No regrets in life ??? Impossible !!!

I have some regrets in life.

I tend not to dwell on them. I take the regrets as a huge learning experience, and move on.
I have many regrets but cannot change them so no point on dwelling on regrets
I had regrets but I learned from them and I moved on. It's part of life... to have regrets and learn from it... it keeps you from making a mistake again.
Look at the soap opera plus all that dramas and they have many regrets when they tried to hide secrets from family and friends. I have some regrets just like everyone. No one is perfect (my famous quote), but after the regrets we just learned and moved on. No, it is not a wise idea to tell about our regrets what we have done. We only want to put down the good things in the posts that has a good questions in it. :roll:
I do have things I wish I would have done differently, but I guess I've made these decisions and will have to live with them. So, I don't really have any regrets because I wouldn't be the person I am today if I didn't make mistakes.
I have lots of regrets... But, I guess I learn from my experience and move forward.
I have some regrets in life.

I tend not to dwell on them. I take the regrets as a huge learning experience, and move on.

I have regrets and I learned from them.

I have many regrets but cannot change them so no point on dwelling on regrets

I had regrets but I learned from them and I moved on. It's part of life... to have regrets and learn from it... it keeps you from making a mistake again.

I have some regrets in life.

I tend not to dwell on them. I take the regrets as a huge learning experience, and move on.

I have regrets and I learned from them.

I have many regrets but cannot change them so no point on dwelling on regrets

I had regrets but I learned from them and I moved on. It's part of life... to have regrets and learn from it... it keeps you from making a mistake again.

As liebling.......

It's part of life.... make regrets and live with it or move on. The clock doesn't turn back unfortunately
I regret that last night came to an end.
think the term 'no regrets' is meant to be taken relativelt we all know each of us has regrets we live with but learn to let go of, means 'no big regrets'. To come to terms with 'life'.
I regret a few things, but I learn from my mistakes and move on. I don't dwell on things.