Questions Regarding Care! Please help! :)


New Member
Sep 10, 2011
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Hi! :wave: I am conducting a survey for a lab for class and was wondering if I could have volunteers. It is a simple survey based on care from your doctors and your general experience with hearing aids. I would love to be enlightened on your feelings and attitudes. A little bit about me: I am a junior in college who is seeking a degree in Communication Disorders. I would like to pursue a degree in Speech Pathology and/or Audiology. I want to make sure that I am respectful and considerate and to give the best care that I can when I finally get my degree! LOL! Thank you oh so much!!! :) ::hands out delicious cookies for those who answer::


1.Are you satisfied with your hearing aids? If not, why?
2. About how often do you wear your hearing aids a day?
3. How many places did you “shop” before purchasing your hearing aid?
4. What was the main factor you considered in choosing your hearing aid:
a. Price
b. Quality
c. Reputation of person/location that sold it to you
d. Recommendation from someone else
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How exciting! The fall semester has begun, and many students will be beseiging us with surveys!!! :applause:

Hi! :wave: I am conducting a survey for a lab for class and was wondering if I could have volunteers. It is a simple survey based on care from your doctors and your general experience with hearing aids. I would love to be enlightened on your feelings and attitudes. A little bit about me: I am a junior in college who is seeking a degree in Communication Disorders. I would like to pursue a degree in Speech Pathology and/or Audiology. I want to make sure that I am respectful and considerate and to give the best care that I can when I finally get my degree! LOL! Thank you oh so much!!! :) ::hands out delicious cookies for those who answer::


1.Are you satisfied with your hearing aids? If not, why?

2. About how often do you wear your hearing aids a day?

About once a day. :lol:
3. How many places did you “shop” before purchasing your hearing aid?

4. What was the main factor you considered in choosing your hearing aid:
a. Price
b. Quality
c. Reputation of person/location that sold it to you
d. Recommendation from someone else

B and C

Also, if you want, you can put down your general attitude when it comes to the professionals and/or general public when it comes to your treatment. :)

What interest is the general public to have about me? That's a little confusing.
Hahaha! I know! I won't feel too bad because I often have the experience of going to the hematologists office where 10 students cram in and take turns poking me. It sucks! LOL! But luckily, I won't be asking you about your bowel movements! LOL! Thanks so so much for the reply!! It's appreciated! :) :) :)

1.Are you satisfied with your hearing aids? If not, why?


2. About how often do you wear your hearing aids a day?

Everday with few exceptions. If I don't have to go anywhere like today, I'd leave it off.

3. How many places did you “shop” before purchasing your hearing aid?

One, I was referred there by DARS.

4. What was the main factor you considered in choosing your hearing aid:
a. Price
b. Quality
c. Reputation of person/location that sold it to you
d. Recommendation from someone else

There ya go! :) Now, for my question, where are the cookies!!??? (looks around)

1.Are you satisfied with your hearing aids? If not, why?
As much as a person can be... I guess... they are a good fit for my level of deafness
2. About how often do you wear your hearing aids a day?
I don't wear them every day... I wear them for about 8 hours at work... then sometimes (most of the time) take them off at home
3. How many places did you “shop” before purchasing your hearing aid?
actually shop... just the one... but I did quite a bit of research first.
4. What was the main factor you considered in choosing your hearing aid:
a. Price
b. Quality
c. Reputation of person/location that sold it to you
d. Recommendation from someone else

There you go... please do not think that this is a place where you can only post surveys... I know most hearies don't stick around... but we really aren't fond of people just asking quesitons that have already been asked before.
:wave: It's nothing to do personally with you, but don't be surprised if you get only a few responses. From what I have seen, every now and again there are rashes of surveys and things from students. I am fairly new to (but not deafness), so I may still have patience in reserve.

1.Are you satisfied with your hearing aids? If not, why?
I am not against the idea of hearing aids, they were a huge assistance in my life growing up and are a huge assistance to many people who are deaf/hh. I am amazed at the advanced level of technology out there nowadays versus even five years earlier. I was satisfied with hearing aids for myself for about 25 years. But now I am not, even though my most recent hearing aids are the best match to my level of hearing (which has progressively declined over the years) and needs especially compared to hearing aids I have had for the previous 25 years (I am 28, so it has been a large part of my life). Even with decades to adjust to hearing aids and years to adjust to my recent hearing aids, I have found that there is never an actual conversation in quiet, except in sound booths, and I cannot block out the everyday or random noises. They overwhelm me to the point that the communication is lost. I have a choice of a tolerable level of noise which for me is at a decibel level below that of normal conversation or conversation at a level where it is comprehensible, but the noise is unbearable.

2. About how often do you wear your hearing aids a day?
Before I wore them every minute of the day, minus bathing, swimming, and sleeping. Now I tolerate hearing aids only at work for only a short time (maybe 30 minutes a day Monday through Friday).

3. How many places did you “shop” before purchasing your hearing aid?
I lost count as I wanted to get the best hearing aid for me since I had to pay out of pocket (no medical insurance would pay for it), since I would have to wait years until I could afford new ones if I bought mediocre ones.

4. What was the main factor you considered in choosing your hearing aid:
a. Price
b. Quality
c. Reputation of person/location that sold it to you
d. Recommendation from someone else
Hi! :wave: I am conducting a survey for a lab for class and was wondering if I could have volunteers. It is a simple survey based on care from your doctors and your general experience with hearing aids. I would love to be enlightened on your feelings and attitudes. A little bit about me: I am a junior in college who is seeking a degree in Communication Disorders. I would like to pursue a degree in Speech Pathology and/or Audiology. I want to make sure that I am respectful and considerate and to give the best care that I can when I finally get my degree! LOL! Thank you oh so much!!! :) ::hands out delicious cookies for those who answer::


1.Are you satisfied with your hearing aids? If not, why?
2. About how often do you wear your hearing aids a day?
3. How many places did you “shop” before purchasing your hearing aid?
4. What was the main factor you considered in choosing your hearing aid:
a. Price
b. Quality
c. Reputation of person/location that sold it to you
d. Recommendation from someone else

1. yep because the techology 2day is cool!
2. every day!
3. I only shop at places that sells Oticons so only 1 place I love
4. I wanted benefit since I have a severe loss, my mother spended $227 on them, and the quality is good. and my audi is awesome with kids like me.
my Safaris was recommended by CREC after my mom said I need new aids.
must... resist... survey... *holding breath*
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

Cheetah said:
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

Bottesini said:
must... resist... survey... *holding breath*

I never got a cookie...

:( there, there now...

I will make us some cookies, what kind would you like?

I'm making heath crunch with caramel swirls for me... Want some? I'm making extra! :)
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

I will make us some cookies, what kind would you like?

I'm making heath crunch with caramel swirls for me... Want some? I'm making extra! :)

Oh, all right! Cookies for all! You too Smithtr!

Oy, I'm going to have to make a couple more batches I think...