NYTimes Blog: Teaching a Deaf Child Her Mother’s Tongue

Seems to me that saying "In today’s world technology has opened new and diverse opportunities for students with hearing loss to communicate, learn and socialize" is a far cry from "Heck, even a lot of the superstars have major social emotional issues....it's a VERY big issue at the Clarke School Mainstream conferences."
Seems to me that saying "In today’s world technology has opened new and diverse opportunities for students with hearing loss to communicate, learn and socialize" is a far cry from "Heck, even a lot of the superstars have major social emotional issues....it's a VERY big issue at the Clarke School Mainstream conferences."

Well the quote CSign put up
Originally Posted by deafdyke
Although there's a theme, there's always perheninal topics, and one of the perheninal topics is social-emotional issues

is not what you just said there...
Nat, there are exceptions, andit's good that your experiance was so positive but overall kids start struggling around 4th grade, both academicly and socially.
It's very common and very universal, with both oral and Signing kids alike.
The reason why Clarke's dorm programs lasted so long, wasn't b/c a lot of parents were sending their little kids off to live in the dorms, but b/c until recently a lot of kids started struggling and transferred there for middle school.
A sucessful mainstream experiance tends to have to have the right ingreidants to be 100% sucessfull, and unfortunatly those ingrediants aren't always available at every single mainstream school. Heck, even a lot of the superstars have major social emotional issues....it's a VERY big issue at the Clarke School Mainstream conferences.

Bott- this was page one... All I'm really trying to say is that it doesn't seem
To be as big of a focus as DD believes...
Bott- this was page one... All I'm really trying to say is that it doesn't seem
To be as big of a focus as DD believes...

Oh, I see. I wasn't actually following that whole thing.
Oh give me a break! "........!
Break granted.
technology does not give you 100 pecent as smooth. Same deal for the cell phone.
You didnt anser the quetion..!
Oh GAWD. Even with the best hearing aid, a HOH kid is still HOH......
this isn't the discussion.. Why do yo keep bringing that up?
This is proof that people actually belive companies when they say "what we got this year is so much better than the stuff from last year".
did you have a look at the old hearing aids....
This is for some strange reasons not mentioned in this "good and interesting" article. Read some recent papes showing that hoh and oral deaf people generally speak slower than hearing people can do, and also have a slower internal voice, affecting their thinking abilities. Old news, but worth to mention, too.
Interesting... Can you post a link to the article?
This is what I fear for my daughter, that this will still be the same situation. I would not mind her going to a deaf school, but I also would like her to have high quality Speech training.

I felt the need to mention this. I'm pretty sure the bi-bi state school here works (or worked, I'm not sure if the recent outreach legislation will change that) with an oral school in the area for speech services.

At the very least, even though I'm spending my entire next year of college doing a practicum and taking classes at ISD, I have to commute to that oral school for the class I have on speech development in the fall.
It doesn't look like it...

"Clarke Mainstream Services is seeking workshop proposals that address our 2012 conference theme: Apps to FMs: Expanding Opportunities through Technology. In today’s world technology has opened new and diverse opportunities for students with hearing loss to communicate, learn and socialize. For this year’s conference we are seeking proposals that will address current educational and hearing technologies and innovative strategies that foster and
insure the effective use of these technologies.

ALL proposal topics must fall into the categories of Hearing Technology or Classroom Technology to be considered."


Do you see the complete listing? They always, and I mean ALWAYS have quite a few lectures on social-emotional issues, along with the other favorites like New Technology etc...etc.....just b/c there's a theme, it doesn't mean that the whole conference is about that.
Bott- this was page one... All I'm really trying to say is that it doesn't seem
To be as big of a focus as DD believes
Not the exclusive issue, but it IS quite a popular topic.....AND you do hear parents and the TODs talking about it...
this isn't the discussion.. Why do yo keep bringing that up?
That is simple. Because you and other oral only parents seem to WRONGLY equate good oral skills and usage of HAs and CIs as being able to assimulate into the hearing world. You misunderstand some acess as free and complete access. Wait til middle school/high school or even upper elemetary.....You'll see....
That is simple. Because you and other oral only parents seem to WRONGLY equate good oral skills and usage of HAs and CIs as being able to assimulate into the hearing world. You misunderstand some acess as free and complete access. Wait til middle school/high school or even upper elemetary.....You'll see....
You know a lot about me... and my daughter.... :shock:
... and you haven't listened to parents that have children with CI... in middle scholl. In high school....
... Have you ever "listened" to Rick48, GrendelQ, CSign and others.?... Apearently not... You just take your assumptions and dump them.... :roll:
That is simple. Because you and other oral only parents seem to WRONGLY equate good oral skills and usage of HAs and CIs as being able to assimulate into the hearing world. You misunderstand some acess as free and complete access. Wait til middle school/high school or even upper elemetary.....You'll see....

No, we are all very well aware of the fact that they miss things. Beyond that, those threats about "you'll see" that you post all over the forum are not productive. Most parents who post here take a very active role in the education of their children, and would address needs as they came up. We wouldn't "wait and see"... We wouldn't let our children fall behind or experience challenges without finding a way to address the issues.

Edit to add: For sake of clarity, I am not an "oral only" parent for those reading this who aren't regulars on the forum.
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No, we are all very well aware of the fact that they miss things. Beyond that, those threats about "you'll see" that you post all over the forum are not productive. Most parents who post here take a very active role in the education of their children, and would address needs as they came up. We wouldn't "wait and see"... We wouldn't let our children fall behind or experience challenges without finding a way to address the issues.

I have been wanting to say this for awhile but have never been sure just where to do so. I have decided to just go ahead and do it.

I think that some of our members with the least hearing forget that the hearing population does not get everything either. I run with a hearing crowd even though my left ear is gone and my right is profound. I notice them saying what at times or a puzzled look that is makes it obvious to all that it is time to repeat. This happens most often in a group, especially in a restaurant or where there is a similar crowd.
I have been wanting to say this for awhile but have never been sure just where to do so. I have decided to just go ahead and do it.

I think that some of our members with the least hearing forget that the hearing population does not get everything either. I run with a hearing crowd even though my left ear is gone and my right is profound. I notice them saying what at times or a puzzled look that is makes it obvious to all that it is time to repeat. This happens most often in a group, especially in a restaurant or where there is a similar crowd.

Yes, you are absolutely correct.
No, we are all very well aware of the fact that they miss things. Beyond that, those threats about "you'll see" that you post all over the forum are not productive. Most parents who post here take a very active role in the education of their children, and would address needs as they came up. We wouldn't "wait and see"... We wouldn't let our children fall behind or experience challenges without finding a way to address the issues.

Edit to add: For sake of clarity, I am not an "oral only" parent for those reading this who aren't regulars on the forum.

hence... a "you'll see" comment from deafdyke because it's same ole' approach for past few decades. she wasn't implying that you're not doing anything.