Pics of you - Part V

Actually, it does. We have a picture (in storage) of me and my two brother and my mother standing next to the sign on the highway that says "Welcome to Hell, MI"

I think we have a print, but I know for sure it was on a 35mm slide.

Michigan: the only state where you can go to Hell and Paradise both, in the same day.

I've never been to Hell, but I've been to Paradise a few times. It is a beautiful spot.

Paradise, Michigan

Short history of Hell:

Hell was first settled in 1838 by George Reeves and his family. George had a wife and 7 daughters – no reason to call it Hell yet… George built a mill and a general store on the banks of a river that is now known as Hell Creek…
The mill would grind the local farmers grain into flour; George also ran a whiskey still, so a lot of times the first 7-10 bushels of grain became moonshine.
In turn, horses would come home without riders, wagons without drivers….someone would say to the wife, where is your husband?
She’d shrug her shoulders, throw up her arms and exclaim, Ahh, he’s gone to Hell!”
In 1841 when the State of Michigan came by, and asked George what he wanted to name his town, he replied, “Call it Hell for all I care, everyone else does.” So the official date of becoming Hell was October 13, 1841…
this is why I wear a hat...
This is gonna sound weird ash345, but are you of Swedish decent by any chance?
This is gonna sound weird ash345, but are you of Swedish decent by any chance?

not that I know of, I'm German, English, Mexican and Yaqui Indian.. why? do i look swedish?
I see, well I know a couple of Swedish women and you look similar to them..thought i'd hazard a guess is all, nice pics btw :)
ah ok... I don't know anything about my my Yaqui side really... My great grandpa was full blood Yaqui... I only saw him a couple times before he died.

No worries. Thanks for the replies.