For a BIG favor to Maria from the "God vs Satan" thread 
Well... Read the topic of this thread, and DISCUSS it!
I will be very happy to discuss with everyone in this AllDeaf Forum, and would love to help people who don't understand Buddhism. And don't forget that I am a Theravada Buddhism.
Now I am going to mention about alot of people who thought Buddha was a god in Buddhist people's view, which are mistake.
Buddha's Biography
Buddha's real name was Siddhartha Guatama, or Sakyamuni. He was born in 560 BC, as a prince in India. His parents protect him from seeing the reality of suffer, sickness, and death which people are living off. Till at his 29 age, he finally see people suffer, sickness, and death. He decided to stop worshipping to Hinduism (yes he was used to be Hinduism), and quit as being a prince. While he quit as being prince, obsiviously he escaped from his home. He went around northern India, traveling. While he was traveling, he teach people to let the suffer go, and stay be peace, joy and kindness, also teach people to understanding his philosphy(sp?). He never stop teaching people till his death, which are 45 years.
Now, is he a God?
No. He's only a Teacher, just a VERY VERY VERY good teacher. Which are enlightemented.
Also Buddhism's view of Jesus and God, they commonly welcome them. Buddhists might believe that Jesus is another Buddha.
Oh I forgot to say what "Buddha" means, it means "The Awakening One".
About the God, some of Buddhist dispute against God because they believe that evil and goodness are created by us, the humans. We are soul universal, and create "us" ourselves, and never start or ends. Buddhist also could be considered as "Athesit". Or should I say that Buddhism believe that all of us combined are God.
And there is LOT of Buddhist that believe in God too, like me.
The Buddhism religion have nothing against the Christianity, they are just a foregin contact with Buddhism.
I don't have links, but I have been researching all over the internet before I became Theravada Buddhism, and it's almost 3 in the morning, I am pretty tired and need to work tomorrow so.. if you want some of the links, please feel free to ask me, I will do it but just not this time.

Well... Read the topic of this thread, and DISCUSS it!
I will be very happy to discuss with everyone in this AllDeaf Forum, and would love to help people who don't understand Buddhism. And don't forget that I am a Theravada Buddhism.
Now I am going to mention about alot of people who thought Buddha was a god in Buddhist people's view, which are mistake.
Buddha's Biography
Buddha's real name was Siddhartha Guatama, or Sakyamuni. He was born in 560 BC, as a prince in India. His parents protect him from seeing the reality of suffer, sickness, and death which people are living off. Till at his 29 age, he finally see people suffer, sickness, and death. He decided to stop worshipping to Hinduism (yes he was used to be Hinduism), and quit as being a prince. While he quit as being prince, obsiviously he escaped from his home. He went around northern India, traveling. While he was traveling, he teach people to let the suffer go, and stay be peace, joy and kindness, also teach people to understanding his philosphy(sp?). He never stop teaching people till his death, which are 45 years.
Now, is he a God?
No. He's only a Teacher, just a VERY VERY VERY good teacher. Which are enlightemented.
Also Buddhism's view of Jesus and God, they commonly welcome them. Buddhists might believe that Jesus is another Buddha.
Oh I forgot to say what "Buddha" means, it means "The Awakening One".
About the God, some of Buddhist dispute against God because they believe that evil and goodness are created by us, the humans. We are soul universal, and create "us" ourselves, and never start or ends. Buddhist also could be considered as "Athesit". Or should I say that Buddhism believe that all of us combined are God.
And there is LOT of Buddhist that believe in God too, like me.
The Buddhism religion have nothing against the Christianity, they are just a foregin contact with Buddhism.
I don't have links, but I have been researching all over the internet before I became Theravada Buddhism, and it's almost 3 in the morning, I am pretty tired and need to work tomorrow so.. if you want some of the links, please feel free to ask me, I will do it but just not this time.