Nintendo wii!!!!!


New Member
Nov 16, 2003
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Nintendo wii will upcoming this 2006! :D Probably will be this Fall. You know what?

It will be a new Mario Galaxy. :o Wow! I can't wait. It going to be awesome and so cool! :D Very exciting!

PS3 will be in November, what I heard. :) Enjoy your PS3 and have fun. :D I don't wanna buy PS3. I like Nintendo wii! :D
Scottw, puh-lease don't turn this thread into topic on PS3.

I would love to buy Nintendo Wii and Play Zelda: Princess Twilight! Damn these graphics are soo coool!!! And Mario Galaxy! That's cool, too!

I am for ultra-cool realistic graphics but I don't care for all the processing power... All it takes is great artists to create nice-looking models while not taking up too many polygons, and properly use of shaders, but I don't want to get too technical. Thus, I'm not going to spend $500-$600 for PS3.

I'm all for Nintendo Wii.
GraysonPeddie said:
Scottw, puh-lease don't turn this thread into topic on PS3.

I would love to buy Nintendo Wii and Play Zelda: Princess Twilight! Damn these graphics are soo coool!!! And Mario Galaxy! That's cool, too!

I am for ultra-cool realistic graphics but I don't care for all the processing power... All it takes is great artists to create nice-looking models while not taking up too many polygons, and properly use of shaders, but I don't want to get too technical. Thus, I'm not going to spend $500-$600 for PS3.

I'm all for Nintendo Wii.

Agreed. I think it was the classic XBOX who proved we can have realistic graphics without pushing the processing power. Currently, we're already at point where we can create realistic graphics without adding more horsepower power.
Thanks. I read vidoe game magazine and possible cost $250 and something new kind of control remote?.

I enjoyed to play Mario's games since Nintendo. Hope Mario Galaxy would be good as Super Mario Sunshine...I was playing Gamecube : Mario Golf Toadstool tour and SSX On Tour with Mario, Peach, and Luigi this time.

I haven't play any Zelda...I heard its were great game....maybe I will looking up for less cost at ebay as usual.
heh, "wii" still gets me.

to be honest, I can't wait either, I had fun with mario part series and mario sunshine was pretty fun as well.
Even though the "Wii" sounds pretty funny to me, I can tell there would still be some pretty good games coming for the Wii including Metroid Prime 3 so if I have to choose between a PS3 and a Wii, I rather pick the Wii not only because of the price, but because of more games that are actually more fun.
rumor saying that Mario Galaxy will be include with Wii.

If so... Mario is King... again :D
With Nintendo Wii, I would love to play games dated 20 years ago... Oh Nintendo... please bring back the old music of Nintendo Entertainment System... ;) :D old-fashioned, "analog synth"-sounding music from Super Mario Brothers, Dr. Mario, and all old favorites back around 1980s.

I really like to be a kid again (in other words, feel young). ;)

I also wish Nintendo could remake a Nintendo-style controller with a two action button gamepad, but only a bit bigger that fit better on my hands. :)

Back on-topic: Not only Wii will take me into the future of gaming with wireless, motion-sensor controllers, Wii would take me back to the past! How impressive! :)
I hope the Wii can still get almost ALL N64 classics for the download cause I have like 19 N64 games including Duke Nukem 64, Quake II, Turok 2: seeds of Evil, Star Fox 64, and so on...

for sure I will download Super Mario 64 and other N64 classics...if it has plenty of N64 classics that I want, then I can give my N64 to my brother lol
Wii sounds like a neat thing to play with. Funny, this would also be good exercise for kids instead of sitting on their asses all day with the controllers in their hands. they will be up and moving around, getting their body and their mind involved as playing these games on Wii.

Would like to check it out someday!
I can't wait get Wii, when i first time saw mazaines has Wii infomation, i check it out, i think Wii remote contol "look" noob but it way thing is make are awomes!!! :dance2: , i want :Owned: that Wii sooner! and Zelda game!
it's true, I hear news that use video game as exercise that will pleasant parents' ideal for their children in beautiful shape. :)
Wow! We are very exciting about wii! :D It gonna so awesome! :D I really like that. :D I can't wait. I not gonna PS3, and Xbox 360! I will buy Nintendo wii. :D
Can you ask someone game store when Nintendo wii will upcoming release. I wonder. :D
The only thing I've heard is that it's going to be released early...say...perhas next month as in september! lol if thats true then I might pre-order it so I can get it since its alot smaller than gamecube and is backwards compatiable with gc games and will later on get Metroid Prime 3 after I'm done with Metroid Prime 2. I know I've said alot of bad things bout the Wii, but so far, so good about the Wii I like is the backwards compatiablity and the download classics so for sure I will download some N64 classics :P