Rutgers freshman kills self after classmates use hidden camera to watch his sexual ac

What is wrong with these people? How can anyone think that it's acceptable to watch someone else have sex in this manner, let alone tape or broadcast it?
What is wrong with these people? How can anyone think that it's acceptable to watch someone else have sex in this manner, let alone tape or broadcast it?

what's the difference with porn?
what's the difference with porn?

Porn voluntarily gives up their privacy and is consentable....

Hidden cameras and w/o their consent is not. Especially when Voyeurism is involved such as underskirt shots and so on. That's a blatant invasion of privacy.

Don't tell me you enjoy watching voyeuristic videos?

Porn voluntarily gives up their privacy and is consentable....

Hidden cameras and w/o their consent is not. Especially when Voyeurism is involved such as underskirt shots and so on. That's a blatant invasion of privacy.

Don't tell me you enjoy watching voyeuristic videos?


I'm not talking about the "professional" porn
Not really. I have a niece who is a RN and most folks she has dealt with in Nursing Homes discharge sewage almost immediately after death. They get the Nurse's Aids to do the nasty part of the job of cleaning up after them.


nursery home... now that's the different story.

At nursing home, well the elders have a very limited access to bathroom so they must have held it in for a while before death. Upon death - anal sphincter (and the whole muscle) relaxed thus releasing a pocket of feces.

That's why in old time, they sew up the orifice when preparing the body for burial.
nursery home... now that's the different story.

At nursing home, well the elders have a very limited access to bathroom so they must have held it in for a while before death. Upon death - anal sphincter (and the whole muscle) relaxed thus releasing a pocket of feces.

That's why in old time, they sew up the orifice when preparing the body for burial.

Yep true, except the sewing part. Ow, glad the dead can't feel that. Geez.

Hmm... women making sure everything is spic 'n' span before they commit suicide?

Well, that's a thought.

Not all, but most. It is thought to be a result of the more nurturing nature of the feminine personality. Of course, there are men who have a higher degree of the feminine characteristics that would approach it the same way. But research shows that what I stated holds true for the majority of suicides and suicide attempts.

Are you going to ask me for a link?:giggle:
I wish that was true for my neighbor's mother. She choose the gun method right in her bed and her teenage son came home was the first one to find her like that. He couldn't live in that house afterward. No one knew she was sucidual either even though the people she knew committed suicide with guns so i guess she was copying them, I suppose.

She was obviously intent on completing the suicide. Most people who are that intent never let anyone know they are considering suicide. The most lethal are those that hide their intentions from everyone.

Actually, the myth of the "copy cat suicide" has pretty much been disproven.
Maybe.....or maybe it's just opportunity. More male gun owners..... :shrug:

Every successful suicide I have known of was carried out by gun except 2.

Of those 2 one was hanging and the other was purposely veering into oncoming traffic.... That would have looked like an accident except she left a note.... That happened this year.

Opportunity would still result in a gender difference in choice of method. And I believe I mentioned availability as a factor.
You know where the contradiction lies? I noticed that several posters who have denounced what the poster of the vid did also support the right of someone else to publicly denounce homosexuality, based on the fact that he did it in the name of religion. Never mind that such public denouncements lead to events just such as this. Sad that one can approve of hatefulness when it is religiously based.

Dear America,
When you tell gay Americans that can't serve their country openly, or marry the person that they love, you're telling that to kids too. So don't be f@#king shocked and wonder where all these bullies are coming from that are torturing young kids and driving them to kill themselves because they're different. They learned it from watching you.

Dear America,
When you tell gay Americans that can't serve their country openly, or marry the person that they love, you're telling that to kids too. So don't be f@#king shocked and wonder where all these bullies are coming from that are torturing young kids and driving them to kill themselves because they're different. They learned it from watching you.

:ty: for transcribing it. I saw her video last nite and I gave up looking for transcript.
lol, no worries.

Alicia has reminded me enough to transcribe stuff before i put it up here. The automated CC was pretty damn funny though...