Question about the future.

Scandals is one way to kill company, like ViableVRS that is killing themselve.

Your right, Entertainent is just a luxury, and if enconomy and society interest shifts, they are screwed no matter how hard they try to correct. Now back to point of Enron, it is energy which is a necessity to keep us warm and provided light yet they are screwed by scandals.

Wasn't Enron in trouble because of scandals and poor accounting practices? That will take any company down.

Entertainment companies, as a whole, are in an interesting position because they are going to be the first place people cut expenses. They're "luxuries" in life and not necessities like food, shelter, etc.
We had Industrial revolution since 1700 and that is 300 years ago, can you name a company that reach over 200 years?

Even which is true is that Enterainment business has been gone for thousands of years, name one company that live more than 200 years?

Disney survived for almost 100 years..I say that is very unique...

just like Ford motors. I think when a company is innovative, they tend to have a long life regardless of trends in Wall Street.
We had Industrial revolution since 1700 and that is 400 years ago, can you name a company that reach over 200 years?

The United States Constituion?

Jack Daniel's is still alive and strong. :D Started in 1850...:hmm:
Sorry for lousy math, I recalculate and it is 300 years and The United States Constitution is not a business, and it is just a government bylaw. Yes, United States has the oldest constitution in the world.

The United States Constituion?

Jack Daniel's is still alive and strong. :D Started in 1850...:hmm:

Jack Daniel is now 160 years old.
Sorry for lousy math, I recalculate and it is 300 years and The United States Constitution is not a business, and it is just a government bylaw. Yes, United States has the oldest constitution in the world.

Jack Daniel is now 160 years old.

This country is a booming business!
Speakong of what DHB said in regards of the Kodak business ---> that is why the technology has evovled.... impacting the business... oh, my!
We had Industrial revolution since 1700 and that is 300 years ago, can you name a company that reach over 200 years?

Even which is true is that Enterainment business has been gone for thousands of years, name one company that live more than 200 years?

Hudson Bay Company.
Still don't get my point, no corporation is immunity to bankruptcy or going out of business.

One of biggest bank in USA went dead was Bear Stearns. That company went out of business (Collapsed) almost like overnight.

Sure you gave us list of many companies that is over 200 years old, the truth, it is just fraction of total companies that founded.

I don't want to sound negative, just want to be realistic and do not want to have any expectation that any company would forever survive.
But Disney is special...a rarity among entertainment companies. It is legendary.

well - look at the trend now. everything's going electronic. amusement parks, thrill rides, etc. aren't what it seems to be anymore. Kids these day are more interested in gaming/computer than amusement park. As long as Disney Walt continues to be innovative, it can survive a while longer.
I have to disagree, any companies, no matter how big or powerful they are can and WILL eventually dies. Nothing can last forever and no company has the immunity to death.

I can give good example, Eastman Kodak was very BIG and powerful company, had over 88k employees, big money, nice paychecks for employees and generous retirement benefits. Now guess what? Kodak is now struggling to survive and now has less than 4k employees. Retirement is now on brink of losing benefit from Kodak because Kodak no longer can afford.

There are several major amusument companies are now struggling to survive, like Six Flags, Walt Disney is not alone.

I could do research and bring informations on these companies that were once big now is non-exist.

Ah another example, major airliner Pan-Am, is now gone and yes they were the one of big corporation that dies. Another example, we all know we depend on Energy and they should be strong, WRONG! Enron went out of business and yes they were once big company.

and Lehman Brothers.. and Saturn car company.... and many more.....
I didn't miss the point... just simply attacking the argument. ;) I know what point you were trying to make, but the example was a pretty crappy one. :lol:

And HBC broke that argument. ;)
so far - the list seems good enough otherwise.... dispute it with other source :)
sometimes it does but I was warned by a uni professor in one of the classes earlier this year so had to avoid it at all.
sometimes it does but I was warned by a uni professor in one of the classes earlier this year so had to avoid it at all.

but we're not in university, aren't we? :)
sometimes it does but I was warned by a uni professor in one of the classes earlier this year so had to avoid it at all.

Any kind of reference books are not to be used in essays. It's not just Wikipedia. It's also extended to hard-copy encyclopedias and dictionaries. But university is preparing you to be able to write a thesis that may or may not be published in a peer-reviewed journal in your final year of Bachelor program.

Glenn isn't submitting a thesis for a journal.
plus - if you feel his wikipedia source is erroneous/misleading.... simply dispute it with a credible source.