Question for those who have been married many, many years

Perfectly normal to find others attractive. My wife was the hottest woman that ever lived yet I still found myself attracted to others from time to time. Never thought about acting on it though. I knew I was lucky.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Getting off depo explains a lot. Hormonal BC always affected me and I'm much happier without it.
I think Reba gave you very good advice. My husband and I have been married since 1982. I don't allow myself to think of other men that way at all. I think it's dangerous. Cheating begins in the heart, with a stray though, a stray idea- it doesn't just happen on the spur of the moment. So I start by guarding my heart, and that means, yes, the wedding band is, in a sense, over my eyes as well.
Couples who are experiencing biblical love are NOT perfect. They make mistakes, but the key thing is to ask for forgiveness and go on. Their relationships are not perfect either.

I'm SICK of hearing how Christian couples are SO much better off than non-Christian couples when I personally have seen a busload of hypocrites who call themselves biblical, are active members of their churches, and constantly brag about those two things while thumping the Bible. When I ran the domestic violence program for over 10 years, guess what kind of couples end up in there. "Biblical ones." I've taught children for over 10 years, and guess which families often have issues that negatively affect their children. Biblical families. I'm sorry if I come off strong, but my recent experiences of trauma and seeing how my Christian friends and family literally shunned me based on assumptions upon which they judge me harshly, I've changed my tune. I'm still a Christian, still love God, and still am involved in the church. I just don't make myself look better than other people, because I still am imperfect and make mistakes. *jumps off the soapbox*

Jas, what you are experiencing is perfectly normal and the fact that you feel guilty about it shows that you know in your heart how you really feel. Your husband is a VERY lucky guy. :)
LOL I hope this isn't TMI but I did start my period...
I'm chaulking it all up to that.
Glad this is OVER! yay!

We're both quite lucky to have found each other. In fact, my husband is best buds with my cousin on my mothers side of the family which I have not seen in many years since my moms death. I had no idea until I was making out the wedding invites and saw the last name. It was meant to be for me and my husband I'd like to think. That just doesn't happen. I'd like to think my mom in heaven planned the entire thing. It's a nice thought. :)
Maintain Honorable Marriage

Marriage is a relationship that requires a high level of commitment. It is a commitment, not to a contract, but to a person. Two people who merely live together without getting married can never enjoy real security; neither can their children. But partners who are committed to each other in honorable marriage have an impelling Scriptural reason for striving to resolve their difficulties with love when problems arise.—Matt. 19:5, 6; 1 Cor. 13:7, 8; Heb. 13:4.

In Bible times, people benefited from having binding contracts in business and employment. (Matt. 20:1, 2, 8) Today, the same holds true. For example, we benefit from having a binding written agreement, or written contract, before we begin a business venture or start working as an employee in a company. Hence, if commitment enhances relationships such as friendship, marriage, and employment, how much more will making an unreserved dedication benefit you in your relationship with Jehovah!