News abt Wildkastress...

awwww shucks.. its not on Sept. 16th!!! but Congrats on having a healthy baby girl!!!
Congratulations on having newborn.. I am glad to hear that she had a healthy baby girl..
:applause: :applause: Happy days are truly here!!!!! Congratulations Wildkatress to you and your family on the birth of beautiful Miranda, may God bless her, and watch over her everyday of her wonderful life.
God Bless you Wildkatress and your family on your new addition Miranda to your family!!!!
I am so very happy for you!!!!! Big Big :hug: :hug:

Thank You Oakley 04 for the updates!!!!
:applause: :applause: :applause: Yeah, I heard through from her husband..

Congrats to you all and nathan!!! Welcome Miranda to the world!!

Congrats, Wildkatress!!!! Now you got a bouncing baby girl to dress up and put ribbons, frills, lace and ruffles on...

Congratulations to three of you, Wildertress, partner and little son Nathan!!

Welcome Miranda to this world. :)
Congratulations!! I'm sure she and her husband is thrilled and finally glad to have this part over with and being able to have their newborn daughter, Miranda, at home with their other young son! Congrats once again!! :)