Noticed more Hollywood actors lending likenesses to video games lately?


New Member
May 1, 2003
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I am beginning to notice a trend towards Hollywood actors lending their voices and faces to the video game industry. Clint Eastwood for the video game version of 1971's "Dirty Harry", Pierce Brosnan and Sean Connery for the James Bond games: Brosnan for "007: Nightfire" and "007:Everything or Nothing" and Connery for the video game remake of 1963's "From Russia with Love".

Also dead actors are being resurrected virtually for video games. I think the trend started with Onimusha 2 as Capcom used a long-dead actor named Yusaku Matsuda (you can see him in Michael Douglas' movie "Black Rain") to model the character Jubei Yagyu with voiceover by another actor. Then came the video game version of 1963's "The Great Escape" with my fave action actor, Steve McQueen brought back to life digitally almost 25 years after he died. Now EA's using Marlon Brando's face and voice for the Godfather game coming this fall.

What do y'all think about actors getting in the video game industry? Me? It's great to see them lend their own talents to a very different medium other than stage and film.
I also remember Bruce Lee being used as the main star of his own video game on Xbox. Though the game did suck.
ya, i noticed.
ive read somewhere that the market $ for 2004 for video gaming industry's somewhere at 10 billions $, beating the movie industry of 8 billions, and the gaming industry's still growing, it'll especially be a boost in the next generation consoles, capturing the imgaine of toy story's alike. i guess thats why it caught hollywood's attention.
there's also other new games coming soon, scarface, charlie and the chocolate factory (based on tim burton's upcoming movie film), and some few other.
and the darkness, based on a comic book which'll also develop a film.

edit: and ya, the godfather. gee, seem like hollywood's trying to invade the video gaming industry,..