Parent and HA/CI issues

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Mar 23, 2005
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I just created new thread for Sweetmind because she's against on all parent that force to implant on toddlers and children. I just saw how's she feeling about CI would affect deaf culture and ASL but not most at time, implant on toddlers and children are affect them, not for adults that decide to get CI since their ASL is perfect.

Just discuss about parent issue, implant on toddlers and children are supposed be against by FDA, then postpone to after 18th Birthday. Parents are not supposed to forces their children or toddlers to get CI without any benefits with HA, Who want benefits for CI then wait until after 18th Birthday.
Where's Sweetmind?
I just saw how's she feeling about CI would affect deaf culture and ASL but not most at time, implant on toddlers and children are affect them,
I think it appears that CI is affecting deaf culture and ASL b/c of the types of parents who are opting for it. It does seem that a large percentage of the parents who opt for implantation are sociologicly very White. Meaning they are VERY high acheiveing, and have kind of "plastic artifical" suburban values. (IE they are very whitebread and just wanna fit in)
But what the antis have to realize is that this type of parent isn't limited to CI. Those types of parents have ALWAYS been around! Remember oralism didn't start with CI!
The best way to preserve Deaf culture is to be pro-bilingal for dhh kids. Push the fact that ASL is a language, and being fluent in it is just as good as being fluent in any other language.
Have you seen this, TrippLA? do you understand what does it mean?



ps dang I have it I forgot about it! thanks, Gnu!
Audiofuzzy said:
Have you seen this, TrippLA? do you understand what does it mean?



ps dang I have it I forgot about it! thanks, Gnu!

I have hard time to understand that.
I'll be glad to explain if you wish..



dark green = having implant up to 1 year long
light green = having implant up to 5 years long

it tells how long the child is implanted and thus how long it learns speaking and hearing and this way recognizing sounds

From the bottom up to the top on the left = performance % = how well the implanted kids did from 0% to 100%

On the bottom from the left to the right the age of implanted children.

It shows how much the children benefit from being implanted at that age:
between 0 and 3 years old,
between 7 and 10 years old
between 11 and 14 years old
over 14 y.o.

Children who were implanted at the age from 0 to 3 years old after ONE YEAR understood over 70% of words (left column) and after FIVE YEARS (right column) over 80 % of words.

Children who were implanted at the age from 7 to 10 after ONE YEAR understood about 3% of words and after FIVE YEARS about 10% of words.

Children who were implanted at the age from 11 to 14 years old after ONE YEAR understood about 5% words and after FIVE YEARS understood almost 10% words

Children who were implanted after the age of 14 years old after ONE YEAR understood about 2% of words and after FIVE YEARS less than 10% of words.

It shows that children who are implanted after the age of 3 does not receive as much benefit and does not improve over long term.

The difference in benefits from CI is rather huge when it comes to 0-3 age and the other ages.

If you have any questions please ask.

TrippLA - FYI, I am NOT anti-CI as you've stated in another thread. You don't read all my posts about HAs/CI issues.

I just don't accept CI implants on SMALL children. I believe SMALL children should be left alone until they are older to make the decisions for themselves if, they want CI or not. That's for ME - IMO. Parents should be there to support, answers if, they have any questions concernin' CI, take them to places what CI implants look like, explainin' pros and cons, and all that without the parents' choice by puttin' CI implants on SMALL children. I don't care about Bisyllabic words. I am concernin' about their welfare and their feelings when they get older... to be sure that they don't get upset about wearin' CI implant without their consent when they get older. You don't know what they are goin' to FEEL or THINK about CI implant. They may feel different when they get older from their childhood.
CyberRed said:
TrippLA - FYI, I am NOT anti-CI as you've stated in another thread. You don't read all my posts about HAs/CI issues.

I just don't accept CI implants on SMALL children. I believe SMALL children should be left alone until they are older to make the decisions for themselves if, they want CI or not. That's for ME - IMO. Parents should be there to support, answers if, they have any questions concernin' CI, take them to places what CI implants look like, explainin' pros and cons, and all that without the parents' choice by puttin' CI implants on SMALL children. I don't care about Bisyllabic words. I am concernin' about their welfare and their feelings when they get older... to be sure that they don't get upset about wearin' CI implant without their consent when they get older. You don't know what they are goin' to FEEL or THINK about CI implant. They may feel different when they get older from their childhood.

Yea, I agree but I'm against on parents that who forces to implant on children and I wish that FDA need change into after 18th Birthday then that their decide to get CI.

Where is Sweetmind?
TrippLA said:
Yea, I agree but I'm against on parents that who forces to implant on children and I wish that FDA need change into after 18th Birthday then that their decide to get CI.

Where is Sweetmind?

I don't know where Sweetmind is. Don't ask me. :)
CyberRed said:
I don't know where Sweetmind is. Don't ask me. :)

Nah, Sweetmind is your sister, of course.
How is it forced?? I mean seriously - first of all most children I have come across who are from hearing parents - the children don't sign ASL because the parents don't sign ASL. Remember no one learns ASL overnight - and no true hearing person can really grasp the language 100 percent - some have and some do have the capability. But point being you must also remember this world is also 98% hearing - So, the parent is doing what is best for the child. I can understand the scientific side of it - the earlier the implant the easier for them to adapt. It is like a dog the earlier you train a dog when they are younger they learn easier when they get older. But if you wait too long then it is totally pointless.

Point being here is - I do not see any parent who is in AllDeaf who is trying to stop their children from intereacting with the deaf community (after all they are in the AD to learn more about the community) but the same time they are trying to give them opportunities in the hearing world. How wrong is that? Some people may be content working for deaf companies like CSD or residential institutes like TSD, Fremont, and more but some others would want to work and move up in the hearing world and have greater opportunities.

And you know, deaf children who are implanted wouldn't feel so insecure about their implant if it wasn't for the deaf community picking on them "WHY do you have a CI?" and all that crap. If they would just leave them alone and accept them for who they are - then they wouldn't probably feel so insecure. You know I have people who have said that to me - Why did you get a CI? You're from a deaf family and blah blah. But you know what - I think to myself who cares what they think or say - because I know I am much more successful than many of them. While most of my friends are living off SSDI, or working low income jobs because they don't take advantage of the technology or opportunity they have in front of them or they want to work in deaf only related organizations - which is fine everyone has their own choices. And I respect that, but we all need to learn to accept each person as who they are - and honestly if you think any parent are gonna wake up one day and say "Hey, Honey I'm going to implant my son - he needs it!" you are wrong. It is a tormental and hard decision. I have an unborn son that will be born next month - despite the fact that I have a CI - and if my son is deaf - I am having a VERY VERY hard time right now to decide whether or not he will be implanted. *You can consider myself a guniea pig for my son if he is deaf* But it is NOT an easy decision at all - it is emotionally nervewracking! But the same time I want my son to be totally independent and totally free. Would I be forcing my son - no it will be something he will learn to live with and grow up with. But I just dont want my son to go through all the crap I have gone through my life. I have done well and I am doing well - better than I have expected but it could have been better.

So to answer your question - I am still doing alot of research on children with implants - i want to be prepared if he is deaf. But then again I have to come up with a decision should I or should I not. I will look at FACTS not feelings! But the same time - if he is deaf and I do decide to proceed with the CI - he WILL learn and know his hertigage and his history. He WILL learn where he came from. He WILL remember who and what he is! But the same time he WILL also learn to be independent and be someone he wants to be with NO BOUNDARIES of dependability.
CyberRed said:
just don't accept CI implants on SMALL children. I believe SMALL children should be left alone until they are older to make the decisions for themselves if, they want CI or not.

Please enlighten me -- if babies, toddlers or small children cannot benefit from hearing aids like my son, what options other than CI do parents have left? I won't wait until they're 18 years old to "decide"; that is our responsibilities as parents.
Fragmenter, and DefLord, both superb posts!!!!! Actually, I would totally be pro CI and even early implantation if the requirments for implantation were standardized and a little more strict. In the past, the only folks eligable for implantation were those who got very little benifit from hearing aids. Now, they've loosened restrictions so that even kids and people who get a lot of functional hearing from aids, are being implanted. I know of a guy who can hear 80% with his hearing aids.....but he's thinking of being implanted b/c those scores are only in perfect listening conditions! There's nothing wrong per se with people who get very little out of hearing aids being implanted, but when you've got people being implanted who get a lot of use out of hearing aids.....something is messed up!
And you know, deaf children who are implanted wouldn't feel so insecure about their implant if it wasn't for the deaf community picking on them "WHY do you have a CI?" and all that crap.

BINGO! Couldn't be more true...

Parents should be there to support, answers if, they have any questions concernin' CI, take them to places what CI implants look like, explainin' pros and cons, and all that without the parents' choice by puttin' CI implants on SMALL children. I don't care about Bisyllabic words. I am concernin' about their welfare and their feelings when they get older...

take your head out from the sand, sweetie. you and others like you..

If you were really concerned with your child's welfare then you would definitely look long and hard at the graph and think geee, maybe it's a moot point to implant late, because I am DEPRIVING my child of the ONLY chance of best ability to hear if I wait.

It is ridiculous to expect little and even older children to make mature decision for themsleves. For crissake some 7- 8 years olds still believe in Santa Claus and Tooth Fairy!

And what will you say to your child who may very well will ask you one day "Why didn't you implant me when it was the best time for it, now I can't EVER get to be as good as implanted little babies, I hate you!".

Who do you think you are fooling - me or yourself with this:
I don't care about Bisyllabic words. I am concernin' about their welfare and their feelings when they get older...

If you were concerned about child's welfare you would implant early and keep the child in deaf community also.

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