Pass For Hearing


New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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When I was sitting in my Deaf Culture class - the prof talked about deaf people who try to pass for hearing and some stuff caught my attention - I was like damn that is me......and I agreed why there is problems like the hearing people will eventually notice that you ask them to repeat a lot or that you stare at their face alot...... also they cant call me directly......... I dont know what you think about this.....Please dont rag on me for this.... I have actually not tell anyone I am deaf like until later on maybe at the end of the day or few days later.....They just think I am FOB (fresh of the boat) by the way for the newbies I am not an American. Sometimes I forget I am deaf until there is some things like annoucements or group events and I am totally lost.....then I feel like FUCK!!! What really piss me off is that some prof think that they should talk with me via interpreter I am like no you can talk to me directly....... GRRRRR....
Sometimes I forget I am deaf until there is some things like annoucements or group events and I am totally lost.....then I feel like FUCK!!! What really piss me off is that some prof think that they should talk with me via interpreter I am like no you can talk to me directly....... GRRRRR....
Well, if you had an interpreter then you wouldn't feel lost b/c you'd be able to understand 100% instead of listening 110% and only getting 75% of what's said. That is why those professors think that they should talk with you via a 'terp.....NOT b/c you can't function orally but just so that you'll be able to understand 100% instead of only 75%.
Originally posted by deafdyke
Well, if you had an interpreter then you wouldn't feel lost b/c you'd be able to understand 100% instead of listening 110% and only getting 75% of what's said. That is why those professors think that they should talk with you via a 'terp.....NOT b/c you can't function orally but just so that you'll be able to understand 100% instead of only 75%.

I agree with deafdyke, its important that u have an interpeter and be able to know ur not being left out or discrimated u just are being considered on the communication based skills so u don't feel lost or behind. and They don t have to feel lost and behind with u .
Now that I think about this one, there are MANY times I try to pass for hearing. =X I work in retail and even though I work in processing, there are many times I go up to the sales floor and help out or put things away. I've come across so many types of different people while at my job. I think a lot of the times I will not say I am deaf, because of the reactions I've gotten. But if I cant lipread the person because they are looking down or away, I'll let them know they need to be looking at me. I actually had a woman WALK AWAY from me as I was telling her ... This is how it went:

Customer: blah blah blah
Jamie (me): *looking down and putting things away* *suddenly realizes someone's standing near, looks up*
Customer: *stands looking annoyed*
Jamie: Ahh sorry, may I help you? Sorry I didnt respond right away Im deaf.....
Customer: *walks away mid-sentence*
Jamie: and if you just looked at me I might be able to lipread you and perhaps even help you, but no, you walked away and now I dont have a chance to prove myself. Stupid Bitch.

She was gone by then, so I was quietly talking to myself. Other people have been nicer, sometimes people know a little sign, sometimes they talk like im stupid. The key to all of this: TEACH. Teach people how to interact with Deaf people. A lot of Deafies dont take the time or energy to give hearing people the knowledge of how to help/interact with Deafies. Too many of us assume that all hearing people know what to do. Sad truth, VERY FEW DO! :) Live and learn. :P
Originally posted by pinkster
Now that I think about this one, there are MANY times I try to pass for hearing. =X I work in retail and even though I work in processing, there are many times I go up to the sales floor and help out or put things away. I've come across so many types of different people while at my job. I think a lot of the times I will not say I am deaf, because of the reactions I've gotten. But if I cant lipread the person because they are looking down or away, I'll let them know they need to be looking at me. I actually had a woman WALK AWAY from me as I was telling her ... This is how it went:

Customer: blah blah blah
Jamie (me): *looking down and putting things away* *suddenly realizes someone's standing near, looks up*
Customer: *stands looking annoyed*
Jamie: Ahh sorry, may I help you? Sorry I didnt respond right away Im deaf.....
Customer: *walks away mid-sentence*
Jamie: and if you just looked at me I might be able to lipread you and perhaps even help you, but no, you walked away and now I dont have a chance to prove myself. Stupid Bitch.

She was gone by then, so I was quietly talking to myself. Other people have been nicer, sometimes people know a little sign, sometimes they talk like im stupid. The key to all of this: TEACH. Teach people how to interact with Deaf people. A lot of Deafies dont take the time or energy to give hearing people the knowledge of how to help/interact with Deafies. Too many of us assume that all hearing people know what to do. Sad truth, VERY FEW DO! :) Live and learn. :P

I AGREE pink IT's soo true!!!!!!!! we should educate the poeple NOT have them reject us like we're retards!
Originally posted by pinkster
Now that I think about this one, there are MANY times I try to pass for hearing. =X I work in retail and even though I work in processing, there are many times I go up to the sales floor and help out or put things away. I've come across so many types of different people while at my job. I think a lot of the times I will not say I am deaf, because of the reactions I've gotten. But if I cant lipread the person because they are looking down or away, I'll let them know they need to be looking at me. I actually had a woman WALK AWAY from me as I was telling her ... This is how it went:

Customer: blah blah blah
Jamie (me): *looking down and putting things away* *suddenly realizes someone's standing near, looks up*
Customer: *stands looking annoyed*
Jamie: Ahh sorry, may I help you? Sorry I didnt respond right away Im deaf.....
Customer: *walks away mid-sentence*
Jamie: and if you just looked at me I might be able to lipread you and perhaps even help you, but no, you walked away and now I dont have a chance to prove myself. Stupid Bitch.

She was gone by then, so I was quietly talking to myself. Other people have been nicer, sometimes people know a little sign, sometimes they talk like im stupid. The key to all of this: TEACH. Teach people how to interact with Deaf people. A lot of Deafies dont take the time or energy to give hearing people the knowledge of how to help/interact with Deafies. Too many of us assume that all hearing people know what to do. Sad truth, VERY FEW DO! :) Live and learn. :P

well Jamie -- we are always educating and they dont get the idea so i personally give up "educating" the idiot hearies -- call me a deaf militant i dont care -- im not going to waste my time or energy explaining that im deaf only to be dissed at or mocked or whatever -- forget it -- i have other ways to prove myself without having to do the "education" -- what i CAN do proves itself enuf -- ive had a situation where a hearie WANTED to make a fone call for me :shock: i flatly told her NO WAY i can do it myself just fine thank u very much and she :shock: didnt like it and said no no no i can do it FOR YOU me :mad2: no way jose u arent and im perfectly capable of doing whatever that has to be done -- gawd that peeves the hell out of me :mad2:
One time, I stood up in the line waiting for my turn, some lady talked to me, not recognizing that I am Deaf. She was angry at me for ignoring her yakking. When I turned my head, looking at her and told her I am Deaf. She suddenly got quiet afterwards. RME at stupid hearies.
Originally posted by Fly Free
well Jamie -- we are always educating and they dont get the idea so i personally give up "educating" the idiot hearies -- call me a deaf militant i dont care -- im not going to waste my time or energy explaining that im deaf only to be dissed at or mocked or whatever -- forget it -- i have other ways to prove myself without having to do the "education" -- what i CAN do proves itself enuf -- ive had a situation where a hearie WANTED to make a fone call for me :shock: i flatly told her NO WAY i can do it myself just fine thank u very much and she :shock: didnt like it and said no no no i can do it FOR YOU me :mad2: no way jose u arent and im perfectly capable of doing whatever that has to be done -- gawd that peeves the hell out of me :mad2:

I uddy how you felt. I had a similiar experience with hearing people to do some calls for me for a few times. I prefer to call whoever on TDD myself. I wish some companies can provide me TDD for accommodations.

Originally posted by Fly Free
well Jamie -- we are always educating and they dont get the idea so i personally give up "educating" the idiot hearies -- call me a deaf militant i dont care -- im not going to waste my time or energy explaining that im deaf only to be dissed at or mocked or whatever -- forget it -- i have other ways to prove myself without having to do the "education" -- what i CAN do proves itself enuf -- ive had a situation where a hearie WANTED to make a fone call for me :shock: i flatly told her NO WAY i can do it myself just fine thank u very much and she :shock: didnt like it and said no no no i can do it FOR YOU me :mad2: no way jose u arent and im perfectly capable of doing whatever that has to be done -- gawd that peeves the hell out of me :mad2:

:laugh2: really?? I like it when hearing people make calls for me - I actually ask some - even strangers.....cuz most tdd are not provided and I really hate using them...... it is usually "garbled" and have to repeat so many times....I just have hearing people listen and I talk on the phone or let them talk on the phone if it is to someone I dont know like AAA when car problems...or calling rehab about my paperwork that THEY didnt fax....its easier for me that way...... sorry if you feel that way though.......
a lot of my hearing friends forget that i'm hard of hearing but this is as a result of me trying to pass off as "hearing" thus, i didn't really bother asking them to repeat if i felt that it wasn't necessary (or due to laziness). I tried to pass of as "hearing" a lot earlier because i had met some people who were annoyed (one guy got really upset) when i asked them to repeat, thus i stopped doing it as much. now, i don't pass myself as "hearing" as much and remind people that i'm hard of hearing or make them repeat. *besides sometimes when i hear something incorrectly-it makes things more fun and hysterical =P
Originally posted by Oddball
One time, I stood up in the line waiting for my turn, some lady talked to me, not recognizing that I am Deaf. She was angry at me for ignoring her yakking. When I turned my head, looking at her and told her I am Deaf. She suddenly got quiet afterwards. RME at stupid hearies.

:rofl: serves her right to be wasting every word she yak yak yak LOL -- she shouldve waited if she got no response after the "hello, may/can i help u qq" cuz that has gotta be a SUREFIRE way of knowing a person is deaf
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
:laugh2: really?? I like it when hearing people make calls for me - I actually ask some - even strangers.....cuz most tdd are not provided and I really hate using them...... it is usually "garbled" and have to repeat so many times....I just have hearing people listen and I talk on the phone or let them talk on the phone if it is to someone I dont know like AAA when car problems...or calling rehab about my paperwork that THEY didnt fax....its easier for me that way...... sorry if you feel that way though.......

babyphat -- i know not every pay fones have tty there -- i find other methods of communication -- email from text pagers, making a voice call directly to a family member that would know its only a 1 way converstation with me telling them exactly where i am what happened all that whatever and hang up
Originally posted by Oddball
One time, I stood up in the line waiting for my turn, some lady talked to me, not recognizing that I am Deaf. She was angry at me for ignoring her yakking. When I turned my head, looking at her and told her I am Deaf. She suddenly got quiet afterwards. RME at stupid hearies.

No offense - why call hearing people stupid? Arent we supposed to prove that we are equals, thus we are stupid too? Im not saying thats what I think - but I think we owe it to our culture/pride/society to (sorry for the cliche) treat others as we'd like to be treated.
I use to work in a grocey store; once or twice a week i would notice a customer looking at me as if she/he had asked me something and though i was ingnoring em. One day i was stocking and turn around to this big guy whom was yelling "whatta u deaf" i just look at him n turn my head to the side showing my hearingaid to him. i was like hm "does that bother you?" the dude just walk away with a stupid look on his face :crazy: Im sure glad i dont work in store anymore