New RID test--is it passable???

Took the test

Well, i took the test, now wait for the congrates letter in the next 5(ish)months
Test was exactly what expected, Tricky though.
I will keep y'all updated
The waiting is the worst part, especially now that wait times have been extended for the NIC. :-( I hope you have more patience than I did. :)
The waiting is the worst part, especially now that wait times have been extended for the NIC. :-( I hope you have more patience than I did. :)
Ugh, wait times...when I got my first certification, I got a major raise from my agency. But what about the 10 months while I waited for my results? Hopefully the NIC times aren't that bad, but it does mean lost wages for terps who get a raise when they pass a test.
I just joined this forum--and already I'm so glad I found it!!! All of your posts have been soooo encouraging. The life of an interpreter is a lonely one, so I'm glad I found you all!!! I just sent off my application for the performance test today. I think my hands were actually shaking when I put it in the mailbox!!

BTW, good luck Taylorno--but I'm sure you won't need it!! I'll be following your info about the wait times for your results!
I just joined this forum--and already I'm so glad I found it!!! All of your posts have been soooo encouraging. The life of an interpreter is a lonely one, so I'm glad I found you all!!! I just sent off my application for the performance test today. I think my hands were actually shaking when I put it in the mailbox!!

Welcome! Mind if I ask where you live? I am lucky that my interpreting career has never been very lonely...but then, I'm in DC where there is a big community.
Welcome! Mind if I ask where you live? I am lucky that my interpreting career has never been very lonely...but then, I'm in DC where there is a big community.

Thank you!

I, too, am in the DC area... but being in the field with only the occasional teaming opportunity can feel very isolating. But I wouldn't give up what I do for anything! ;-)
Thank you!

I, too, am in the DC area... but being in the field with only the occasional teaming opportunity can feel very isolating. But I wouldn't give up what I do for anything! ;-)
Ooooh, we need to get you a few more posts so I can PM you. ;)
Welcome terpinator enjoy your stay here. I am also an interpreter. I understand your shakey hands feeling, I know you will be fine :)
I just joined this forum--and already I'm so glad I found it!!! All of your posts have been soooo encouraging. The life of an interpreter is a lonely one, so I'm glad I found you all!!! I just sent off my application for the performance test today. I think my hands were actually shaking when I put it in the mailbox!!

BTW, good luck Taylorno--but I'm sure you won't need it!! I'll be following your info about the wait times for your results!

Welcome! Glad you're here. I particularly enjoy our discussions here, and I think it's valuable to have input from interpreters as well as deaf and hoh people.

Hope you get as much from this forum as I do.
Welcome Terpinator

thanks for the good wishes on passing the test.

Little bit about myself, since we all sharing...
Female, Married, 2 kids, 37, Went thru Terp training at UCC (nj), graduated, work for agency. Been terping since 1992. Hearing, no deaf family members. Dont know how I got into the terping field-took some night classes and sign language was one. The teacher liked me, and told me about a college for Deaf studies, and Interpreting. I signed up immediately, and love it ever since...
may be passable for hearing people but not Deaf people. I strongly feel that RID is 'oppressing' Deaf people from becoming Certified Deaf Interpreters... basically I feel that they feel threatened by us.
YouTube - CDI Written test
may be passable for hearing people but not Deaf people. I strongly feel that RID is 'oppressing' Deaf people from becoming Certified Deaf Interpreters... basically I feel that they feel threatened by us.
YouTube - CDI Written test
Is that you PLT? I remember you from the DO event a year or more ago. :)

I don't think RID is threatened by CDIs at all. For one thing, they wouldn't offer the certification if they didn't want CDIs. Also, CDIs are very much in demand, we need more of them! So I don't think they are rejecting people on that basis either. The job of a CDI is very different from the job of a hearing interpreter, so I don't think there is a threat on that level.

However, I do get your point about the man being difficult to understand. You're right, the old CI/CT test had tapes you could watch where you could see each person signing and pick someone you were most comfortable with. However, that was not the case for the written test. There simply was no ASL version of the old written test. I believe there isn't one for the NIC either but I'm not sure. I think RID should have accepted your appeal based on not understanding one of the questioners, and at least reconsidered your case.