Obama's praise for giving Vick 2nd Chance

And only because he is a public figure that garners attention. But, I also will add, prison reform is sorely needed in this country.

Of course, martyrdom only work when you have the people's attention. In this case, he's a martyr of some sinister chess game.
Of course, martyrdom only work when you have the people's attention. In this case, he's a martyr of some sinister chess game.

what are you seeing? "Sinister chess game"?

the word martyr is typically reserved for someone who voluntarily gives up something of his own (usually "life", "pride", whatever a person has) in order to achieve a goal.

You're suggesting that this entire case was planned all along?

I disagree; Vick burdened himself with the crime, thus he has to deal with the ramifications of that burden.
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what are you seeing? "Sinister chess game"?

the word martyr is typically reserved for someone who voluntarily gives up something of his own (usually "life", "pride", whatever a person has) in order to achieve a goal.

You're suggesting that this entire case was planned all along?

I disagree; Vick burdened himself with the crime, thus he has to deal with the ramifications of that burden.

You make it sound as is prison does some good.
Let's build more of them, then.
You make it sound as is prison does some good.
Let's build more of them, then.

Take your pick of language:

A)Yeah it takes bad people off the streets and strikes fear into the populace to follow laws.

B)Prison is about taking the rights of the individual away from participating in society.

or depending on whether you want to build (and raise taxation proportions/obligations of prison system) then you'd say "extend sentencing laws".
Take your pick of language:

A)Yeah it takes bad people off the streets and strikes fear into the populace to follow laws.

B)Prison is about taking the rights of the individual away from participating in society.

or depending on whether you want to build (and raise taxation proportions/obligations of prison system) then you'd say "extend sentencing laws".

I was being facetious.
Are those the only options you can think of? Both are true, but doesn't really get to the root of the matter.
I was being facetious.
Are those the only options you can think of? Both are true, but doesn't really get to the root of the matter.

ah got it now :ty:

wasn't sure. :dunno:. some things pass me by. like age. or my car keys. :shock:
what if vick did something to your own dogs. Do you still giving him a second chance?

Of course, NOT!....As a matter of fact, I think Pit Bullls should be outlawed, their breed phased out...but that is just me.

Giving Vick a 2nd chance at football and dogs are 2 different things. And like I said, when his career is over and he has paid all his creditors for the time he was locked up, back support, lawyer fees, etc., and his career has gone down hill....he'll still be remembered for torturing/killing/fighting Pit Bulls over a football career.
And I agree, he is a "monster" with no conscience. Even the thought of running into him in an alley would terrify me....
And football is America's #1 sport....so go figure....
to be honest, I do not know what to answer. :shock: Can they? that's the big question.

Well, I believe, and there is a lot of evidence to support it, that people have the capacity to change until the day they die. The only question is whether they are motivated to change. Some are motivated well into adulthood, some are motivated as kids, some never get motivated.
Is it necessary for Obama to praise Vick instead millions of us struggle to earn 2nd chance.

by praising him and preaching about 2nd chance.... that means lot of other business owners will give it a second thought to hire ex-felons.
what are you seeing? "Sinister chess game"?

the word martyr is typically reserved for someone who voluntarily gives up something of his own (usually "life", "pride", whatever a person has) in order to achieve a goal.

You're suggesting that this entire case was planned all along?

I disagree; Vick burdened himself with the crime, thus he has to deal with the ramifications of that burden.

Wordplay since it can also means "someone who seeks sympathy."

And no, martyrdom does not require to voluntarily gives up something. Notice very few people actually set out to be a martyr, yet a bunch of people will use the label afterward to evoke emotions.
Main Entry: 1mar·tyr
Pronunciation: \ˈmär-tər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin, from Greek martyr-, martys witness
Date: before 12th century
1 : a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion
2 : a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle
3 : victim; especially : a great or constant sufferer <a martyr to asthma all his life — A. J. Cronin>
— mar·tyr·i·za·tion \ˌmär-tə-rə-ˈzā-shən\ noun
— mar·tyr·ize \ˈmär-tə-ˌrīz\ transitive verb
Vick is not a martyr

My dictionary has 8 definitions for it. Four of them are not even related to the two definitions you gave.

The sixth one says "a person who seeks sympathy or attention." Seventh is "a pawn." Obviously a sarcastic remark.

I love words with multiple meanings.
I believe that people deserve a second chance. I only wonder whether someone who has demonstrated such a shocking lack of empathy is capable of changing. I'd like to think so but I'm skeptical.
My dictionary has 8 definitions for it. Four of them are not even related to the two definitions you gave.

The sixth one says "a person who seeks sympathy or attention." Seventh is "a pawn." Obviously a sarcastic remark.

I love words with multiple meanings.

Vick does not need to get a second chance. sorry. i feel for animals/dogs' suffering.

Here's the thing.....I love dogs as much as anyone. If they had sentenced Vick to life I would have been happy with that. But they didn't. They gave him a light sentence and he served it. So yeah he should get a second chance just like anyone else. Now that doesn't mean we can't complain....but our complaints should be with the justice system and not Vick now.
Michael Vick lives on shoestring budget anyway
I believe that people deserve a second chance. I only wonder whether someone who has demonstrated such a shocking lack of empathy is capable of changing. I'd like to think so but I'm skeptical.

+1..... I believe it's pretty much an act on Vicks part so that he could play again. But until there is proof of that.......
Nobody pointed out this: once Obama went out of his way to support Vick, his playing began to suffer and his team lost to a huge underdog. Coincidence? :shock: