Octuplets Mom writing book to avoid possible eviction


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Apr 22, 2007
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Octuplets mother Nadya Suleman said she faces eviction from her La Habra home for late payments but hopes to earn more money by writing a book.

Suleman, speaking during a video interview with Splash News, said she's trying to write a book about her life but admitted she has limited time to do so given her responsibilities raising her 14 children.

"I'm working really really hard to make money to pay the mortgage," she told Splash News this week, showing off a copy of a letter from the home's owner telling her to vacate the property.

Suleman has been in danger of being evicted from the home for months and admitted she's been struggling to pay her bills. She and her family have been featured in a reality-TV show, but she said that has not produced enough money.

Suleman made national headlines last year when she gave birth to eight children. Her situation has been the subject of much debate because she used fertility treatments to get pregnant and already had six children.

A few days ago, Suleman's attorney told the Orange County Register that she was considering going on welfare if she could not deal with her house payments. Later, he said she had secured a paid interview that would allow her to cover her September house payment.

In the interview with Splash News, Suleman said feels she can handle her financial problems on her own. "I will do everything I can, as long as I am fully clothed."

Octuplets mom writing book to avoid possible eviction | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
Some one needs to take those kids. She's one messed of lady.
People don't have a problem with a few kids, but to scream about 14 kids?

In Utah, people don't have a problem with married couples having large families. Take a look at the Osmond family. Mormons believe that the more children they have, the better chances they'll have at gaining godhood. Back then the belief having lots of children and wives was a way of gaining godhood (polygamy). So with the threat of taking away their statehood from the Federal government, they removed the practice of polygamy, but retained the belief of having many children.

Nonetheless, people of all beliefs didn't have a problem.

Yet now, people are screaming to have kids taken away and the mom jailed. Why? What's different about this one as opposed to what happens in Utah?

She made choices, just the same as the Utah Mormon families made the choices.

Only difference I see is financial differences, she lived on welfare....the only beef I have is the abuse of the welfare money to get herself plastic surgery. I'm not sure if she got penalized for that. I hope she did get penalized for it.

The Mormon families have stable jobs, a home and the means to provide for the children.

But as far as this goes, the only common ground I see between the two is the choices of how many children they want. That seems to be the only theme that people are bitching about. What gives?

I don't feel sorry for her. This is her own fault. She knew what she was getting herself into. :roll:
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

That's too bad for her choosing to have too many children.
And I find it "almost" impossible to effectively care for 14 children by 1 person.....I know she got some help when they were newborns.....but evidentually, the "help" will stop, people go on about their lives....

Even raising 3 children is almost a full time job....try raising 14?....No thank you!
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

R.Robin, I agree with you. I have 3 kids (not really mine)...it IS lot of work!!!
"I will do everything I can, as long as I am fully clothed."
What an ODD thing to say.
"I will do everything I can, as long as I am fully clothed."
What an ODD thing to say.

:giggle: :giggle:Agreed....As per ur great-g'mother, was she the mother of 18? I know, back in those days, big families were common.