Part II: The Person Above Me Is...

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:bump: bringing this thread back to alive.....

Person above me is now on a vacation.
Person above me is nice and it's cool that she brought this thread back--*throws the 'butterfly net' out in the trash can* need for it. :D
Person above me is the LOVE of my LIFE!!! :angel:
(edit: this if for GA--darnit, my apologies to Theseus-- :whistle: )

*rubs my hands* **whispers, it's my turn :naughty: **

Person above me is the one who's cuckoo--heh heh. ;)

(of course folks, I'm just kidding here...don't think for one minute she's cuckoo or a get the gist of what I'm saying here. ;) )

Now for Theseus:

Person above me likes to write poems-- ;)
The person above me a male or female? Could be both? :giggle:
Person above me was first spotted in Area 51, where UFOs and little green men have been detected :popcorn:
The person above me is very friendly and supportive :hug:
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