Oil offshore

well why don't you tell us what would fix the problem??

If you can't, then why won't drilling offshore fix the problem?

Conservation. Cars that get 40 or more mpg cost less to run as far as gasoline goes then big gas guzlin suvs, trucks, etc. Do we really need all them gas guzlin vehicles anyways? Most of the reasons people say they need these big gas guzlin vehicles for are false.

Alternative fuels. I can buy biodiesel for 1 dolar a gallon. Plus, some diesels get 35+ mpg city. The commbination of the two, high mpg and an alternative fuel would realy make a difference.

EVs. Electric vehicles are a good alternative as well. You can run them on just pure electricity. Many are charging them up for 20 times less then what it takes to run a gasoline vehicle on stanard gas. Some are even are charging them up with solar or wind turbines.

Eexercise. Just plan old cardio. Walking, riding the bike, etc.. more places instead of driving. A little here a little there. It all goes a loooong way.
Conservation. Cars that get 40 or more mpg cost less to run as far as gasoline goes then big gas guzlin suvs, trucks, etc. Do we really need all them gas guzlin vehicles anyways? Most of the reasons people say they need these big gas guzlin vehicles for are false.

I agree with that and they are falling out of style really fast. That part is changing for the better and I hope it stays that way!

jasin said:
Alternative fuels. I can buy biodiesel for 1 dolar a gallon. Plus, some diesels get 35+ mpg city. The commbination of the two, high mpg and an alternative fuel would realy make a difference.

Not everybody can just go out and buy a car that can use biodiesel. Also it is not available everywhere and isn't easy to start up a new way to distribute overnight. It takes money to do that. Easier to stay with present way of doing things instead of changing overnight.

jasin said:
EVs. Electric vehicles are a good alternative as well. You can run them on just pure electricity. Many are charging them up for 20 times less then what it takes to run a gasoline vehicle on stanard gas. Some are even are charging them up with solar or wind turbines.

Does that really solve the problem? Still gotta make electricity by burning coal and etc at plant in alot of places.

I am glad to see they are trying to find better way of using what is given to us by nature like wind and etc. However, is not easy to build those overnight. It takes time and till they can build those, we are dependance on oil.

jasin said:
Eexercise. Just plan old cardio. Walking, riding the bike, etc.. more places instead of driving. A little here a little there. It all goes a loooong way.

That is what I'm doing now. I am so glad that I gave up my car right before the gas price skyrocketed. However, it is not easy for those that bought houses that is too far away to walk or ride bikes to. Some cities bus systems are not every well designed. For example the bus system in Lubbock is a joke! They only run till 7 30 PM. It also only stays out on major roads and nowhere near where people might live. So is not that easy to make that big of life style change overnight.

Till they make those changes that will take time, what are they to do in mean time? Not everybody can afford to go out and buy 20,000 dollar car to save gas. Heck, some people are so much into debt they can't even go buy a 10,000 dollar car! Some people are disabled that they aren't able to walk a block to store. So it's not that easy to just snap your finger and say "hey everything is fixed." Till things can be built and new ways are designed, they will need to bring down prices one way or another so that people can get to work and back. Once things goes that bad that people aren't even going to work, whole thing will stop and new technology cannot be built cause nobody will have money to spend! There will be a need to provide relief for time being and continue to work on new and better ways for future.
I agree with that and they are falling out of style really fast. That part is changing for the better and I hope it stays that way!

Not everybody can just go out and buy a car that can use biodiesel. Also it is not available everywhere and isn't easy to start up a new way to distribute overnight. It takes money to do that. Easier to stay with present way of doing things instead of changing overnight.

Any car that runs on standard diesel will also run on bio-diesel without any change overs. Some already have diesel vehicles they do not need to switch over. Also, if people can afford them huge suvs then they can definitely afford a diesel engine vehicle.
I agree with that and they are falling out of style really fast. That part is changing for the better and I hope it stays that way!

Does that really solve the problem? Still gotta make electricity by burning coal and etc at plant in alot of places.

I am glad to see they are trying to find better way of using what is given to us by nature like wind and etc. However, is not easy to build those overnight. It takes time and till they can build those, we are dependance on oil.

By 2015-2020, around there, 40% of all power in the US will come from wind turbines. That's how fast these things are going up. Thats enough to shut down every single coal plant or nuclear plant in the US.

Furthermore, my electric bill is 6 bucks a month because I conserve power so efficiently. If I had to charge up an EV 6 times a month I still would have a fairly cheap electric bill, even less then most people's electric bills now who do not conserve. I would not be taking any extra power from the grid then is already in it. More people could do this if they wanted they just don't spend the time to.
I forgot to add earlier, motorcycles. They are very popular and many will get 40-50 mpg. Thats a very good alternative. Many will run for years and years too with little or no repairs.
I wish that China and India wouldn't make big demand on oil at first place, not start invasion of Iraq at first place then oil price will still cheaper or stable.

i agree with you on that , yep !!
but also the greedy fucking american corporates driven by hypes of expensive technology, and treads on 'bigger is better' which made they even more greedy, so they have taking advantages of cheap labour in taiwan, then now in China...(chinese businessmen are real sleazy knowing how to use Taiwan as a pawn, a precursor to this China domination in the marketing chess game)

then sooner or later american corporates (as does many other multinational corporates , even NZ's own F&P (home appliances giant) going to too) are going start regret to compromise many of those in our homelands (even NZ is feeling the pitch on pressure from same sort of social movements) when the cost of labour rises in China due to 'better standards of living behind that red curtain' coupled with high transport costs for goods to deliver, it could reverse the tread, but I fear this might trigger WW3, i know this sounds insane.. but you never know.....
I forgot to add earlier, motorcycles. They are very popular and many will get 40-50 mpg. Thats a very good alternative. Many will run for years and years too with little or no repairs.

do you mean scooter? I hope you dont mean the two strokes kinds and sucks big time (admittingly i liked the big 2-strokes, or motocrossers but nowadays id' dissaprove because they are indeed too polluting (but i wonder if we' actually distracted to not realise that the BIG industrial machinarys and computers and deforestation is actually much much worse than mere motocross, like i wonder if motocross as a sport is a convenient scapgoat..,. beside this lets get back to the point)
The high performance sport bikes arent exactly cheap to run, they chew tyres so quick. am i right or wrong, do you refer to something like single cylinder trail bikes? or big twins? i doubt Harley Davidson's fits the bill.....nor the Ducatis...but maybe they should start making a smaller VTR's 1000 down to half a size - say a mildly tuned V-twin 500's four stroke would be good, (honda had one ages ago a tranverse, shaft drive one, kinda ugly i dunno much about it a freind had one he liked it - and he is a speed nut- one point he had a 650HP Skyline.....mental case)

Buying a motorcycle is no longer cheap and neither are the insurance for these. Insurance companys got to stop being greedy but then again motorcyclists crowd had to be tainted by boyracers which doesnt help...

its good that they are trying to build wind turbines and such but what they dont tell us is, that it consumes ALOT of oil in construction..... oil is required for the functioning of heavy machinaries

similarily electric cars will require more power stations, this is a catch-22 m ore oil, energy consumption in order to construction these, and also to actually make very efficient stations would might mean more NUCLEAR stations.....which is another dangerous environmental hazard not needed

Id' say we should ban SUV's we dont need them. make tough restrictions on who to drive big trucks, introduce some sort of special permits to own these,for like what reasons , like say if they live on farms, ok , if they want for holidays, then deny, if they can afford and want it anyway , deny. and so on. Need to stop thinking along marketing, and more on regulation i dont care if this sounds like communism, its more about being responsible for our environment - fuck we only got ONE Earth. AND place embargos on foriegn new car makers (Asians, esp from China, India) we need to discourage 'new competitions' and start focusing on what we are already good at and start on a newer [alternative] different way of thinking what does Global economy means to us.

Pacman, i'd take with a grain of salf regarding the petriol companies websites. its just public relation stunts just 'informating us' is really probably not much different from lying or rather distractions. I wouldnt believe believe everything they say.
Congress has a deadline, by its own ban, of September 30th. Don't worry . . . the gas prices will not, symbolically, come down.

Bush lifts offshore drilling ban in symbolic move | Reuters

President George W. Bush on Monday lifted a White House ban on offshore drilling to try to drive down soaring energy prices, a largely symbolic bid unlikely to have any short-term impact on high gasoline costs.
do you mean scooter? I hope you dont mean the two strokes kinds and sucks big time (admittingly i liked the big 2-strokes, or motocrossers but nowadays id' dissaprove because they are indeed too polluting (but i wonder if we' actually distracted to not realise that the BIG industrial machinarys and computers and deforestation is actually much much worse than mere motocross, like i wonder if motocross as a sport is a convenient scapgoat..,. beside this lets get back to the point)
The high performance sport bikes arent exactly cheap to run, they chew tyres so quick. am i right or wrong, do you refer to something like single cylinder trail bikes? or big twins? i doubt Harley Davidson's fits the bill.....nor the Ducatis...but maybe they should start making a smaller VTR's 1000 down to half a size - say a mildly tuned V-twin 500's four stroke would be good, (honda had one ages ago a tranverse, shaft drive one, kinda ugly i dunno much about it a freind had one he liked it - and he is a speed nut- one point he had a 650HP Skyline.....mental case)

Buying a motorcycle is no longer cheap and neither are the insurance for these. Insurance companys got to stop being greedy but then again motorcyclists crowd had to be tainted by boyracers which doesnt help...

its good that they are trying to build wind turbines and such but what they dont tell us is, that it consumes ALOT of oil in construction..... oil is required for the functioning of heavy machinaries

similarily electric cars will require more power stations, this is a catch-22 m ore oil, energy consumption in order to construction these, and also to actually make very efficient stations would might mean more NUCLEAR stations.....which is another dangerous environmental hazard not needed

Id' say we should ban SUV's we dont need them. make tough restrictions on who to drive big trucks, introduce some sort of special permits to own these,for like what reasons , like say if they live on farms, ok , if they want for holidays, then deny, if they can afford and want it anyway , deny. and so on. Need to stop thinking along marketing, and more on regulation i dont care if this sounds like communism, its more about being responsible for our environment - fuck we only got ONE Earth. AND place embargos on foriegn new car makers (Asians, esp from China, India) we need to discourage 'new competitions' and start focusing on what we are already good at and start on a newer [alternative] different way of thinking what does Global economy means to us.

Pacman, i'd take with a grain of salf regarding the petriol companies websites. its just public relation stunts just 'informating us' is really probably not much different from lying or rather distractions. I wouldnt believe believe everything they say.

Nope, do not mean scooters. My uncles harley gets 45 mpg and gets up the hills very well. My uncle bought his used, got a great deal. Motorcycles are cheaper then most cars too. Furthermore, If them old drunk bikers can afford one then I suspect most can.