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Apr 22, 2008
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Hello. My name is Jaime. This is my first time to this site. I live in Edmonton, Canada, currently under 50 cm of awful snow! I have been losing my hearing for about 2 years and it suddenly has been going nore quickly. I went to a specialist and he idicated that I have a recessive gene and that I would be losing most if not all of my hearing shortley. I just got hearing aides in June and find them very difficult to adjust to and they hurt my ears. The doc said I will get to a point that they will not work. So I am approaching a new world to me rather quickly and I am not sure where I belong right now. My children
(11, 8 and 6) are rather overwhelmed and sad. My husband is not really communicating as to how he feels and is more trying to be "OK" about it. So I leave this doctors office with no where to start. I am blessed that my best friend knows a women that teaches sign language to children and has just found me some resources that I can call and talk to today. we are in the midst of building a house and I would love to know what to think about adding. My middle child has a physical disabilty and I have amillion concerns as to how to hear her when she is in much to think about. I look forward to meeting you all and learing! Thank you
Hi, Jaime. I hope you navigate about this forum and read through threads with titles of interest. If you try the search feature, it may lead you to topics to help you. I learned lots about my own deafness and that of my family that way.

I'm south of you in the state of Oregon. We had snow last weekend, though nothing near 19 1/2 inches as you have.

Hi and :welcome: to AD! This is a great site to learn from others' insights and hope this will help and guide you. :)

Welcome to
You will join it. Enjoy your stay. Have a FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I am sorry that you are losing your hearing loss and now you are trying to adjust your deaf world with your family. It is not going to be easy but have faith that you are going to be okay. Just have to remind them that you can not hear even with the hearing aids (you only hear noise and not be able to pick up words very well or not at all). We, Deaf and hard of hearing(HOH), are visual people and we rely on using the ASL so hoping that you can learn to use the hand sign language to communicate with the Deaf community and someday you will use interpreters to help you understand what is going on in the Doctor's office, meetings like your children's school and maybe even if you want to go back to college with the Deaf program (do have interpreters on staff or outside of staff). You will find lots of good stuff here on many of the threads that you might be interest in. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Just jump in and have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
Welcome, Jaime (curious, but in Spain this is a male name). I'm new, too, and I want to help a little. Losing hearing too quick is devastating, it's normal that everyone at home feels overhelmed with that. It's a matter of time to get used (more or less) to the new situation, but you're the same person, the only difference is that your hearing has change. Of course it's a big difference, but you'll be the same good friend for your friend, the same caring mother with your children and the same loving wife to your husband. And it's not pleasant news, but there are people who learn a lot of things with the disabilty, in your case you can meet deaf people and appreciate the value of the sight. And about your middle child, I've heard there are devices with light that get on when something happen. I hope someone can provide you more info about this, I don't have much clue. What we have at home is an alarm-clock and bell that work with light, and they're really helpful and not very expensive.
Nice to meet you. It sounded a bit cliché, but I didn't know how to express myself better.