Pork chopped from federal prison menus


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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Inmates will no longer be pigging out on ham or bacon after the Obama administration removed pig products from federal prison menus, in a sudden move being decried by the pork industry.

The federal Bureau of Prisons, responsible for over 200,000 inmates, reportedly imposed the ham ban at the beginning of the month and said it was in response to surveys of prisoners' food preferences. According to the government, pork just wasn't a popular menu item.

“Why keep pushing food that people don’t want to eat?” Edmond Ross, a spokesman for the prison bureau, told The Washington Post. “Pork has been the lowest-rated food by inmates for several years.”

But the pork industry has an obvious retort: Seriously, who doesn't like bacon?

"We find it hard to believe that a survey would have found a majority of any population saying, ‘No thanks, I don’t want any bacon,’" a spokesperson for The National Pork Producers Council told FoxNews.com in a statement. "For people who are incarcerated, we understand that they’re denied certain rights and freedoms but we don’t think bacon should be one of them."

In terms of responding to the move, the NPPC would not rule out legal action.

Pork chopped from federal prisons

Prisoners don't like ham, pork chops or bacon?
You gotta being joking ! I had a lot of clients that got Meals on Wheels and half the time we had no idea what kind of meat it was . My clients weren't given a choose of what kind of food they get and they were
law abiding citizens .
Yeah, whatever happened to bread and water? The very idea of even given a choice, they should be given spam every day as a punishment. :giggle:
Yeah, whatever happened to bread and water? The very idea of even given a choice, they should be given spam every day as a punishment. :giggle:

I agree ! You should had seen the meals my clients got ! I opened up one and it was gray hamburger with green bean that look like they been recooked a dozen time a slice of white bread and an apple ! When I got home from work I called the Meals on Wheel place told them I would not had given that meal to my pet rat ! And my clients had to pay for this slop!
But the pork industry has an obvious retort: Seriously, who doesn't like bacon?


Thankfully not all Meals on Wheels are not like what WDYS describes. A relative of mine used to deliver for meals on wheels and I used to go along with her sometimes. It was fine- the service was through a church I think and some of the food was cooked that morning or the night before.

Thankfully not all Meals on Wheels are not like what WDYS describes. A relative of mine used to deliver for meals on wheels and I used to go along with her sometimes. It was fine- the service was through a church I think and some of the food was cooked that morning or the night before.

I DO really like bacon.

But want to add to the bit about the differing Meals on Wheels service. It so depends on location. My mother used them many years ago and the one problem she has was the serving sizes were too big. I assume they were what they expected a man would need. A retired pastor that was a member of our church was the one that delivered hers with time to visit as well. They became quite good friends even though Mom had not been active at church for years.
I wonder if the dislike comes not from what it is but the way it is prepared?
Probably was also done because of the cost of pork and bacon.
I DO really like bacon.

But want to add to the bit about the differing Meals on Wheels service. It so depends on location. My mother used them many years ago and the one problem she has was the serving sizes were too big. I assume they were what they expected a man would need. A retired pastor that was a member of our church was the one that delivered hers with time to visit as well. They became quite good friends even though Mom had not been active at church for years.

I can't remember the size but I do recall at least one woman who used to just save part of it for the next day if it was too much for her. Of course there is always a chance there's something someone doesn't like or won't eat. Kind of hard to cater to everyone on Meals on Wheels for what meals they want (other than the standard I'm guessing like allergies or gluten free (now) or based on any health concerns).
Well, it will make menu choices easier for Jewish and Muslim prisoners.
Well, it will make menu choices easier for Jewish and Muslim prisoners.

If a religious Jew, in times of duress, the kosher laws are suspended and you can go ahead and eat the pork.
I find it ironic that these prisoners won't eat something because of their religious beliefs. If they were so religious like they say they were, no crime would of been committed. When people go to prison, they deserve no right what they want to eat. They deserve to lose that freedom when commiting a crime.