Post your gas prices

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In the low 2.90's here right now.....
paid $34 for my car yesterday and the prices is at $1.35 p/l
Lowest that I have seen with my own eyes, $2.64 I think it was.
AHA!! I was right!!! Few hours ago it was $2.01 in KC area...and I just got home from a short trip and pass by QT and guess what? It is $1.98!!! Finally broke the 2 dollar barrier!!!
2.06 now! i cant wait to see break 2 dollars barrier! lol!
congrat who saw it!
KC area - News said parts of this area has gone down to $1.85 but my OWN eyes have seen it at $1.95 now. Keep going down baby...go down down!!
the difference gas price is $1.25 per liter had been dropped to low since world enonomcy... :shock:
$1.35 per liter for gas. It is going down.
I think this is starting to stablize the gas price. We may not be seeing much decrease from now til around 3rd week of November. It will go up few cents maybe dimes then drop down around January for 2 or 3 more months before we start to see price retreating back to 3 dollars/gal maybe lil more.
Yesterday... Fed my monster truck with $2.52 :D
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