Not completely deaf, but...

(scratches head) uhhh ok. not sure what to sign to this. mmmm
maybe i haven't been following YOU around. maybe just maybe i have been following wee things called threads. and you happen to be posting in them. thinking about now
maybe you have been following me around?
ah it cuts both ways doesn't it darlin.
clearly ive offended you and so i do apologies i know not everyone likes my humur. and so here botts pls accept my sincere apology.
i meant no harm or foul
ever yours
Hoichi0the earless

Ok. No problem, but let me make clear, I have made no comment on things I may not like about you or your postings, so just let that go both ways.

I can get a bit snappish if you annoy me too much.
all good. no worries.
this drinks for you.........
(drags cigarette, pours another fine drink for botts)....... mmmmmmm
Welcome here :)
withouth aids will only stress you out, since you have always to have concentrate what the other says....just try out with hearing aids :)

Lg Anni
I hated trying to hear people without my hearing aids, but with them sucks too sometimes, like in public, it can be equally difficult to hear much except for street noises and people.

I'd suggest if they try hearing aids, always carry the cleaning tool and a full extra set of batteries.