Prepare for your future home to protect for next hurriance, windstorm, etc.

Hallelujah! :applause:

The Town just gave us permission to cut down two trees! Wow! I was shocked!

We should be able to get an appointment with the tree cutting service in a couple weeks. It will cost $300 to cut them down, and we will remove the wood ourselves. I don't think we can get the stumps ground down because of the location. I don't think the stump grinder equipment can access the area.

But the best thing will be, not having those trees dangling overhead, or cracking our foundation. Yay!
:applause: that´s wonderful new, Reba! :hug: I´m happy for you! I was like :ugh2: and can´t understand why the town rejected your appeal after saw 2 pictures of your trees close to your house. I want to say that the Town is the responsible if any happened to you & your family (hit/injured by tree due storm...) but the town gave you permission to cut 2 trees.. That´s wonderful... I think they realized that they will be on responsible if anything happened on you.
Reba said:
Liebling, I was reviewing some of the previous posts about trees. I read your post, "All what they only give us rule how to plant the trees - how far to plant from my house... it should not close to house and should be not under 30 cm close to my neighbor´s property, that´s all. I´m allow to plant any trees 30 cm distance between my and my neighbor´s property." I didn't think much about the first time I read it because I didn't convert the 30 cm to inches. This time, I converted the measure. I was surprised, because 30 cm equals only 11.8 inches. That means, you can plant trees less than one foot from the property line. Am I reading that correctly? That seems very, very close to me.

The closest trees to my house are about three feet--that is less than one meter. That means the roots are probably spreading under the house foundation, and the branches are spreading over my roof. We didn't plant the trees there. The trees were already there when we bought the house.

Yes, 30 cm = 12 inches.

It should be 12 inches distance from the fence between my neighbor & my property. No, it´s not not "very, very" close to fence.

We are not allow to plant the trees close to our house. It should be from 3 metres distance from the house. The fruits trees at my back and front yard are over 3 metres away from my house.
Reba said:
The town's Code Enforcer drives around looking for violators. He will ticket us and fine us $8,000 per tree if we cut it down. He llooks for stumps or piles of sawdust, and he listens for chain saws. That is his full-time job, to catch tree-cutting violators.

The neighbors don't mind if we cut them down. They want to cut down some of their's too. We are willing to pay someone to cut them down. That is not the problem. The problem is, it is illegal for us to cut down a tree ourselves or to hire someone to do it.

The town doesn't pay to cut down the trees. The homeowner pays. But the town doesn't allow us to cut down the trees.

When we applied for permission, we stated that we would plant replacement trees. It didn't matter to them. They still denied permission.

You once obtain the permission from the local government. Why don't you hire your neighbors to cut your trees for the $500, and they will hire you to cut their trees for the same cost? Isn't that very simple?
Mookie said:
You once obtain the permission from the local government. Why don't you hire your neighbors to cut your trees for the $500, and they will hire you to cut their trees for the same cost? Isn't that very simple?
These trees are very tall, and both are very close to our house, our fence, and the neighbor's house. We need to use a professional tree cutting service, who has the proper equipment and experience, and liability insurance. Actually, $300 for two trees is a good price here. He reduced the price a little bit because we are keeping the wood, so he doesn't need to haul it away.
webexplorer said:
hurray! What such a long time! You could plant some flowers after removing the trees.
I was thinking about maybe hollowing out the stumps and using them as planters for flowers.