Pray for my Neighbors


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
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My neighbors are good people...They have great hearts and a personality. I need your prayers because the man has had 2 heart attacks in the past year and I need him to stick around.. He is my fathers only companion. They do everything together. So's all I am asking is that YOU take time to pray for him. Thanks for your time:) --May there be peace on EARTH! :cheers:
I am sorry to hear about your neighbor.. He will be in my prayers..
Hi Barbiegirl, He is in my prayers too and I pray for many more years of friendship for your father and your friend. God Bless !!!!
:( Awwww, I am so sorry to hear about your dad's companion. I hope that your dad's friend will pull through this, and be back on his feet, and hanging out with your dad again. My prayers are with your dad's friend!!! :angel:
I´m very sorry to hear about this. I wish your neighbor´s health goes improve... Keep update with news.