Obama will win

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Are you sure?

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It was NOT LBJ! It was Richard Nixon who start withdrew VN.

Research before you say it.

Like I said - that's official declaration of war, not withdrawal. It is entirely up to President to withdraw the troops or not. Remember President Lyndon Johnson? He withdrew from Vietnam War.
Sorry, this is not what happened, the war with Iraq, believe it or not was NEVER declared by congress! Bush decided to go ahead invade Iraq, yet never formally declare war, then after Saddam power was trippled, it became just occupational, not war. So again it is not exact war after all.

Any president CAN even without congress approval withdraw troops out, just like what President Nixon did back in 1973.

I know for sure because I grew up during 70's and did research to confirm that I remember correctly.

United States had declared war with other countries ONCE since 1776, War between United States and England was not part of it because the US was not "Born" yet at that time.

Once? Declared war with who? It was Japan! That happened when Pearl Harbor was attack, and this got Congress pissed off and voted declare war against Japan just 3 days after the attack of Pearl harbor.

You forget how thing work. Last time, Bush asked to attack on Iraq, congress whatever, vote and pass then we go. Duh
Are you sure?

Want to know the answer?

It was NOT LBJ! It was Richard Nixon who start withdrew VN.

Research before you say it.

Actually you are correct diehardbiker.

The Nixon Adminstration began withdrawing troops in 1969 and instituted a process of "Vietnamization" (or turning of the war over to the South Vietnamese).
Are you sure?

Want to know the answer?

It was NOT LBJ! It was Richard Nixon who start withdrew VN.

Research before you say it.

:ty: for correction.
No, it is not 1969. It was from 1973 to 1975.

Actually you are correct diehardbiker.

The Nixon Adminstration began withdrawing troops in 1969 and instituted a process of "Vietnamization" (or turning of the war over to the South Vietnamese).
No, it is not 1969. It was from 1973 to 1975.

Actually, it was in July of 1969 that Nixon requested the withdrawal of 25,000 U.S. troops from Vietnam.


In July 1969, after he had become president, he issued what came to be known as the Nixon doctrine, which stated that U.S. troops would no longer be directly involved in Asian wars. He ordered the withdrawal of 25,000 troops, to be followed by more, and he lowered draft calls.
Congratulation.......Change Has Come To America

The man who remain faith and today he faith in victory but his victory belong to American peoples,not by HIS.

Why did McCain congratulate Obama when he boasted that he would take the power for the white house?

Anyway,My name is Steve Brookins from Chicago,Illinois.Am Deaf...Graduated in NTID/RIT,New York City.

I am very happy for Barack Obama's victory. :) Perfect timing in the early 21st century in American history.

The nation's first black president to bring tons of changes to our country. Congrats to Barack Obama and his family being the first african american family in the white house lol.
I heard on CNN this morning that the city of Obama, Japan celebrated the Obama victory. Pretty cool! :D

By the way, the name Obama means "Little Beach" in Japanese.
I am very happy for Barack Obama's victory. :) Perfect timing in the early 21st century in American history.

The nation's first black president to bring tons of changes to our country. Congrats to Barack Obama and his family being the first african american family in the white house lol.

I can't wait to see your state turns into blue, haven't been blue state since 1976.
I heard on CNN this morning that the city of Obama, Japan celebrated the Obama victory. Pretty cool! :D

By the way, the name Obama means "Little Beach" in Japanese.

Really? I want to see the picture of Japan's little beach.
I can't wait to see your state turns into blue, haven't been blue state since 1976.

I saw on news recently. Obama is leading over McCain in NC because of vote counts.
Here is a picture of Obama (i.e. "Little Beach") Japan:

obama_beach.jpg (image)

Thank you for post a picture. It's little beach. There have sailors near the pier. It remind me of Chicago's little beach with navy pier. I have been in Chicago 4 times. I am surprise that Japanese is happy for Obama's victory.
Thank you for post a picture. It's little beach. There have sailors near the pier. It remind me of Chicago's little beach with navy pier. I have been in Chicago 4 times. I am surprise that Japanese is happy for Obama's victory.

You're welcome. :)

From what I've heard, Chicago's Navy Pier is beautiful.

Actually, there are many countries who are happy about Obama's victory.
Except for some middle east countries, including Al Qaeda.

You must be misread my post in other thread. I think. I said I am hope for Obama will figure it out how it's problem the solve with Al Qaeda Terrorist and Hamas to make a peacemaker from enemies.
I havene't been on line since about this time yesterday, as I was following the events closely on T.V.

Just wanted to say that it is great to see so much hope and excitelment being expressed over the election of our new President elect, Barack Obama. As passionate as I can get about political issues, I have been experiencing a quiet sense of awe that the country has actually taken the steps to move forward in such an historic way. Things are not going to get better right away, but for the first time in a long time, I actually have hope that this country will turn around and get back on track to becoming the country it was meant to be when it was founded. I am relieved, hopeful, and immensely grateful. Not to mention honored to have been givent he priviledge of taking part in such an historic event by casting my vote for Obama.
I think there will be 2 things we're gonna have to get used to in Obama Administration that we haven't had in a long long time...

1. Accountability
2. Long-Term Planning
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