

New Member
Jul 15, 2007
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I went with my son's class to the movies today. They had headphones available for use. They weren't offering captions so I got the head phones. I could hear the movie better but I couldn't seem to comprehend it. I also was unusually tired when I got home. Is this normal?
Thanks for answering me. I thought it was odd because I was able to follow along in the past. Its just been this year that I can't keep up.
Yes, it's normal. Find out what theaters have rear window captioning.
My experience of personal Loops around your neck at the cinema is they do not work.

Ours never does.
My experience of personal Loops around your neck at the cinema is they do not work.

Ours never does.

Unfortunately, most theater personnel are uneducated about neckloops, FM system receivers and amplified headphones and how they work. What also complicates this issue is the fact that equipment varies from theater to theater. One theater may offer amplified headphones while another offers neckloops.

Your best best is to go to a theater that offers captioned movies provided there is one in your area.
Thank you so much for the info! I will be adding the web site to my favorites. The headphones I had were crappy and I had to figure out what channel the reciever had to be set to on my own. I don't think I'll bother trying that route (the headphones) again. I'll stick to the open captions. I don't like the rear ones because it messes with my eyes constantly having to refocus between the viewer and the movie screen.