Nintendo Goes Hollywood!


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Mar 12, 2003
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Nintendo Eyeing the Big Screen

Source: Variety

December 2, 2004

Japanese video game giant Nintento is going to Hollywood by creating an in-house unit to develop animated features based on the numerous properties owned by the company behind the GameCube and Game Boy systems, reports Variety.

Nintendo consultant and former president Hiroshi Yamauchi has put together a plan for the company to get into film production. According to reports in the Japanese press, the plan calls for Nintendo to create a movie based on one of its own franchises for theatrical release in 2006.

If it adopts the plan, Nintendo would become the first video game company to establish a theatrical film production unit. The company previously licensed its "Pokemon" and "Super Mario Bros." games for feature films.

The Legend of Zelda should be their first film to produce and release!
I've always hear about the future of a Zelda film since 1998 when "ocarina of time" was released on the Nintendo 64, as one of the longest games ever made for the N64 in videogame history.

I actually would perfer it to be animated instead of live action since most live action films based on videogames are always an embrassasment.
VamPyroX said:
I remember Wizard. That was a cool movie. ;)

Yeah!! Me, too!! I noticed in that movie, some of the background was filmed in Utah, West of Salt Lake City, nearby the Saltaire.

On the Great Salt Lake itself is Saltaire, which used to be a popular holiday destination but which is now a sad shadow of its former self. This is partly due to the fact that the lake, as well as being ugly and very saline, now has a pervasive unpleasant chemical smell. The only remaining building of any size is a largely empty concrete warehouse with onion-shaped domes reminiscent of Brighton Pavilion ...


... containing a souvenir shop, a cafe (closed) and very little else, although it is sometimes used as a concert venue.

* from *
iamidiotdeafboy said:
deathpit, what game is that on your sig? it looks like something from the sega genesis...

Front Mission: Gun Hazard, japanese shoot'em up/Action RPG game by Squaresoft (later renamed to SquareEnix after merged with Enix). You could dl english translation for this japanese game.