Note =)

A month full of adventures?? You are so lucky to have a month going to places with your girlfriends. It sounds like you will have tons of fun with your pals. Please do tell how it went when you come back! ;) Stay safe and enjoy the trip.
a month without your kids and husband? :Ohno: I don't think I could handle not seeing my daughter for a month.


you have a great time!!!! I understand we all need a break every once in a while. Be careful and stay safe!
Enjoy Yourself! Not Too Many Mother Take Holidays That Long Without Hubby And Children. It Will All Be Worth It For You. :)
hah yeah it will be HARD on me for not seeing my kids for a whole month!! ill keep in touch with them by VP at friends which my girlfriends and I will stay at some of our friends who lives in east coast.. To tell u the truth, im kinda nervous with my husband balance watching the boys and working.. but Im trusting him anyway because mymom will help him out lol!!

I'll drink plenty of water!!!

sure i ll climb for ya, deafclimb! if i find any place! :) ill be sure to take some pix!! heh

Thanks for the safe and everything.. im all READY to go... but only waiting for the girlfriends to arrive here and we are leaving at around 4am! I'll have to sleep some before im leaving so that way i wont be exhausted!! :) CANT WAIT!