Rainbow Six Vegas 2

If you aren't stealthy in the Multiplayer, Other 'Solid Snakes' will take you down in a heartbeat. One of my clan buddies is one of the best at being a stealthy Ninja. I used him in some clan matches and had him hide near the other team's spawn, and I ordered him to wait and let them pass before dropping down behind them and plowing them down. It worked effectively. Vegas allows for a myraid of different playing styles.
I'd rent or buy the first Vegas (should be $20 or so) and get an idea of the cover system and how it impacts gameplay. The new Vegas 2 is $60, and probably will be $60 through the summer unless you keep an eye out for sales/discounts.
I was very stealthy when I played Command & Conquer: Renegade years ago online against a bunch of other players.

In the game, there are computer terminals in all buildings called "Purchase Terminals". Players go there to purchase different characters and vehicles. When players die, they respawn at a Purchase Terminal. What 95% of all characters do when they respawn is immediately purchase a different character.

I purchased a stealth soldier (with laser weapons) and snuck into an enemy building. I simply stood 5 feet away from the Purchase Terminal and held my gun at the right angle so that it would always aim for the head. Every person who appeared, I simply shot once at the back of their heads and they died instantly. This went on for a while. I must have killed at least 30 people.

Someone happened to walk in as I fired (when you fire, you are partially revealed), and saw me... so, I was killed. Damn! It was fun though. ;)

A few things are added to the second Vegas game. Sprint is one, and it is pretty big, I am able to surprise people and avoid grenades better. There are a few new weapons, a reload cancel, better radar, and better graphics. Although the framerate can drop here and there, I suspect it is because of the graphics. In the first vegas the graphics were not topnotch in multiplayer, and the framerate was really smooth. Some of the new(some people say they are from RS3 Black Arrow) maps are nicely desgined. I am enjoying it a lot.

A few things are added to the second Vegas game. Sprint is one, and it is pretty big, I am able to surprise people and avoid grenades better. There are a few new weapons, a reload cancel, better radar, and better graphics. Although the framerate can drop here and there, I suspect it is because of the graphics. In the first vegas the graphics were not topnotch in multiplayer, and the framerate was really smooth. Some of the new(some people say they are from RS3 Black Arrow) maps are nicely desgined. I am enjoying it a lot.

What kind/size of TV (the one connect with pS3) do you own?
congrats you got one! RSV 2 have same RSV (1) features and weapons?? ( I acknowledge that some new weapons in RSV 2)

I had played RSV2 today and that's awesome about improve over RSV1 because terrorist hunt are offers 3 shooters, 1 for me and 2 other computer shooters since RSV1 is only limited to one shooter, known as Lone Wolf.

Yup, there's some new weapons and new maps as well.
I don't own a PS3. I currently play with a DLP projector and it projects an image that is roughly 150' on my wall in my room. It's pretty close to gaming heaven.
Yeah i got the game...i think i enjoy this game more than COD4..its act as swat team.

oh yeah it is... i enjoy it..i think i ll keep it.

Hunting for 46" TV LCD :)
