Ron Paul 2008!

p.s. I don't happen to believe in evolution either, are you going to take away my degree?

degrees do not tell the whole story of your intellect.
while you are free to not believe in evolution, just don't delude yourself into thinking evolution is anti-god. that just proves your ignorance.

so you want the war to continue on?
you want to attack iran?

based on what merits?


you believe in wasting billions and billions of dollars into countries that simply do not benefit us? sudan, egypt, israel, china, and other countries do not benefit us at all.

a lot of people are tired of the government misspending their tax dollars. we are better off spending our money for our own people, supporting our own infrastructure of the country. what is your justification for sending billions of dollars to israel (which is our biggest reason why we suffer terrorism)?

Please clarify. Do you mean he wants it dissolved, or he just doesn't agree with the way it is currently run?

he will get the federal reserve dissolved. he is an economics scholar and knows what he's talking about. in fact many people are in favor of his idea: YouTube - Kudlow & Company on Ron Paul's monetary policy (11/08/07)

What do you mean he is "against" inflation? Is there something he would actually do to prevent it?

considering this is part of his many plans, with the abolishment of the federal reserve and returning to the gold/silver standard, there would be no federal fixing of inflation. if i remember correctly, inflation may very well be close to 0% if everything is in place. that is merely theory though.

That's good but it's such a broad statement; what would he actually do to downsize the federal government?

i think that's obvious - he's getting rid of the departments and reducing government spending in the end.

If we keep the current form of income taxation, then we need to keep the IRS to manage it. I'm against the current form of income taxation. If we switched to the Fair Tax system ( Americans For Fair Taxation: ), then the IRS could go bye-bye.

ron paul applauds the idea of the fair tax system but says this:

Ron Paul said:
Many conservatives have touted the Fair Tax proposal as an issue in the upcoming election. A pure consumption tax like the Fair Tax would be better than the current system only if we truly did away with the income tax by repealing the 16th amendment. Otherwise, we could end up with both the income tax and a national sales tax. A consumption tax also provides more transparency and less complexity. But the real issue is total spending by government, not tax reform. In other words, why change the tax structure if spending stays the same? Once we accept that the federal government needs $2.7 trillion from us – and more each year – the only question left is from whom it will be collected. Until the federal government is held to its proper constitutionally limited functions, tax reform will remain a mirage.

More details please; how would he accomplish that.

i spoke of this because of ron paul's strong track record while being congressman. he has voted no to every unbalanced budgeted legislation.

CitizensForRonPaul said:
Balance the Federal Budget
There was a time when balancing the federal budget was the most important issue of the day. Now we accept giant federal budget deficits as a natural and unavoidable occurrence. In twenty years of federal politics Ron Paul has never once voted for an unbalanced budget. Further, he not only has a clear plan to turn the deficit into a surplus (while simultaneously eliminating the federal income tax), be he has the voting track record and uncompromising integrity to do exactly what he says he will do. The value of the U.S. dollar is in free-fall in great part due to the unmitigated daily growth in the national debt. The dollar has lost half it’s value against the world’s other major currencies in only a few years. This means that a salary of $100,000 when expressed in international value, has been reduced to $50,000. Understand this, - the deliberate and secretive financial malfeasance of Federal Reserve System and the Federal Government have conspired to reduce the wages of 98% of Americans by 50%, all without their knowing. Ron Paul will balance the budget and restore common sense and rational solutions to complex national financial matters. His knowledge of economics and monetary policy is unrivaled in political circles. He is a published author and outspoken activist for financial reform, including the restoration of the practice, as permitted by the Constitution, of using gold and silver as money.


why in the world would you disagree? it's against the constitution! have you even read the patriot act? if not, read it now. let me know if you see anything pathetic in there.

"give me liberty or give me death."

Each of the three branches need to stay within Constitution's provisions.

we know they need to stay within power but guess what? they've been out of control lately. but of course, the news doesn't report that.
you fail big time.

"Fail'? AD thread is not a final exam, Yiffzer. It is a discussion with opinions. None "fail" except people who are rude.

first off, ron paul doesn't even look at who donates him money. he's more busy preaching the message of truth of which we all need to hear. he receives millions of dollars and his staff members take care of the money. ron paul has no idea who or where the money comes from.

If Ron Paul "doesn't even look at who donates him money" or "has no idea who or where the money comes from" he is against US federal law. A candidate must know who gives money and even report to US government if a person gives over $200.

second off, he doesn't care to return the money because it's been spent. what you don't get through your fallacious head..................."

Forget it. You are rude in the thread so no reason to discuss because you don't respect any post without 100% agreement. Good luck convincing people who don't disagree. Your vote is one only please remember and Ron Paul won't get more from you with this IMO.
"Fail'? AD thread is not a final exam, Yiffzer. It is a discussion with opinions. None "fail" except people who are rude.

it is in my opinion that you failed, is it not? just think wide before you even respond. who are you to judge a person for donating money for a cause?

If Ron Paul "doesn't even look at who donates him money" or "has no idea who or where the money comes from" he is against US federal law. A candidate must know who gives money and even report to US government if a person gives over $200.

are you trying to argue just for the sake of arguing? please come up with something substantive that i can respond to.

from ron paul's site:

Note: Federal law requires we report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for contributions of more than $200.00 per election cycle.

it doesn't put him in trouble to not know who donates money to him. he has his staff take care of the financial department of the campaign. he has better things to worry about, don't you think? i think this was a sad media attempt to discredit him. no media criticizes anyone else's political standpoints but his.

Forget it. You are rude in the thread so no reason to discuss because you don't respect any post without 100% agreement. Good luck convincing people who don't disagree. Your vote is one only please remember and Ron Paul won't get more from you with this IMO.

i am not here to please anyone. i am not here to convince anyone. the truth is out there. to not vote for ron paul because of me would make you the loser. i have spread out the information all across rit campus and there's a big gain of ron paul supporters already. we're emerging real soon. ;D
*** Vote for Ron Paul!!***

Look at some of his bills he sponsored for.

"H.R. 424: To repeal the Military Selective Service Act" The status says dead.
H.R. 424: To repeal the Military Selective Service Act (

"H.R. 1096: Second Amendment Protection Act of 2007" The status says dead.
H.R. 1096: Second Amendment Protection Act of 2007 (

"H.R. 2755: Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act" The status says dead.
H.R. 2755: Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act (

Anyone should view this link :GovTrack: Ronald (Ron) Paul

Acutally, He's even against "condemning the persecution of the labor rights advocates." He is the only one who voted "no".

GovTrack: H. Con. Res. 203: Condemning the persecution of labor rights advocates in Iran (Vote On Passage)

We do not know his schemes if he is elected. Dr. Paul cannot get the whole Congress to agree with his beliefs. He introduced his bills to the Congress and most of his bills are dead and didn't even make it to the debate.

If Hillary Clinton gets nomination, I have no option, but to vote for Dr.Paul. I recently heard the Lakota leaders declared Independence. Maybe I'll move to the Lakota reservation and become the Lakota citizen. Tax Free! Woohoo!!! ;-P
full of bullshit? at least explain why. don't just say, "you're bullshitting" without a reason. that's bad practice.

Like some of people that who is candidate and want run for president, when he was tried to say something and would expected to get majority vote, I don't think that he will follow all of what he said, such as his beliefs like would attempt to stop the war, tight the border or something, he's just want try to win the candidate and would change on himself, such as his mind would change to not stop the war. I can't trust on most of government as well and there's many of republicans, he would probably not get nod, just like what Reba said. My apology for said full of BS, I should say about not trust at him.

I'm not republican and careless about people who is run for republican candidate.

To understand about racist, if he does applause at white supremacist after fund for his support then that means he's racist, if he don't know or not care about them then he's not racist. If you hate illegal immigrants then you are not racist, if you hate latino people then you are racist, thats difference for hate on between illegal immigrant and racial. Alot of people are against on illegal immigrants due economic reason and concern about future job, plus some of them are not care about environment like make apartments look bad or left all junk in backyard or throw stuff on ground.
Like some of people that who is candidate and want run for president, when he was tried to say something and would expected to get majority vote, I don't think that he will follow all of what he said, such as his beliefs like would attempt to stop the war, tight the border or something, he's just want try to win the candidate and would change on himself, such as his mind would change to not stop the war. I can't trust on most of government as well and there's many of republicans, he would probably not get nod, just like what Reba said. My apology for said full of BS, I should say about not trust at him.

well, you're pretty much describing all candidates. candidates have to play the game in order to win. then they can set their real plans into action. however, when it comes to ron paul, just take a look at his track record. his words has stayed consistent to his record. anything he has said in public reflects equally on his track record. there is very few politicians that can do the same.

the nod does not depend on the republicans but depends on us. we spread the word and get active delegates and active writers to congressmen about the issue of paper trail voting and so on. ron paul depends on that. in truth, politicians can only do so much.

I'm not republican and careless about people who is run for republican candidate.

that's perfectly fine. i do hope you realize that siding with a party is worthless. the importance is the candidate him/herself. when i was younger, i used to root for the democratic party. as i grew up later, i realized that parties do not matter. the candidates from many parties often aim for the same goal but employ different methods towards it.

with that said, if i were to be democratic, i'd root for kuncinich but i have much more faith in ron paul into making changes. his proven track record and his intelligence and common sense more than speaks for itself.

you're rooting for obama, care to tell why?

To understand about racist, if he does applause at white supremacist after fund for his support then that means he's racist, if he don't know or not care about them then he's not racist. If you hate illegal immigrants then you are not racist, if you hate latino people then you are racist, thats difference for hate on between illegal immigrant and racial. Alot of people are against on illegal immigrants due economic reason and concern about future job, plus some of them are not care about environment like make apartments look bad or left all junk in backyard or throw stuff on ground.

it's well known that ron paul isn't a racist. he abides by the creed of the constitution that requires equality among all men and women. i haven't heard of ron paul's position on global warming and/or environmental issues. that's quite an interesting topic to research actually.

thanks for your post! ;D
to those that deny he'd get the nod...

USADaily said:
Ron Paul will win by a landslide
Larry Fester
Published 12/22/2007 - 4:51 p.m. EST

Analysis/Opinion-Republican presidential candidate and Texas Congressman, Ron Paul, can win the presidency. Contrary to the pundits and media propaganda, Ron Paul is best positioned to win the GOP nomination.

Ron Paul has more money than his opponents and is just starting to gain momentum. As a result of massive popular support Paul’s donor base is huge and donors are not close to reaching contribution limits. Paul’s opponents are going broke and their donors are maxed out. Ron Paul may raise 20 million this quarter and chances are he’ll raise more the next quarter.

To get an idea of how strong Paul’s support is consider this. Ron Paul received donations from over 123,000 people this quarter. If one out of 100 voters donate to a presidential candidate that means Paul has the support of over 12 million primary voters. My guess is that less than 1 out of 100 voters donate in a primary.

Of Paul’s opponents, John McCain and Mike Huckabee are broke and don’t have the funds to compete on Super Tuesday. Both candidates appear to be media creations in this election and don’t have that much popular support. If it weren’t for undeserved free media they wouldn’t be on the radar screens.

Giuliani was forced to go with his big state strategy because he ran the risk of getting creamed in early primaries. He appears to be a lead balloon and runs the risk of losing some of those big states to Paul. Thompson just hasn’t taken off. There is a chance he could get revived in South Carolina but he may not make it that far.

Romney is self financing his campaign and can go the distance, but how much of his personal wealth is he willing to squander?

Recent commentaries and political talk have mentioned the possibility of a brokered convention. This is an early admission by pundits that Ron Paul can’t be stopped, and a hope that he won’t have 50% of the delegates allowing his opponents to broker a deal to deny him the nomination.

Paul is unique among GOP candidates because his support is national. He can compete in every state.

The primary calendar has been frontloaded which was deliberate to keep second tier candidates (candidates not bought and paid for) from having a shot at winning the nomination. It is doubtful that when planning the schedules anybody had a clue that Ron Paul would be one of the only candidate that could be competitive on February 5th

Iowa, Wyoming, New Hampshire, Michigan, Nevada, South Carolina, Florida, Maine are all up for grabs prior to Super Tuesday which is on February 5th. Given the low expectations Paul only needs to win one of these to show that he can win prior to Super Tuesday.

The Iowa caucus on January 3rd will be a tough start for Paul. He hasn’t spent that much time in Iowa and may not have the organization that Romney does to win the caucus. Placing in the top five is all that is needed there. A third place would be huge.

Two days later on January 5th is the Wyoming Caucus. This state is a neighbor of Utah and Romney may have a strong organization here as well. Paul may do well here though.

January 8th in New Hampshire is where the campaign really starts for Ron Paul. He doesn’t need to win it but he probably will. Buchanan won this state in 1996 running on similar campaign themes with 27% of the vote. Paul’s support is much broader.

Paul’s odds look good for Michigan on January 15th. The state is a foreclosure war zone and Paul’s blaming of the Federal Reserve for creating a housing crash may resonate well.

January 19th Nevada and South Carolina are up for elections. Paul should win Nevada and has an outside shot at South Carolina.

On January 29th Florida is up. This is the state where Giuliani has circled his wagons. If he’s still in the race it will be an uphill battle for him especially if Paul has momentum generated by a couple victories. There is evidence of Paul support in Florida on the ground just by observing bumper stickers and yard signs on residences but Giuliani also has some visible support.

Of course, if Paul wins New Hampshire the momentum generated from that victory is likely to steam roll his campaign through all of the above mentioned states setting him up for the knock out punch on Super Tuesday.

If Ron Paul doesn’t have the nomination sewed up on Super Tuesday, Paul’s delegate rich home state of Texas will be the final nail in the coffin come March.

The point is it is already too late to stop Paul. He’s going to win the Republican nomination.

As a general election candidate Ron Paul will win a 50 state landslide against any Democratic nominee.

Ron Paul’s opposition to the war in Iraq, and defense of the Bill of Rights, and Civil Liberties, may actually dig deeply into the Democratic vote and overwhelmingly attract independents to his campaign.

His support for secure borders as an integral part of national defense is also a very popular issue that transcends parties.

If Ron Paul is the GOP nominee it won’t matter if Bloomberg or anybody else runs as a third party candidate. Once people go to Paul’s website and review his issues and record they either reject Paul’s ideas or they are sold. Paul will not lose any supporters to another candidate once they are in his camp.

Unlike media propaganda, the ideals of peace, freedom, and prosperity, are very mainstream. To the aging baby boomer population now on fixed incomes, Ron Paul’s challenging of the Federal Reserve’s ‘Inflation Tax’ is most welcomed. To the rest of America feeling the double whammy of an ‘Inflation Tax’ and progressive federal income taxes, Paul’s calls to end the income tax are a cause for celebration.

In fact, Paul’s calls for reforming the monetary system, the income tax, foreign policy, and protecting the Constitution, are a lot more mainstream than pre-emptive nuclear war, no borders, and a police state are.

Those media generated polls are as valuable as the media propaganda that pushed the nation to war in Iraq. People should have as much faith in polls as they do the Easter Bunny and computerized voting. Ron Paul is going to win by a landslide
Oh for a second there, I thought you were talking about Ru Paul. Silly me.
Didn't mean to make Ron Paul fans cry, but he is nothing, and his talk is really cheap.
Didn't mean to make insert candidate's name fans cry, but insert gender is nothing, and insert gender pronoun talk is really cheap.

it's easy to do anything really. how about backing your comments up with something substantive? nice try but no dice.

btw denis, i don't mean to make you cry or anything but you're pretty cheap yourself. ;D
it's easy to do anything really. how about backing your comments up with something substantive? nice try but no dice.

btw denis, i don't mean to make you cry or anything but you're pretty cheap yourself. ;D

Can't really wait to see Ron Paul to lose, and you are getting :Owned:
Can't really wait to see Ron Paul to lose, and you are getting :Owned:

i never claimed he would win. i'm merely spreading the word of ron paul and out to correct any misconceptions anyone has of him.

if you can't contribute anything substantial, then stop posting in this thread. you're just wasting bandwidth.
I believe in Ron Paul for saving our Constitution. I has been learned about
Wikipedia and Youtube talking about they didn't have
our tax system until 1910s. This why, it is for giving an educational that is very important for everyone that need to knowledge about Ron Paul. He will against
taxes, federal reverse, and drug laws. Because our federal government having unreasonable wasting taxpayer dollars for putting people in jail that they would be convicted for non-violent offense drug.

Also, I thought for Huckabee making higher tax for gas, groceries, clothes, and items are UNFAIR :nono: as immoral except junk foods, tobacco, alcohols, and guns that those are tax sins should be including with taxes that will be OK. :D
I won't vote for Huckabee or Hillary Clinton. I can vote Obama if he will be here in 2008 election, I can vote Ron Paul if he will be here in 2008 election.
Well... if they Obama vs. Ron Paul would be there for 2008 election that make me getting harder decision to vote.
lol, if it does then most minorities (such as black, hispanic, asian) wouldn't vote him, same goes to white lefties (liberal) like me wouldn't vote him, though.

I don't want him to lose by voting.
I want him to resign, because he knew that almost all of his talk are full of bullshit.
Me :slap: Ron Paul.
Ron Paul :slap: Yiffzer due to lack of advertising.