Omg So Scarry


New Member
Apr 20, 2008
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Tonight, hubby and I were at Best Buy getting new laptops (with the 3 kids in tow, of course). Have ya'll noticed how unreasonably small the carts are? We could not fit the 2 toddlers together in 1 cart, and having just 1 in the front and the baby in the carseat in the back was a tight squeeze. Long story short, HER CARSEAT FELL OFF. She was strapped in, of course, but her head bumped the side of the cart (you know, the extra loooong part at the bottom. can't have a normal sized cart, but you can have a ridiculously long bottom.). I freaked out, hubby grabbed her immediately, and then I snatched her from his arms once he had her out of the seat. She has a bump and a bruise on her forehead...Urgent Care suggested to keep an eye on her tonight (I had to keep her up for 5hrs to make sure of no concussion) and then take her to her DR in the morning. I seriously think my heart stopped beating at that moment. I have not left her side since, I've let her nurse for comfort all night. Seriously, I am sitting in bed using my laptop next to her. I spoke to Best Buy's manager, who BLEW me off about what happened thinking I just wanted a DISCOUNT from my purchase..which was NOT the case! I could care less about $ daughter has NO pricetag! So I am calling Corporate in the morning to tell them what happend and urge them to get LARGER carts. Until they do, I will not shop there again because I can not SAFELY take my 3 children in to shop. I went there because their prices were cheaper, but this was so not worth it.
Stores that don't sell a lot of products in one visit will usually provide smaller carts. That's how it is for many stores.

Don't you let your kids walk freely?

Sorry this happened to you.
Wow! What a frightening experience. Since parents with small children do shop at Best Buy, they should certainly take cart size into consideration. Unless, of course, they want parents to start shopping somewhere else!
I hope your baby is ok. yeah I noticed Best Buy have small cart. I assumed its cuz many people dont buy many stuffs compare to Walmart they do? They need to have carts made for family and carts for others? This does made sense? Something for them to think about if they want people with family to come there to shop? Or they are making it a place for not kids as they are afraid kids would break stuffs? I dont know.

Let us know what the corporate office said, please? Thanks. :)
oh no i am very sowwy abt that.. yea u have a right sue for this cuz of ur daughter got hurt... geee!
oh no i am very sowwy abt that.. yea u have a right sue for this cuz of ur daughter got hurt... geee!
How would a lawsuit like that work?

The carts were not intended for use with baby holders. Why not use your own baby stroller?