Relationships ?

Not true. I have been getting a full immersion in the Christian lifestyle, and that is partly to explain why so many Christians have befriended me. I have never asked for a "religious affiliation" before getting to know someone. Generally, I have found that the people I meet from the church are much less judgmental that the regular public. I don't mean to sound as though I discriminate against other religions in any way. I just don't go to anything except Christian churches. I also listed deaf, HOH, and hearies that are patient with me.

And a word about my family; at no time have they ever walked away from me.

The same question the others were asking, if you knew sign or were deaf. If neither, what brings you here? You absolutely can be here, just curious as to what it's about for you?
The same question the others were asking, if you knew sign or were deaf. If neither, what brings you here? You absolutely can be here, just curious as to what it's about for you?

I don't know ASL nor am I deaf and I am here because I am about to start an ASL class in a few weeks but I don't know nor do I socialize with any deaf people, so instead of just learning from my teacher why not try to get to know people who live this lifestyle everyday and experience the world in a different way than I do. Why not make a friend with someone that in my everyday life I may never have an opportunity too
I don't know ASL nor am I deaf and I am here because I am about to start an ASL class in a few weeks but I don't know nor do I socialize with any deaf people, so instead of just learning from my teacher why not try to get to know people who live this lifestyle everyday and experience the world in a different way than I do. Why not make a friend with someone that in my everyday life I may never have an opportunity too

Best wishes taking that class. Do you know the name of your teacher?
i had no problem making friends i was very very social then started loosing my hearing and started loosing my friends first to go was shooting buddies (they claim its not safe to shoot with people who can not hear) then the next to go was most of my riding buddies (once again not safe to ride motorcycles if you can't hear) then the next on the list were the bar friends and then you have the ones that were just completely ignorant and sheepishly snuck away... Still have a few but the more hearing I loose the more hearing friends I loose...
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When I was in high school I lived on one side of town and now that I am an adult I moved away to a suburb , all and I mean all my friends from high school are done with me because of it won't come to visit even though its only a 45 min drive and we never talk anymore. I know thats not the same but I am just saying I lost my friends all because of what side of town I chose to live on
When I was in high school I lived on one side of town and now that I am an adult I moved away to a suburb , all and I mean all my friends from high school are done with me because of it won't come to visit even though its only a 45 min drive and we never talk anymore. I know thats not the same but I am just saying I lost my friends all because of what side of town I chose to live on

Loosing friends is loosing friends no matter what the reason
I find it really hard to believe that only Christians are willing take the time to be your friend. I am Jewish and my brother in law is losing his hearing and I would never stop caring about him!

I don't think whatdidyousay was meaning that. It was part of a list and could have easily added Jewish etc. Could be she/he is a Christian so that is why it was in the list.
Blank Canvas. I ride too. Most of my riding buddies are girls. When we ride i usually stay in the middle of the pack. That way they feel like thay are protecting me :) Also when you ride you use hand signals mostly. Very seldom do I lead when in a pack unless it is raining because I have emergancy signals on my harley and they don't. I use to do alot of solo riding but I don't have as much time as I did and also have moved back to the city out of the country.

I can say I have lost Friends over the years... not sure if it is due to my hearing.. but if it is that is there problem not mine...

They say if you really want to get rid of someone.. Just loan them money.. Alot of them will avoid you like the plague... :)
Blank Canvas. I ride too. Most of my riding buddies are girls. When we ride i usually stay in the middle of the pack. That way they feel like thay are protecting me :) Also when you ride you use hand signals mostly. Very seldom do I lead when in a pack unless it is raining because I have emergancy signals on my harley and they don't. I use to do alot of solo riding but I don't have as much time as I did and also have moved back to the city out of the country.

I can say I have lost Friends over the years... not sure if it is due to my hearing.. but if it is that is there problem not mine...

They say if you really want to get rid of someone.. Just loan them money.. Alot of them will avoid you like the plague... :)

I still ride I have never relied on my hearing to do so just my eyes, my old riding buddies were just ignorant apparently. I prefer riding solo anyway then I get to pick where I get lost lol

Lmao I've been told the same thing I will have to try that sometime :giggle:
When I was in high school I lived on one side of town and now that I am an adult I moved away to a suburb , all and I mean all my friends from high school are done with me because of it won't come to visit even though its only a 45 min drive and we never talk anymore. I know thats not the same but I am just saying I lost my friends all because of what side of town I chose to live on

I found that kind of a weird comparison. Those who started losing friends because they can't hear them anymore -- it's because of a communication issue, something late deafened people have difficulty with. Your losing friends because you moved is something YOU have control over and can change.
I found that kind of a weird comparison. Those who started losing friends because they can't hear them anymore -- it's because of a communication issue, something late deafened people have difficulty with. Your losing friends because you moved is something YOU have control over and can change.

Well I did in the original post say I know its not the same, and I wasn't trying to make a comparison, but merely pointing out the fact that something as trivial as my choice of where I live affected my friendships, so it doesn't surprise me that something more in depth has the same adverse affect.
Moving to another side of town can affect friendships.Even family members. Found that out first hand....It's the traffic, the mileage, and some people considering "their" side of town is the "best side"...and wonder why you would move to another side.....
I have friends on another side of town, we don't visit often.

Never knew I had "so many, "so-called friends" until I moved to the beach, (right on the beach).....HAHA!...They got free parking and free partying....Waking up in the AM in the summer time, finding ur driveway fuil of cars and blocking ur way out...and having to go to the beach to find out who was "visiting" find out it was ur friend...and another friend you've never met....Oh Boy!...So I did what my neighbors did, install a "NO PARKING" sign in my driveway....
Most of my hearing friends ran for the hills when I lost most of my hearing. It was a bitter pill to swallow.

WOW same with me KID, I feel as tho I am using my speech to text software to write this..Miss you...your friend..M♥♥♥
you make friends with people in same boat as you. no problem. I make more friendships with deafies than hearies per year.

Hello Friend, It amazed me how many deaffies (which I am) pushed away from me..upon fist meeting they were turned off because I speak while I sign, and I don"t sign really well. I was disappointed, because the hearing ppl had no patience for me, I'm stuck in the i'm stuck in the hospital.
thats a,,,miss you all, my friends..
WOW same with me KID, I feel as tho I am using my speech to text software to write this..Miss you...your friend..M♥♥♥

Glad to see you here. Hope you are doing better today.