but if they want to join to make better and cooler games, then their brand has to would be funny if they use it as "sega/sammy" or something like that...but sega and sammy has to decided which name would fit in the corportation in the future. so...what you think? do you think it's right for Sega to join with Sammy as a new born company and continue to make games for other next gen consoles or should Sega just be SHUT down for their own good?? you tell me.

for more information on this news with Sega and Sammy, go to or
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i know that for a while .. by the way, Mircosoft and Ea are bidding war for sega/sammy company... right now, as far as I know, Ea is closing to make a deal to purchase that company..
Originally posted by DefMATRIXense
i know that for a while .. by the way, Mircosoft and Ea are bidding war for sega/sammy company... right now, as far as I know, Ea is closing to make a deal to purchase that company..
But Mircosoft ALREADY bought Rare...or are they just being GREEDY to buy more companies? :eek:
I wouldn't be surprised if all gaming consoles were bought by Microsoft!
Originally posted by VamPyroX
I wouldn't be surprised if all gaming consoles were bought by Microsoft!

lol shawn - yup .... Microsoft is a monopoly - even tho i still prefer their Windows versions for compy tho (decided to wait until Longhorn comes out)

oops - i am veering a little off-topic *veers back TO topic* lol