Psychology of Parents on CI

I think critical thinking (sp?) would apply to this as well.

I know it doesn't take much to see why the fact is the way it is (better communication=better learning), but for my stubborn friend, I'd like a source to show her how beneficial ASL can be. :lol:
Really, why would a family commit to surgery, MAPings, intense post activation therapy, etc, if they have no interest in spoken language?

How often does a person have such a complete loss that they can't hear a siren with hearing aids?

Also, if the goal is just enviromental sounds the person can chose the implant when they are old enough to choose it for themself.

Not everyone has the same views as you do.
If I got you right, that's what I think, too. The biggest problem is not that parents just want to put on that CI and wath TV or doing something else, as that's as bad as overdoing speech therapy. I find it worrysome that doctors approve the latter, but not the first.

It's funny, but this is perhaps the main reason I think CI are scary on kids. The CI attracts hell bent speech professonials and people with an awry view on what deafness is about. Just giving kids HA, will make people leave them alone better, and let the kids be kids.

Oh my gosh, tell me about it! My son's deaf friend who is 4 years old has a CI and they both had the same speech teacher from the public school when they were 2 years old. When she got implanted the speech teacher would tell me that her parents need to stop using ASL at home and use spoken language at home. A year passed, she told me that she was very disappointed in them for continuing to use ASL. I reported her for unprofessionalism and breaching confdentality (that's another issue) but I always told her that ASL is more important to them and their daughter is performing way ahead of her age level and happy because of that.

Ugh @ those kinds of speech professionals..
How is learning a language ever a bad thing? How can you be "too dependant" on a language?

Why can you take A's word for it? She is a CI user and has real life experience with it while your daughter is still in structured environments.
still in structured environments.

I took out of the whole of it except "structured environments" that strikes me. Between structured enivironment and the real world definitnly are not the same going process environments in reality.
I took out of the whole of it except "structured environments" that strikes me. Between structured enivironment and the real world definitnly are not the same going process environments in reality.

yep, that's what I mean.
be careful about overfocusing on hearing and language. Your child may depend on it too much that when she get to the real world, it's a struggle because no one is teaching her anymore.

How is learning a language ever a bad thing? How can you be "too dependant" on a language?

I can actually see A's point of view. I pride myself on how well I hear with my HAs and speak, yet it makes me live a life that's very much hearing. It makes it a struggle, communication-wise. I do understand that's MY choice, but at the same time, I have become "dependent" on the spoken language to get by.
I can actually see A's point of view. I pride myself on how well I hear with my HAs and speak, yet it makes me live a life that's very much hearing. It makes it a struggle, communication-wise. I do understand that's MY choice, but at the same time, I have become "dependent" on the spoken language to get by.

That too.
not every child can get environmental sounds with hearing aids. There are signing deaf who actually implant their child but use ASL as their main language. And there are deaf people who use CI as an access to environmental sounds, Like myself, for emergency

maybe they don't want parents to access to CI because they are afraid these kids would give CI a bad name and make CI look like a failure? (of course the parents still have to take them to mapping or they will be stuck on a limit of sounds).

I am not saying we should implant babies, I'm just asking what wrong with ASL and CI for environmental sounds if thats what the parents choose to do. And why they have to include speech in order for their child to be candidate.

Good point, A. If you notice, the kids who get minimum benefit from their CI...such as accessing environmental sounds only...are not the ones we see paraded around. Oh, no! That would provide too realistic a picture. The ones we see paraded out and used as examples of the wonder of the CI are the ones that receive exceptional results. They are far from the average, and actually compromise only a small section of all CI users. Yet they are presented as getting results that all can expect.
It isn't my choice at all. But the truth is that they aren't going to give you a CI if you want those things. If you say that you are not going to use spoken language, do therapy, etc, they will NOT give you a CI. It won't happen.

And you fail to see the audism just pouring out of that statement and that action? Amazing!

The fact is, the CI is intended as a benefit to the deaf/Deaf. The deaf/Deaf have the right to determine if they wish to take advantage of that benefit, and how much they wish to take advantage of that benefit, for themselves. If all they want is environmental sounds, and are satisfied with that, then who are you or any other hearing person to tell them that they don't deserve that benefit because they will not be using it to achieve spoken language?
Unfortunately, as we have seen in this thread, priorities are often not the same among those who hear, and those who are deaf. Who should decide what's important?

When it comes to what is best for the deaf, the deaf should be making that decision.
be careful about overfocusing on hearing and language. Your child may depend on it too much that when she get to the real world, it's a struggle because no one is teaching her anymore.

And no one will create that protected environment, either.
They don't want ASL because they are afraid it will make their child more of a visual learner or their auditory part of the brain won't develop the spoken language they need so they can hear and speak pretty (it doesn't matter if deaf people with HA can speak clearly even though they have a deaf accent). That's just the way people think. They have this fear that ASL make them use their voice and ear less.

They also fear that use of ASL will make their child's deafness more visable to others.
And you fail to see the audism just pouring out of that statement and that action? Amazing!

The fact is, the CI is intended as a benefit to the deaf/Deaf. The deaf/Deaf have the right to determine if they wish to take advantage of that benefit, and how much they wish to take advantage of that benefit, for themselves. If all they want is environmental sounds, and are satisfied with that, then who are you or any other hearing person to tell them that they don't deserve that benefit because they will not be using it to achieve spoken language?

Amen to that! Enough with hearing people telling us that we are wrong and that they are right!
Amen to that! Enough with hearing people telling us that we are wrong and that they are right!

It is just more of that same old attitude of superiority. And considering the mess the hearing have made out of deaf ed, I can never figure out where they get that attitude that they know so much more what is right and appropriate.:roll:
It is just more of that same old attitude of superiority. And considering the mess the hearing have made out of deaf ed, I can never figure out where they get that attitude that they know so much more what is right and appropriate.:roll:

Because we are the poor and dumb deaf people who need their help. :lol:
It is just more of that same old attitude of superiority. And considering the mess the hearing have made out of deaf ed, I can never figure out where they get that attitude that they know so much more what is right and appropriate.:roll:

It's called "Disappointment of their hopes".
It's called "Disappointment of their hopes".

That has a lot to do with it, FF. Too many parents are emotionally destroyed when they have a child that isn't a little mini-me of them. So they try to make them a mini-me.
Yeppers! If only you could be more like them!!! You life would be all rosy then!:laugh2:

Nah, not rosy...very miserable. Seriously, I did view myself that way for a long time.

There were accusations of deaf people wanting to take away parents' rights for educational options but isnt that hyprocritical to take away parents' rights to implant their children simply because they prefer ASL as their primary language? :hmm: