Opinion about deaf humor?


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Oct 28, 2013
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I am doing a research project in an ASL class and can not seem to find any opinions on here as to what the Deaf Community thinks about what is humor and what they like using the most. Any opinion you can give me on what you think about Deaf Humor is helpful. :wave:
That's a good question. Did teacher tell you to research on Deaf people humor?
Deaf humor? As in jokes about the deaf? My friends razz me all the time about it, I hear lots of deaf jokes, never bothered me, I laugh at pretty much anything funny, including me going deaf. The usual joke is if I have my hearing aids off when my wife is nagging me, I smile and tell them it's not just my wife that I do that to, said with a wink.
Deaf humor? As in jokes about the deaf? My friends razz me all the time about it, I hear lots of deaf jokes, never bothered me, I laugh at pretty much anything funny, including me going deaf. The usual joke is if I have my hearing aids off when my wife is nagging me, I smile and tell them it's not just my wife that I do that to, said with a wink.

hearing aids off is a life style..certain types of humour can be lost in deaf humour,when i first went deaf i see deaf laughing at stuff i only faintly found amusing but as time gone on i see why
Depends, is it humor or is it the hearing making fun of deaf people? People seem to not realize the difference of what making fun of deaf people and what a "cute joke" is. I can take a joke, but there's a fine line between joking with me and making fun. Being born deaf, I've heard just about all of it, and can get pretty pi**ed off pretty quick.
It is just on the humor in the deaf language pretty much. What is funny, what is not, how you think it differs.
It is just on the humor in the deaf language pretty much. What is funny, what is not, how you think it differs.
Deaf people can tell jokes or be a comedian so no difference from your world. Don't forget that we as human beings can do anything except hear.
I leave the deaf humor to hearing people asking stupid questions ,
"do you drive a car" , " do you take a shower with your HA on?" "do you sleep with your HA on?" Or a doctor leaning over and talking right into my HA as if it was a telephone.
One of the things that I came across while researching was a teacher of ASL I believe was playing a movie for a class of hearing people and had it muted. Where the movie was supposed to be frightening they were laughing because of the facial expressions of the people and they could not hear the background music to change the mood. That is one way that humor differs from cultures. Does that make more sense as to what he is looking for in terms of information on Deaf Humor. (I think it is for expanding our scope of understanding about the culture and how they perceive things differently.)
One of the things that I came across while researching was a teacher of ASL I believe was playing a movie for a class of hearing people and had it muted. Where the movie was supposed to be frightening they were laughing because of the facial expressions of the people and they could not hear the background music to change the mood. That is one way that humor differs from cultures. Does that make more sense as to what he is looking for in terms of information on Deaf Humor. (I think it is for expanding our scope of understanding about the culture and how they perceive things differently.)

I never heard of it but It did not happen to me. only if it depends on the situation, if you are very involved by watching it then you wouldnt be laughing. My son who is hearing and he told me that he got more scared if he hears the noises so he turned the voice off then he would feel less scary but still watch it.
One of the things that I came across while researching was a teacher of ASL I believe was playing a movie for a class of hearing people and had it muted. Where the movie was supposed to be frightening they were laughing because of the facial expressions of the people and they could not hear the background music to change the mood. That is one way that humor differs from cultures. Does that make more sense as to what he is looking for in terms of information on Deaf Humor. (I think it is for expanding our scope of understanding about the culture and how they perceive things differently.)
No, it doesn't. First of all, you need to explain what Deaf Humor means.
Depends, is it humor or is it the hearing making fun of deaf people? People seem to not realize the difference of what making fun of deaf people and what a "cute joke" is. I can take a joke, but there's a fine line between joking with me and making fun. Being born deaf, I've heard just about all of it, and can get pretty pi**ed off pretty quick.

i think some people can be bullies fine line sometimes.. when you younger quicker thinking you can use wit but as get older you get slower so what was funny the other person can get iffy cause no come back with quick whip if that makes sense..
i had the epilepsy jokes dyslexia and deaf ones they can get tiresome...my obsevations is deaf prefer visual humour...it funny when laugh with you not being laughed at but if you in deaf cricle it more funny when take p out of each other but you aware of what hurts others.if without that disability or what ever do not understand..also humour subjective
also age old saying ameican humour is questionable,saying that i expect americans to slate me but it is true:)
I used to do standup comedy and there is a definite difference between hearing and deaf audiences. Humor is impossible to define and only the audience can let you know if it is there or not. Deaf audiences are the most difficult to tickle, no matter how skilled you are at signing. If the audience steers you in the right direction during a routine, it is indeed a very satisfying experience even though the reasons for it remain a mystery. :)
One of the things that I came across while researching was a teacher of ASL I believe was playing a movie for a class of hearing people and had it muted. Where the movie was supposed to be frightening they were laughing because of the facial expressions of the people and they could not hear the background music to change the mood. That is one way that humor differs from cultures. Does that make more sense as to what he is looking for in terms of information on Deaf Humor. (I think it is for expanding our scope of understanding about the culture and how they perceive things differently.)

That has nothing to do not being able to hear the sound , that is from being stupid if people can't tell in a movie people are frighten or laughing about something.