Problem: My dog eats too fast.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2003
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My dog (Basenji) is 1 and 1/2 years old. She has a bad habit eating too fast. My other dog (Jack Russell) eats normal. I tried to make her to eat slow down. How can I make her to change her habit?
eat fast isn't problem as long as you limited the amount of 2 meal per day. do you?
It is too late for me to edit my post.

She ate big bites and chew less that made her shallow hard. She also eat too fast. I made a hamburger for her once a while. I don't understand her.

Jack Russell knows how to eat proper normally. They have different length of their jaw. I think that they make no difference.

Here is picture of my dogs:


(Basenji and Jack Russell)
You have several options - there is a plastic bowl with upraised areas to scatter the kibble around so the dog can't get a bunch of kibble in one bite. I don't like plastic bowls, but I have not seen a metal one.

You can feed your dog on a cookie sheet, scattering the kibble around on the sheet.

Hand feed kibble.
You're probably better off asking a vet or a specialist at a animal food store.

I don't see what's wrong with the dog eating too fast.

I've seen dogs eat really fast... others eat very slow... others knock their food to the floor and eat from there... others eat bit by bit instead of in gulps... etc.
your dogs are so cute!!!

Here I found website and here ... Hope its help you :):):)

Dear Amber,

Thank you for writing to me about your dog's food gulping issues.

Some pets gulp an entire bowl of food down in a just a few seconds.

This can cause stomach and digestive system upset because the animal takes in large amounts of air with the food.

Place a large object in the food dish (forcing your pet to take more time and smaller bites as he eats around the obstruction). The object you place in your pet's bowl should be something that is too large for him to pick up in his mouth. Try a baseball for a toy dog, a softball for a medium-size breed, and an even larger ball for large and giant breeds. You may also try scattering dry food over a large area of floor or grass, forcing your pet to spend time finding and eating each individual piece of food.

Gulping food causes intake of air, which can lead to a condition known as bloat. Bloat is a disease common to deep-chested dogs, but any dog can experience it, that can involve twisting or torsion of the stomach with a subsequent blockage of the esophagus at one end and the intestine at the other.

Bloat can happen quickly and is often fatal without immediate veterinary attention. Its symptoms include retching with no vomiting, extreme salivation, obvious discomfort, and distention of the abdomen.

Basically, you want to avoid your dog consuming a large amount of food or water all at once, especially not at the same time as vigorous exercise. Rather than feeding once a day or leaving food always available, feed in divided portions. Have fresh clean water always accessible but take it up at mealtimes (so your dog doesn't gulp it with food). Avoid exercising your dog before and after meal times.

Gulping food can bring on an attack of bloat, so dogs should be fed at least twice daily, if not more often, to avoid the hunger pangs that lead to eating too fast. Some breeders believe that foods that contain soybeans shouldn't be fed to breeds that are susceptible to bloat because the beans can produce gas. Many cases of bloat occur in the evening, after the dog has perhaps shared the family snack of pizza or some other highly-spiced food and then had some exercise. Treatment is expensive and not always successful.

Do not feed your dog from an elevated bowl.

Include digestive enzymes in your dog's food (can be ordered from J&B Wholesale Pet Supplies). These will help your dog to digest and assimilate all his nutrients so he won't be so hungry.

If there are other pets in the household, put them in another room while your dog is eating.

If you are feeding dry food, be sure to wet it as a preventative for bloat.

When you have the time, you can place small amounts of food in his bowl and only after he finishes it, you can then place the next portion down. In this way you may be able to retrain his eating patterns.

Dogs should never be left alone with any kind of rawhide or chewies. These can become lodged in his throat and he can suffocate to death. Always monitor, and for dogs that gulp, don't feed these at all. Instead, give your dog a raw marrow bone from the butcher. The bone MUST be raw. Cooking can cause a bone to splinter and become very dangerous. Make sure the bone is quite large as you don't want your dog to be able to gulp it down, but rather gnaw on it.

I don't know what kind of food your dog is eating but if it isn't a human grade such as Biljack, Solid Gold, Wellness, etc, your dog may be hungry because there are not enough nutrients in the food. The best diet is a raw diet, the next real food that is cooked and finally, a high human grade dog food or a combination of all three.

Your dog should also get a thorough exam by a vet with particular interest paid to the possible presence of worms or/and parasites. These could make your dog feel hungry all the time.

It is important to monitor the amount of food your dog is allowed to ingest at one time, especially if her tendency is to overeat.

I am concerned about the safety of what you have written to me about and I hope that you will take my recommendations to heart.

The best of luck.

Shelley Davis
Bed & Biscuit Dog Boarding Kennel Hudson Valley Ulster
You're probably better off asking a vet or a specialist at a animal food store.

I don't see what's wrong with the dog eating too fast.

I've seen dogs eat really fast... others eat very slow... others knock their food to the floor and eat from there... others eat bit by bit instead of in gulps... etc.
well, when they eat tooo fast, they throw up. Its not healthy for them to eat fast and throw up everytime.. its considered "bulimic" so there are other ways to help cut down eating too fast.

put a very small amount of dog food in a bowl.. like 1/4th. let the dog eat that.. then wait 15 to 20 minutes and put another 1/4th... it looks like your dog weighs around 17 to 22 pounds? if that's the case.. they're suppose to eat at least 1 and a half cup a day. you go by the pound and the amount of food they can eat per day.

if you keep feeding people food.. its not going to have a long lasting life and will have health problems later on.
I notice that most dogs eat table foods so fast than dog's foods. One time I saw my friend's dog didnt chew the hot dog. He shallow whole hot dog and didnt throw up. wow. I think most dogs think dog's foods are not best so they rather eat table foods because they think table foods taste so good than their dog's food. :dunno2:
I notice that most dogs eat table foods so fast than dog's foods. One time I saw my friend's dog didnt chew the hot dog. He shallow whole hot dog and didnt throw up. wow. I think most dogs think dog's foods are not best so they rather eat table foods because they think table foods taste so good than their dog's food. :dunno2:

it does same with canned food.

Many dogs love canned food because it taste so great but can cause more fats.
I feed cats twice a day instead of once a day because it could lead them hungry and eat fast then vomit easily.

I would suggest you to check with the Vet about this.
Phillips, Thank you for sharing the info with us. I already printed it out and put it in my dog history file.
try feeding your dog small amount of food at a time. What does your vet say about this?
The original post was from 2007. I hope he figured out a solution to the problem by now.
I hope this isn't a re-post but they do make bowls for dogs that eat too fast.
here's a link: Planet Blue Dog - Bowls...For Dogs & Cats That Eat Too Fast

this also helps to prevent bloat in dogs who are prone to bloating by helping them slow down while eating preventing them from swallowing too much air which can twist and turn the stomach and also when kibble is digested it also expands and releases gas in the stomach adding to a double problem. Although this will not stop the nasty canine farts ( wish it did ) it will help your dog from eating too fast :)

hope the link works for you if not I'll find another, let me know!
I hope this isn't a re-post but they do make bowls for dogs that eat too fast.
here's a link: Planet Blue Dog - Bowls...For Dogs & Cats That Eat Too Fast

this also helps to prevent bloat in dogs who are prone to bloating by helping them slow down while eating preventing them from swallowing too much air which can twist and turn the stomach and also when kibble is digested it also expands and releases gas in the stomach adding to a double problem. Although this will not stop the nasty canine farts ( wish it did ) it will help your dog from eating too fast :)

hope the link works for you if not I'll find another, let me know!
That looks like an interesting bowl. :)