Pain in the CI area?

you should call your doctor and say you need to be seen right away. I hope you'll be okay. I am waiting for my DR. to call about my when my apointment is to see if I get get an inplant. I was thinking of calling if off as I have a lot pain on the right side of my head and that is the side the DR. want me to get the inplant . After reading this I am really thinking of not getting an implant! If yoy can't get seen right away , go the DR office and tell them your are real pain and need to be seen right away!
Take care of that with the doctor.

I have several friends with a CI or two and several years at that. None of them including myself have experienced what you are dealing with.
aw shucks. *disappointed* I was sort of hoping anakin would look like anakin skywalker and i can drool over him in real life. IMAO!

(not to offend you, anakin or anything like that)
anakin: suggest your medical file on the original Implant operation be referred to whatever Doctor will examine in Miami in early November. Hopefully there is sufficient time for your new Doctor to study it. Good luck.

Implanted-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
aw shucks. *disappointed* I was sort of hoping anakin would look like anakin skywalker and i can drool over him in real life. IMAO!

(not to offend you, anakin or anything like that)

yeah, Hayden Christensen is handsome. I almost thought he was in early 20's but it turned out he is actually 4 years younger than me. He looks great for his age!
Haha, whoa! I called the hospital and they only hold records for 7 years, so my records are pretty much gone. My parents are going to look for them at their house and send them over to me - that is, if they find some.
More than likely your new Doctor will understand the situation and go from there to what the examination reveals-and what to do to help you now. More than likely this situation has occurred before to persons implanted very young. Again good luck