Possible Sidekick Successor Running Android?


New Member
Mar 5, 2003
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My thoughts? Can't say until I actually get my hands on a working model. :dunno:
This is Sick!!! :giggle: Glad to hear that Sidekick are become Linuxized!!

Now that Android Sidekick become equal to all Android phone and able to run same apps!!

Betcha what happened to Danger owned by M$?? :rofl:

Catty :cool:
I don't know what has really happened to Danger, Inc., they may have been consolidated with Microsoft's Mobile Windows unit. Danger still has offices in San Francisco, Atlanta and Boston.

I am kind of surprised that T-Mobile has decided to go with HTC and Android. Android and Danger are kind of like half-siblings, since both companies were co-founded by the same guy, Andy Rubin.

I am looking forward to this... Maybe this will be better than what Sharp made. Right now, I am going through my first Sidekick replacement. I am waiting for the package to arrive here. :roll:
Wirelessly posted (via Blackberry Bold 9700.)

Interesting, guess wait and see when Android Sidekick come out.
It seems other countries like UK, Germany and Australia, no longer have Sidekick plans and stopped selling Sidekicks. From reading in powered by danger forum.

Telstra no longer sell SK plan and SK phones since October 2009.
This is Sick!!! :giggle: Glad to hear that Sidekick are become Linuxized!!

Now that Android Sidekick become equal to all Android phone and able to run same apps!!

Betcha what happened to Danger owned by M$?? :rofl:

Catty :cool:
Yeah, you know what???? very interesting history of Danger co founder, another co founder, T-Mobile VP, and few peoples were invented and created android-Linux OS out of 2008 before danger company gonna dead; and Google adopted Android, Inc.

Yes I am very loyal MSFT (xbox user, window os), but I am mad at MSFT, what they done to danger, inc. MSFT people really SHAME. SHAME, SHAME, TRULY SHAME!

Sweet, hope that would be a reality.
Yes, I hope device is capable of upgrade/update OS rather than fragments.

1) I don't know what has really happened to Danger, Inc., they may have been consolidated with Microsoft's Mobile Windows unit. Danger still has offices in San Francisco, Atlanta and Boston.

2) I am kind of surprised that T-Mobile has decided to go with HTC and Android. Android and Danger are kind of like half-siblings, since both companies were co-founded by the same guy, Andy Rubin.

3) I am looking forward to this... Maybe this will be better than what Sharp made. Right now, I am going through my first Sidekick replacement. I am waiting for the package to arrive here. :roll:
1) yeah MSFT actually acquired Danger, Inc. the reason, they had no way to get their own strategy software for project pink, since MSFT phones were very low sales unlike Iphone , RIM, ANDROID keep up with market share. So MSFT killed danger after acquired it and They actually fired workers from danger and some left danger. MSFT got rid of tmobile strategy for sidekick and stole sharp from danger & tmobile. MSFT destroyed Danger's software, then converted into win ce as messed up, use Danger high tech servers (unlike MSFT servers) and now you see KIN phone what MSFT called social phone which replaced sidekick/hiptop.... therfore MSFT was bloody lust after DANGER's HI-TECH SERVERS SYSTEM, not danger software.. You will notice MSFT always talk about cloud computing, cloud phone, cloud business across internet as such bloggers, etc..

I tell you for the truth, KIN will FAIL in six months. MSFT really doesn't understand how Mobile market works.

2) why you surpise that T-mobile go with HTC and android.. Did you know that Danger, inc and T-mobile vp were invented and created android platform before release and become the fastest popular, no joke.. You should thank Danger and tmobile for that.

3) I really love sidekick, one of all devices I've owned. I am glad to see you stay loyal with sidekick for years. Yes i hope sidekick twist is very reliable like the sharp sidekick series did. and sidekick twist will kick kin to the curb.. lol