Roommates from Hell!


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May 22, 2005
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uuggghh my god! :pissed: i was almost bursted out of the roof because my roommate just gets all sweetness around me even through i wondered would she be like that if she keeps sneaking around without asking me for my foods... i was like, "hello! i could have let u as if u only ask me.." i knew i would get sick of her getting irriated alot of times.. dont u have a roommate from hell before? :roll:
I had financial problem when I was at CSUN, I was starving...
And I have to admit, I did took some chips from the bag from my roommate...
The tuition was too high... I have not eaten in 3 days....
And I was starving, and my roommate was out of town for the weekend...

And I can't wait til she got back.... but I thought if I just took a little
chips from her, she won't notice at all.
And she came back and saw her bag of chips... and
said, "I didn't closed the bag like this, somebody been in my bag of chips."

And I lied... and said no I didn't steal anything.
And she reported on me... to the RA....

And so I didn't like her at all... she was so selfish...

I was gonna pay her back anyway, after I get my SSI...

I thought if you share and you would get good Karma...
you get back threefold of something...

But since she reported on me, I gave her nothing...
bad karma for her.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I had financial problem when I was at CSUN, I was starving...
And I have to admit, I did took some chips from the bag from my roommate...
The tuition was too high... I have not eaten in 3 days....
And I was starving, and my roommate was out of town for the weekend...

And I can't wait til she got back.... but I thought if I just took a little
chips from her, she won't notice at all.
And she came back and saw her bag of chips... and
said, "I didn't closed the bag like this, somebody been in my bag of chips."

And I lied... and said no I didn't steal anything.
And she reported on me... to the RA....

And so I didn't like her at all... she was so selfish...

I was gonna pay her back anyway, after I get my SSI...

I thought if you share and you would get good Karma...
you get back threefold of something...

But since she reported on me, I gave her nothing...
bad karma for her.

Uh, she wasn't "sharing". You stole from her. It wasn't her fault, but yours, and she was right to report you.
:crazy: Miss P :crazy: .......

Stealing someones food, denying it, and then wondering why you got reported? I would have reported you too...
Miss P, you say
I thought if you share and you would get good Karma...
you get back threefold of something...
it only work on if person REFUSE to give food

but "I will be SMAHT" has bit different situation as she stated:

"hello! I could have let u as if u only ask me.."
which mean if her roommate would have asked HER if it okay for her roommate to have this leftover or piece of food rather than sneak behind her back and eat food without her knowledge it just like if she make something for party and her roommate saw it and ate it without asking would have ruin the meal for party. YES I would be pissed if no one asked me if it okay to eat this or that.

MISS P as you say your friend report on you which means She has right to do that because that was not very nice of you stealing her food without ASKING. IF you had to ask her she probably would let you have some.
Shiva said:
Miss P, you say it only work on if person REFUSE to give food

but "I will be SMAHT" has bit different situation as she stated:

which mean if her roommate would have asked HER if it okay for her roommate to have this leftover or piece of food rather than sneak behind her back and eat food without her knowledge it just like if she make something for party and her roommate saw it and ate it without asking would have ruin the meal for party. YES I would be pissed if no one asked me if it okay to eat this or that.

MISS P as you say your friend report on you which means She has right to do that because that was not very nice of you stealing her food without ASKING. IF you had to ask her she probably would let you have some.

Or at least be upfront about the food and say outright of your plans to reimburse her for the chips. That what I'd do.
Also, to share food, you and your roommate(s) need to discuss how things will work out before starting a full year or schoolterm. That's how my roommate(s) and I got along fine. We lay out our apartment rules and how food (like in this situation) work out.
If I'm on tight budget and need to survive with the food I got, I would rather be informed than having my food "mysteriously" disappearing.
Yes, well...

Lets not let Miss P pull this thread off track... The subject is bad roommates...

I tell you, my sister and her family lived here rent-free. Not once, but TWICE. The last time was about 18 mos ago. It was bad. They mooched off of us. My brother in law, in particular, didn't lift a finger to help out around the house. Expected others to watch the kids even when he was around. The first time they were here was for 6 mos, and the second time, 3 wks.

I told Dad that the NEXT TIME they ask to move in, tell them WE are moving! :-o

Never again! :lol:
I would feel guilty if she didn't report on me.

And I had a nice nice friend... and she asked
me to go to the Ben and Jerry, and she paid
for my ice cream....
and she was so nice....
So I gave her $10 for ice cream and gas, she said I didn't have to pay...
but I pay anyway... cause of her generous.
She was the nicest roommate I ever had....

But the other mean evil roommate who reported me ain't my friend.
you are so weird, Miss P...

anyway, I dont have a roommate but proably will when I move out on my own so to speak...but I heard of my brother's roommate, even though I never met him, has some strange he always seem so hyper and even have some difficulty sleeping as he toss around alot, cussing in his sleep, twitching his eyes and shaking the bed,'s almost as if he has some kind of a serious sleep disorder or something. but aw least my brother'll move to an apartment with a different roommate who isn't much of a weirdo, as he said lol

and my sister had a roommate who was gay and he always bitch about the house and his room and the amout of food, he wasn't really friendly much at all

and my brother's g/f's roommate was a complete bitch...she rarely talk to any of us, especailly her roomate and she doesn't like us for no reason...she doesn't even know us so she always bitched about the chalkboard on the door and doesn't want anyone else to write it but her only...and always whine about the space of the room they are sharing and doesn't share anything with her roommate so she was definetly a bitch
I had a roommate that I detested, for over a year. He's the reason Megladon and I have our own place now.

Pete was messy. His room was WALL TO WALL JUNK, you couldnt see the carpet. It was chest high in some places! He had no bed sheets or pillow cases. His bed was filthy - dirty and dusty. He had a little path of junk from the door (which you couldnt open more than a foot and a half) to his computer. The room also STUNK like OH MY GOSH! He'd run the AC all the time in the summer to reduce the smell from the heat, but it was horrible. He probably showered like, once every few days.

He was irresponsible, never paid the rent on time, never paid the bills. The 2 of them them together, were horrible with the bills. By the time I moved in (they had been there about 2.5 years) the bills were sky high. The gas, at it's all time high was $850. I pushed Pete around (verbally) about the bills and the lack of cleanliness in the house. This led him to really dislike me.

Eventually it all got old, I got sick of it all and I told Megladon that I wanted to move, if he wanted to stay, he could, but I was moving out. He told me "there's no reason to stay if you're not here." So we found the apartment we live in now, and Pete knew in APRIL that we were going to move out in SEPTEMBER. He didnt have a place to live till the week before our lease was up. What suprised me the most about Pete was that through all of this, he was 30-31, I was 19-20, and Megladon was 25-26. (We are now 32, 21, and 27.) Not that it matters but its pretty funny to see the age differences, and the responsibility differences.

I dunno if he's the roommate from hell but he sucked. :)
pinkster said:
I had a roommate that I detested, for over a year. He's the reason Megladon and I have our own place now.

Pete was messy. His room was WALL TO WALL JUNK, you couldnt see the carpet. It was chest high in some places! He had no bed sheets or pillow cases. His bed was filthy - dirty and dusty. He had a little path of junk from the door (which you couldnt open more than a foot and a half) to his computer. The room also STUNK like OH MY GOSH! He'd run the AC all the time in the summer to reduce the smell from the heat, but it was horrible. He probably showered like, once every few days.

He was irresponsible, never paid the rent on time, never paid the bills. The 2 of them them together, were horrible with the bills. By the time I moved in (they had been there about 2.5 years) the bills were sky high. The gas, at it's all time high was $850. I pushed Pete around (verbally) about the bills and the lack of cleanliness in the house. This led him to really dislike me.

Eventually it all got old, I got sick of it all and I told Megladon that I wanted to move, if he wanted to stay, he could, but I was moving out. He told me "there's no reason to stay if you're not here." So we found the apartment we live in now, and Pete knew in APRIL that we were going to move out in SEPTEMBER. He didnt have a place to live till the week before our lease was up. What suprised me the most about Pete was that through all of this, he was 30-31, I was 19-20, and Megladon was 25-26. (We are now 32, 21, and 27.) Not that it matters but its pretty funny to see the age differences, and the responsibility differences.

I dunno if he's the roommate from hell but he sucked. :)

and stunk. :giggle:
I'm glad I got rid of mine recently. He had been on his way to becomming a roommate from hell under my roof so I was smart enough to kindly, nicely, and sweetfully nudge him out. Then boom! I heard that he had gotten himself in a situation that he had to borrow 2 grand from his current roommate's friend to bail out or something like it. I'm really happy it didnt happen under my roof. My ex roomie has become a roommate from hell to his current roommates.

I been having roommates for over 25 yrs and I'm very fortunate to have learned plenty from experience and be able to detect and deal with roommates from hell before they take me down with them.


in addition on my previous orginal post i usually had to bust in my bedroom while my roommate having sex even through they freaked out whichever they thought i wouldnt be coming home on that night. :roll: how stupid.. i cussed out at them for having sex in there without me knowing.. unless they didnt cared to let me know.. now she changed in to different room in the same place but in opposite bedroom and now she is living solo bring different man home even through she is bit of werido with deformed hip and yet, these men just come in and banging then leave.. aint it nasty? :popcorn:
I had one of those roommates from hell in the past. When my boyfriend and I were sharing an apartment together his friend got kicked out of his parent house had no place to go, We were kind enough to let him stay with us but pay rent, unities bills also. He never once brought food for himself, He would end up eating our food and we had to spend so much on foods every week because of him. So We told him nicely that he needs to provide for himself, with foods or he can help us pay for food too and he can eat it also. He would bring up excuses like he doesn't have much money and etc. So we gave him a break, He brought his buddies over our apt. while we were working and they ate all the food in the cabinets and left a huge party mess in our apartment too. When we arrived home, we couldn't believe our eyes. So I told my boyfriend it's time for him to leave because he is not respecting us. So my boyfriend told him he has to leave in 30 days. His friend thinking I am the one who wants him to move out, Actually it was both of us.

So he started to get rude with me, when I had a day off I invited my twin sister over my apt. just to hang out, He took control of the TV and says that it;s my boyfriend's TV and he is allow to take control over the TV. I told him wait a minute this TV is mine not my boyfriend's I'm the one who brought all this furniture's and we were watching something already on TV, he just took the remote control and turned the channel. So, Instead of arguing with him I phoned my father he came over and unplugged the phone and tried to burn my sister with his cigarettes. So the phone got disconnected my dad rushed over my apartment, busted the door open and saw that my boyfriend's friend was fighting with us and he told him to leave the apartment now and got in his face. so then he left I finally felt so much better. My goodness. Thanks God it's over with.
yeah thats a cruel of roommates that didnt cared to respect or anything and expecting us to return our respect by doing this. :nono: it aint gonna to work like this.

but yet, just that i was ashamed that i got busted last night with cops and lucky no evidence and it was the LAST thing that i would be quitting on.. it was a marjiuana even through my roommate just fucks me over with cops with no warning or anything and i would have stopped from the beginning if its bothers her so much and i would have THAT respect for her own health issues.. whichever its not that important.. also, thats how i got freaked out and everything.. hoping that i can earn a chance to stay in school and all.. since it was suddenly happened at once for first time. i was not expecting anything like this TODAY and LAST NIGHT.. and i felt so much worse for my mom's birthday is TODAY... thats only thing that i was afraid of having her found out abt this and i dont want to deal with her and i need to do this MYSELF without her bitching as its my fault, I broke the rule instead of following it. its my responsiblity to learn a lesson like this... i hope, i surely do hoped so that i can have this chance to work things out by this week or so.. and then i m looking forward to a meeting. :(
Never happend to my prevouis room mate.. who the guy moved into my apartment when My little son was tiny baby. He extremelly so nice and treat me as well.. Do anything willing share foods w/me. He always written the note that he took my favorite food and few days later, he bought another food for me. Wow so such beautiful went well... let me guess, am I lucky have him being my 1st room mate ever since. He was nofited me and wanted to moved out and got new girlfriend. I was told him, Sure no problem at all, as long you happy settled new home. His girlfriend came over my place and said thank you for everything being treat my boyfriend beauitfully and asked me welcome their place for having nice dinner or visit wha..ever... I was kind "Blessed". I truly miss him hell lotsa and not get used to be alone apartment but have wonderful little son that time he was young cuz I was 1st mother.. My ex bf is out of picture that time.. A year later, I moved out of town and move another far away town settled.. become used to be alone along w/my son.. fall in love w/my man....

That's all I had been 1st room mate w/MAN.. Never been tried along women being my room mate.. wow strange eh.

I hope your room mate will out of your picture real soon.. and one day will come good room mate w/you.. Good Luck!
I've had a roommate from HELL, well, i have 5 roommates at the time in a 2 bedroom home include my daughter age 3. That was 5 years ago. I'm not going to name her but I can explain a little about having a roommate.

Tweetybird was one of my roommates and she was awesome, very helpful, bought her own food, helped me watch my daughter at times when I needed a break.

one girl asked me if she can stay for a while and I thought it would be okay. I find that she had been bringing different men home every night.. screwing in the bathroom, in my daughter's room, and on my bed. I met this guy that I liked and told the roommate that I liked him. Well instead of helping me reach that guy, she decided to pull him to herself and ended up screwing in my daughter's room and I caught them. I was pissed but the guy didn't know how I felt about him, I didn't really want to rush. The very next day, I kicked her out, she hated me for it. but I didn't like how she disrespected for how I feel. Besides that, She never helped me with bills, rent or food.

I'm with this guy that I liked before now. Been with him almost 5 years. That girl had told her boyfriend about her and my man having sex. Her boyfriend started to threaten my man by saying he'll kill him, he'll shoot his brains out like his bestfriend. It pissed me off more. I confronted her boyfriend and the girl. They freaked out and I told her boyfriend that she had slept with so many men that I lost count and it wasn't just my man. I told him that if I ever hear you threaten me or him, I will report it to the police for harrassment and I have proof that he did say those things. I copied everything he said in im and saved it. He stopped bothering us ever since.. that roommate did come from HELL!
All I want to do is have a room by myself...

When I was at Gallaudet, my roommate Wendy, she was walking with a walker (sort of like a cane) and sometimes use a scooter. And she had a big room by herself.... and not have to pay double for that room.

So when I went to CSUN, I pretended to have a bad back problem, I
was walking with a cane.... :naughty:
and hoping I get a single room and not have to pay double for that room,
but nope, I have to pay double for that room... dang!!!!
$600 a month, ack!!!!

Well anyway.... and I thought some men at CSUN wouldn't bother me...
if I use a cane... but still some men find me attractive anyway....

I just don't understand men, why me, I am ugly, with no ears,, and I ain't
got nice body, and I got bad breathe, and I don't understand why some men are interesting in me.

So I just got rid of the cane, and got some roommates that I don't want to live with, ahhhhh..... trying to get rid of them by being a bad roommate from hell, but some won't go away.... I get pissed off when 2 of my roommates said, "You're nice."

I don't wannabe nice.... get out!!! I want dorm room all to myself and not have to pay double for it....

So why most college dorm have to build rooms for people to have roommates for? I don't want roommates!!!! And I don't want men either.
I just wish I can go college far away from home, not have roommate, pay less for a single room, and get college degree, and not have men bothering me while I am trying to study.

That is all.