Saddam Hussien CAPTURED ALIVE!!!

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deafbrutha said:
No I don't, but the US population are so gung ho on Saddam and Iraq, and Bin Laden that you can't see what the US is really doing! Half these despots and tryants are there with the support of the western a little bit of research and stop believing what your mainstream media feeds you.

Besides he wasn't doing anything that the US doesn't do,what the UK doesn't do,what Australia doesn't do,what the rest of the world doesn't why all this hypocrisy over Bin Laden and Saddam?

So, you don't even believe what all newspaper said? You haven't listen to Iraqis' true story when they used to live in Iraq. It was very sadly stories.

And you need to stop make research at internet as you know it's full of bull. Read newspaper or Newsweeks, they are real.
GoldenLeaf74 said:
maybe you are right Bin Laden is hidng at Mars but I suspense he can hide under grounding for sure.

:eek2: Whoa !! He may under your bed ?? GoldenLeaf You better hurry up to check on him. While you slept, he walked around in your kitchen to eat all up your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Sabrina said:

:eek2: Whoa !! He may under your bed ?? GoldenLeaf You better hurry up to check on him. While you slept, he walked around in your kitchen to eat all up your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

hahah very funny Sabrina
Iraqis people want to have a public trial. President Bush said,"promised a fair, public trial for Saddam Hussein on Monday but also said "he's a torturer and a killer" and can't be trusted to tell interrogators the truth about weapons of mass destruction or attacks against Americans in Iraq".

Asked if Saddam should face the death penalty, Bush said, "I have my personal views".

I wonder if Saddam will admit himself, what he did to his own people for thirty five years ?

I can't image, 35 years Iraqis people were stuffered and fearful of this Powerful Man. Now, look at this Saddam, he looks like a caveman. "Please do not shoot me", I am Saddam Hussein as willing to negotiate. So far, he denied to telling us, where the chemical are ?

Do you feel that Saddam Hussein should be face the death penalty or stay in small dirty, cold and dark cell until he dies ?

Death Penalty will not make him any suffer. Do not you think if that would be fair for other Iraqis people were suffered with beat up, gas mask, rape, etc... Why can't Hussein be suffering rest of his life which he deserves it !
Sabrina said:
Iraqis people want to have a public trial. President Bush said,"promised a fair, public trial for Saddam Hussein on Monday but also said "he's a torturer and a killer" and can't be trusted to tell interrogators the truth about weapons of mass destruction or attacks against Americans in Iraq".

Asked if Saddam should face the death penalty, Bush said, "I have my personal views".

I wonder if Saddam will admit himself, what he did to his own people for thirty five years ?

I can't image, 35 years Iraqis people were stuffered and fearful of this Powerful Man. Now, look at this Saddam, he looks like a caveman. "Please do not shoot me", I am Saddam Hussein as willing to negotiate. So far, he denied to telling us, where the chemical are ?

Do you feel that Saddam Hussein should be face the death penalty or stay in small dirty, cold and dark cell until he dies ?

Death Penalty will not make him any suffer. Do not you think if that would be fair for other Iraqis people were suffered with beat up, gas mask, rape, etc... Why can't Hussein be suffering rest of his life which he deserves it !
quite good question but wait and see find it out on Monday his tesifty breath open..

What up to iraqians ppl feels and american feels.. as same thing would say about other country feels..

My strongly is.. best for him to have jail rest of his life til death. Let ppl can beat Saddam's face" likey prision type..
Saddam will undy feel that way... who knows..
whatever.. just my opitions..
Saddam to Get A fair Trial

No doubt saddam is a despot and doubt he did what he did....but it's about time you Yanks stopped being so insular and look at what your country has been doing to the world as well. How many people has the US administration many despots and dictators has the US supported, of which Bin laden and Saddam are two....who sold Saddam the chemical wepaons?

How about some real insight to what is actually happeningin the world, instead of easy nationalistic soundbites. How about showing some real thought, instead of mouthing off cheap nationalist opinions.

My real worry is American imperialism, because more than any country it he world, America has the power and force to do what thefuck she wants and damn us!
Worst thing Saddam could have done is that he could have sold all chemical weapons to the terrorists before the Americans could find them.
If Saddam doesn't tell us then we'll :rifle: him.
tekkmortal said:
Worst thing Saddam could have done is that he could have sold all chemical weapons to the terrorists before the Americans could find them.
If Saddam doesn't tell us then we'll :rifle: him.

You guys have a bloody morbid fascination with Saddam, that you forget the terrists in your own backyard...the FBI,the CIA, the US Government...your utter stupidity and ignorance of world events!

Some of us non americans [thank god thereare some] are plain sick and tired of american jigonism and so called patriotic national pride which is thinly disguised racism and exnophobia
Furthermore, Saddam doesn't haveto tell the US where the weapons of mass destruction are. Your government should know, they sold him the fucking things, including the chemical weapons - haven't you seen the MADE IN A-MERRY-CAR label on them!
This is a repeat post from another thread, but this thread needs it too! LOL

This war thing is a good distraction from focusing on what needs to be worked on.... USA. I'm afraid politicians are using Iraq and the sept 11 tragedy to their advantage. And how interesting, Saddam's capture occurred just before the 2004 elections.......

I have seen Serbians taking their country back peacefully even if a tyrant like Milosevic refused to let go after the elections proved people didnt want him at all....... these brave citizens have had to use civil disobedience.

In other words, will we have to resort to peaceful civil disobedience to take OUR country back? Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks did this. :)


An old Cherokee was teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on
inside me"; he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between
two wolves."

"One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance,
self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority,
ego and intolerance."

"The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility,
kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, understanding
and tolerance."

"This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person,

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,
"Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
Bullym0m said:
quite good question but wait and see find it out on Monday his tesifty breath open..

What up to iraqians ppl feels and american feels.. as same thing would say about other country feels..

My strongly is.. best for him to have jail rest of his life til death. Let ppl can beat Saddam's face" likey prision type..
Saddam will undy feel that way... who knows..
whatever.. just my opitions..

President Bush said, it is up to the people of Iraq decide if Saddam's executed.

From my view of point, Saddam's executed (without any suffer). I hope, Iraqis would pull each of his fingernail every hour with plaster point tool. Chopping each of his fingers to the shoulder. Let him more suffer as other people what he did to them in the past.

Pour aids into his eyes and mouth to melt into his skin as hell. He deserves to be suffering. He puts gas, cut the skin with razor and burn on the skin on his own people. Also, rape and kill those ladies to prevent to tell anyone.

Why should the world want to execute Saddam without any suffer. Oh Please !! Let them to cruel each piece of his body until he die !

He is such devil man !! :evil: We do not need him to be on our planet !
Sabrina said:
President Bush said, it is up to the people of Iraq decide if Saddam's executed.

From my view of point, Saddam's executed (without any suffer). I hope, Iraqis would pull each of his fingernail every hour with plaster point tool. Chopping each of his fingers to the shoulder. Let him more suffer as other people what he did to them in the past.

Pour aids into his eyes and mouth to melt into his skin as hell. He deserves to be suffering. He puts gas, cut the skin with razor and burn on the skin on his own people. Also, rape and kill those ladies to prevent to tell anyone.

Why should the world want to execute Saddam without any suffer. Oh Please !! Let them to cruel each piece of his body until he die !

He is such devil man !! :evil: We do not need him to be on our planet !

Regardless of what Saddam has done, there is no need to stoop to his level to be equally "evil." There is a strong wave of hyposcrisy around in the air.... :twisted:
Sabrina said:
President Bush said, it is up to the people of Iraq decide if Saddam's executed.

From my view of point, Saddam's executed (without any suffer). I hope, Iraqis would pull each of his fingernail every hour with plaster point tool. Chopping each of his fingers to the shoulder. Let him more suffer as other people what he did to them in the past.

Pour aids into his eyes and mouth to melt into his skin as hell. He deserves to be suffering. He puts gas, cut the skin with razor and burn on the skin on his own people. Also, rape and kill those ladies to prevent to tell anyone.

Why should the world want to execute Saddam without any suffer. Oh Please !! Let them to cruel each piece of his body until he die !

He is such devil man !! :evil: We do not need him to be on our planet !
*Sheesh* Isn't worth for him stay up and become suffered.. What if terriosit come and rescued Saddam out of sufferbox.. Just FINISH'em up that is it.. No one will not able save him his lives.. Than wait contuine make him feel becomes more suffer isn't worth. I understand about Iraqis peeps are suffered from their past.. Just simple "Let him go and finish'em up" then burning him within witness stand to watch him burning..

Of course He is evil.. but other wise.. *sigh* Never mind.. Made me feel goosebumps cannot explain more than describle.. *shucks* ::shudders::
Liza and BullMom

That is true !! I can't wait to see Saddam die. Hopefully, we will catch Bin Laden out there in the mountains. :|
hey deafbrutha, get off the high horse please ur negtivitism is just what it is, u dont like america an if ur not from america, then go back where u came from u don't like what we root for and how we UNTIED we STOOD Divided we fell??? well lemme tell u this for 200 yrs that flag stood strong and wil stand strong for another 200 yrs, we fought for our flag and for our people who were unneedlessly killed in a time like this, u would want to go thru the same damn thing we went thru, if it was ur fellow men of the same color skin and etc. its not abt what U THINK its what we strived for and thats FREEDOM u don t think we live in freedom??? then look around u where are u getting all ur stuff the puter u have most of all what abt food we eat, the water we drink it all came from america some things aren't from america and yet we accept them as we welcomed them in our arms! for what has happened on 9/11 is the most devasting experince we ever went thru we don't need to go thru this again! SO we're fighting to make the world a better place without the terroist THEY KILLED so we need to put a stop to it, ur little tirade is old and tiresome we are american and we are born and will die here!

:whip: Saddam from the rat it's time to get Bin Laden from his chubby rat hole whimpin' his way Saddam did when he appeared raising his hands up in the air...looks like he wants sympathies...*lookin' around..*...nahhhh, he ain't getting any!! Strange to see Saddam coming out the way he did and not taking a last stand like his two sons did earlier....Let justice be served by the ppls of Iraq...with the help of us Americans (and others).
With The Help Of The Americans and The British

Hoping for amnesia

December 16, 2003
G'Day. Sick of the triumphalist pap that passes for commentary on Saddam's capture in most Australian media? Want a realistic assessment of its effect on the ground in Iraq - an assessment reflected in the sombre tone of President's Bush's speech on the matter? Try Saddam, celebrity tryant: His capture may create more problems than it solves and the website of Michigan University history professor Juan Cole.

When I saw the close ups of the tyrant I thought of his accessories, did you? Who will join him when he's tried for crimes against humanity? Which multinational companies and which western politicians? Reconciliation requires confession from all parties, after all, if all sides are to move forward to a democratic and free Iraq. You can bet the Iraqis haven't forgotten history. I wonder if Saddam's decision not to kill himself was about his final revenge - looking the West in the eye and saying "You too." Tonight Scott Burchill, lecturer in international relations at Deakin University and a regular Webdiary contributor, recalls the past. See also US Takes Custody of Another Wayward Client


Hoping for amnesia

by Scott Burchill

Sometimes in politics the moral high ground can only be reached by wading through the lowlands of public amnesia.

Reacting to the capture of Saddam Hussein on 13 December, Prime Minister Howard declared his enthusiasm for a public trial:

"I believe he should be tried in Iraq. I think it should be an open trial. I think the details of what he did should be spelled out, detail-by-detail, slaughter-by-slaughter, death-by-deaths."

Saddam's arrest also vindicated the Man of Steel's decision to commit Australia to war:

"If the alternative advice had been taken, "Saddam Hussein would still be running Iraq, he would still be murdering people, he not only would not be in captivity but he would have others in captivity in Baghdad."

Denuding such an important discussion of its historical context and narrowing the focus to Saddam's moral turpitude will induce self-righteousness in Western leaders every time. On the question of Iraq, however, such lofty sentiment lacks authenticity.

Isolating Saddam's capture from the consequences of his removal from power is a clever polemical device which Mr Howard likes to employ. However such a strategy is unlikely to persuade the families of the 9,500 innocent Iraqi civilians killed during the invasion and occupation of Iraq that their sacrifice was worth the cost. Or the recently unemployed, the victims of street crime and those who depend on essential services for their survival. These Iraqis don't matter and aren't counted in the West - literally.

History is the great antidote to public amnesia and it suggests the Prime Minister's distaste for Saddam's tyranny has not always been so passionately expressed.

Before the war Mr Howard's humanitarian concerns for the people of Iraq were insufficient to support 'regime change' in Baghdad. He told the National Press Club in March that Saddam could stay in power, and therefore keep tormenting his people, providing he gave up his Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

Given the Iraqi leader had evidently disposed of his WMD several years before, according to the Prime Minister's logic - now derided as "alternative advice" - Saddam should still be in power.

This 'change of course' is dramatic, if unsurprising. A search of Hansard for the period when Saddam was committing the worst of his crimes - gassing Iranian soldiers in 1983-4 and the Kurds of Halabja in 1988 - fails to turn up any expressions of concern in the Parliament by either John Howard or Alexander Downer. It's not until the WMD pretext falters in the weeks before the invasion that Canberra discovers human rights violations in Iraq.

There were certainly no expressions of humanitarian concern while Canberra supported a vicious sanctions regime which, over a decade, must have been responsible for the deaths of hundred of thousands of Iraqis, while strengthening Saddam and compelling the population to rely on him for their survival.

It is hard to believe that either Washington or London would relish the prospect of an open trial. They would not want Saddam to adumbrate their support for him - credit-by-credit, pathogen-by-pathogen, weapon-by-weapon - during the 12 years before he became an official enemy by invading Kuwait in August 1990.

Saddam's worst crimes, when presumably many of the mass graves now disingenuously "discovered" by the West were dug, had been committed when he was the West's favoured ally and trading partner. At the time, his crimes against humanity, for which charges should now be laid, elicited little if any concern in Western capitals. Quite the opposite.

Historian Gabriel Kolko notes that:

"The United Stares supplied Iraq with intelligence throughout the war [with Iran] and provided it with more than $US5 billion in food credits, technology, and industrial products, most coming after it began to use mustard, cyanide, and nerve gases against both Iranians and dissident Iraqi Kurds."

After he poisoned over 5000 people in the Kurdish city of Halabja on 17 March 1988, Saddam was rewarded by George Bush 1 with new lines of credit and praise from Bush's Assistant Secretary of State, John Kelly, as "a source of moderation in the region."

Twenty months after this horrific crime, Washington was still providing Baghdad with dual-use licensed materials, including chemical precursors, biological warfare-related materials and missile guidance equipment - enabling Saddam to develop his WMD programs. It's difficult to believe that either George Bush 2 or over 150 companies in Europe, the United States and Japan which provided components and know-how needed by the monster in Baghdad to build atomic bombs, chemical and biological weapons, want this information publicly aired.

During the worst decade of Saddam's rule (1980-90), the UK sold Iraq £2.3 billion in machinery and transport equipment and £3.5 billion in trade credits, supporting the creation of a local arms industry and freeing up valuable resources for the Iraqi military.

London responded to the atrocity in Halabja by failing to criticise Saddam (ditto for Washington), doubling export credits to Baghdad and relaxing export guidelines making it easier to sell arms to Iraq.

This behaviour is difficult to reconcile with the West's belated concern for humanity in Iraq today. There will be no expressions of regret for the support he was given at the peak of his crimes. When Saddam comes to trial, the West will just be hoping that he too has joined the culture of forgetting so pervasive amongst his captors.

This story was found at:
Deafbrutha, I respect ur opioion, but i can say one thing is this saddam is plain sick in the head for all this war that was caused by him he and the so called WMD has only proved us that this man needs to be put away in all aspect, same for bin laden, As far as im concerned, This war will never be over until ALL the terriost is put away, we're now on high level of risk in national security, it goes to show the Americans are not playing games here, we are protecting our lands and the freedom, Since Iraqi is now free they truly do not know how to handle the freedom, Saddam brainwashed each iraqians, and thats real sad, America was only helping to free them of the monster that was in control of the iraqi!
The concept of finding excuses its lame, because for one thing, We should have NEVER had to deal with a monster like him he's a HITLER NBR 2 and im not suprised that he didn't commit sucide like Hitler did, The war crimes he will face will only prove to america and the world is, NO MAN NO WOMAN NO CHILDREN should have to suffer his wrath! I truly hope this man suffers the consquences and BIN LADEN the MAN OF SIN and DESTRUCTION is caught soon! this war will not end til this man is put away as well, Whilist we have suffered the loss of american soliders, we should never have had to deal with destruction we faced here in america ourselves! Reason being???? 9/11 should have never happened but it did and we accept those loss, BUT now we're fighting back to show that we're not sitting back and letting them control us as WE ARE AMERICANS and WE ARE FREE! no matter what u think deafbrutha, I belive americans have the decency whilist the nation should never have had to deal with the harshness, Saddam will suffer, amesia my ass sorry he doesn't get the easy way out! all the phyco babble doesn't cut it for me, He cause it he suffers the crimes, U know the words, U do the crime u do the time! simple said simple done!
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